Students’ Performance And Teaching Practices In Science Across Eu Countries: Evidence From Pisa 2015
Teaching practices are the most significant factors in explaining students’ academic outcomes (
Keywords: Teaching practicesstudent performancePISA 2015
The acquisition of comprehension of scientific principles and theories during school years increasingly gains greater value as science-related employment is expected to grow (Fayer, Lacey, & Watson, 2017). However, the students’ interest in science