The article is devoted to the formation of a system in-company of staff training based on the concept of continuing education. The creation of such a system is one of the important manifestations of the organization's social responsibility to society and its employees. The article discloses the reasons why companies need to constantly train their employees. These include the constant changes taking place in the external and internal environment of the organization, obsolescence of acquired knowledge, increased competition between countries, between companies, etc. In these conditions, continuous staff training becomes an objective necessity. The article formulates the principles on which should be built in-company system of personnel training; their essence and content are disclosed. The principles are grouped into four groups: principles characterizing the requirements for the formation of in-company training; principles of process in-company training; principles that provide and reinforce the interconnection of the training system with the practice of the company (principles of embedding the training system in the company); principles that determine the direction of development of the system of in-company training, which in modern conditions should become a truly learning organization. Particular attention is paid to the interconnection of the career of employees and the forms and methods of their training throughout the career path. The article also discloses the results of the creation and functioning of in-company system of personnel training, which are important both for the company as a whole and for its employees.
Keywords: Continuing educationsystem in-company of staff trainingthe principles of creating in company training of personnel
The concept of continuing education is far from new to Russia. However, everybody began to forget about it or, at best, mention it, declare its necessity, without doing anything for it. What is the current situation in Russian organizations?
Surveys of students (learners) in various forms of advanced training and continuing education systems, studying the materials of the practice of various organizations, show that «saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves», first of all, the employees themselves are interested in training and professional development, and companies are the last to think about this important area of their activity, explaining this situation by a lack of financial resources. At best, they occasionally provide training. Only the most progressive companies, thinking about tomorrow, create and maintain their own system in-company of personnel training (ICPT). At the same time, the need for lifelong learning of a person is proved by the entire history of the development of organizations in various fields of activity. Caring for the development of our staff is one of the most important manifestations of a company's social responsibility to society and employees.
Problem Statement
Why is continuing training of staff so important for the company? A number of reasons should be highlighted.
1.The modern economic world is distinguished by a constantly changing turbulent external environment, increased competition between companies, and the acceleration of all processes. It should be noted that globalization processes taking place in the world, competition between countries not only in the economy, but also in politics, which ultimately affects the economy, for example, the imposition of sanctions, which is used quite widely today (for and without reason , in our opinion) by the governments of different countries. Under these conditions, companies are looking for various ways and forms to help them survive, stay and lead the market. And all these methods, one way or another, are connected with the organization’s personnel, using its creative potential, and improving the forms and methods of teamwork in the organization. Managers are required, on the one hand, to respond quickly to these changes, and on the other hand, to form strategic thinking, develop communication skills, and trust in working with company personnel.
2.Constant changes in all areas of society, as the main element of the modern world, require continuous updating of knowledge, continuous training of personnel. Once and for all it is impossible to educate a person. The development of scientific and technological progress leads to the emergence of new equipment and technologies, the growth of communication capabilities. Today, the existence of an organization of any type cannot be imagined without the introduction of innovation. And this process inevitably entails a change in some types of work or in general their elimination. Therefore, the qualifications required today for work cannot be guaranteed by basic education.
3.The growing competition between companies shows that today their main key of advantage is personnel, using of whose creative potential allows the company to succeed. In this regard, only companies that has modern systems of continuous ICPT have the ability to respond to any «challenge» of the external environment as soon as possible.
4.It should also be noted that the presence of a permanent system of ICPT in the company is an additional factor in motivating employees to work in it, and strengthens the commitment of the company staff.
5.In a globalized economy, competition is growing not only between companies, but also between countries. At the same time, the leading positions are occupied by countries that have a modern system of engineering and managerial education, both basic higher and postgraduate. And here it is very important, not avoiding global trends, to maintain our own individuality.
6.In today's dynamic economic world, there is an active process of mergers and acquisitions of companies, which leads to a change in the composition of large companies. At the same time, the need to operate them as a whole determines the constant attention to the formation and maintenance of a unified corporate culture, which also requires the establishment of a system of continuous ICPT.
7.Finally, for any organization, it is more efficient and economical to increase the return on existing employees based on their continuous training than to attract new employees. By the way, the principle of workplace stability for staff in managing the organization was put forward in due times by both Henri Fayol, Max Weber, and other management gurus.
Thus, the creation of ICPT system based on the concept of continuing education allows the company to constantly stay afloat.
Research Questions
The implementation of the concept of continuing education when creating a system of ICPT should be based on the
The concept of lifelong education is inextricably linked with the
The system of ICPT must meet the
The training system must be adaptive to changes in the external and internal environment. In order to carry out the corresponding changes in the internal environment, highly qualified, competent personnel, ready for them, is needed. According to many specialists in human resources management, for this purpose is being created a system of ICPT. Training must be carried out with a certain margin of time before the inevitable changes in the business process force the company to switch to new production standards. This applies to all categories of personnel, but especially management. Thus, the system of ICPT must meet the
The human resources management technological chain will look as follows:
Learning is a process of «producing» and adjusting human resources. This requires a concept, and technology, and quality control, as well as in managing the manufacturing process. The process of creating a system of ICPT begins with the will and decision of the management and with the HUMAN; TOP-manager of the company, this activity becomes its most important function. Moreover, a number of options for managing the system of ICPT are possible. For example, personnel training is included in the tasks of human resources management (HR) and can be carried out within the framework of this function and submit to the HR director (traditional approach). Or another option. For example, staff training becomes one of the tasks that is supervised by the director of knowledge management or director of personnel development, etc.
But in any case, when creating the ICPT system, management should form a link that manages this system and determine its place in the company’s management system. This is required by the
Each employee, studying, pursues his goals. However, the company, directing a specific employee to training, also pursues its goals. Therefore, it is necessary to combine
Organizing their ICPT system, each company must solve such an important issue as who will teach and train employees. Practice shows that the best result will be obtained if external and own teachers are involved in staff training. This will contribute to better learning.
For the selection of external teachers should be approached very carefully, to delve deeper into the content of their programs. At the same time, it would be nice to get acquainted with the methodology of their teaching, the ability to work with an adult audience, since there is certain specificity. Today, thanks to modern information technologies, there is the possibility of distance learning, webinars, videoconferences, with the involvement of interesting specialists in a particular area of knowledge (Stroeva, Zviagintceva, Tokmakova, Petrukhina, & Polyakova, 2019). When choosing internal teachers, it should be understood that not everyone has the talent for teaching, and be very careful about the choice of employees who will provide individual training.
The system ICPT must meet changing external and internal conditions. Changes may relate to training programs, teaching methods and forms, changes in the composition of teachers, etc. The problem of using the latest information technologies in the training processes of various categories of workers is also extremely important. Here the
Organizing ICPT system, it is necessary to solve such an important issue as the
It is advisable to build the learning process on the basis of
The process of training students needs to be built on
This principle is associated with
The above-mentioned principle is inextricably linked to the demand for learning outcomes, which is an additional factor in motivating staff to learn. The implementation of the
There are other techniques for evaluation the effectiveness of training, for example, Stafflebeam, Bern. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, today, there is no ideal technique for evaluation the effectiveness of training, which would include all the necessary evaluation parameters (Udovidchenko & Kireev, 2014). The formation and development of ICPT system should take into account past experience, developing and supplementing it (
Purpose of the Study
The objectives of this research are to determine the benefits that the company and its employees receive as a result of the creation and functioning of the system ICPT based on the concept of continuing education; formulation and disclosure of the essence of the principles of creating in-company system of personnel training based on the concept of continuing education; determining the interconnection of forms and methods of training with the career stages of an employee of the company.
Research Methods
As research methods, survey methods were used: questionnaires, interviews, interviews with students of various forms of preparation at the University: students of MBA, MBI, additional professional training, etc. Also, the authors of the article studied and analyzed practical materials of companies activities related with continuing education of the staff.
Research of the practice of domestic and foreign companies to create a system of ICPT and its functioning on the basis of the concept of continuing education has shown that this is important for the realization of the interests of companies and their employees (table
The system ICPT should be based on certain principles, which can be grouped as follows (figure
The considered basic principles of creating a system of in-company staff training based on the concept of continuing education should be implemented in interconnection and interaction. Their combination depends on the specific operating conditions of the company. However, you should be aware that the systemic using of these principles is the main condition for the effectiveness of training in the corporation. The implementation of the principles of building a personnel training system in a company will lead to results in which both the company as a whole and its individual employees are interested.

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Publication Date
09 March 2020
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Business, business ethics, social responsibility, innovation, ethical issues, scientific developments, technological developments
Cite this article as:
Serebryakova, G. V., Sycheva*, S. M., & Shramchenko, T. B. (2020). Creating In-Company System Of Personnel Training Based On The Continuing Education Concept. In S. I. Ashmarina, & V. V. Mantulenko (Eds.), Global Challenges and Prospects of the Modern Economic Development, vol 79. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 804-814). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.03.116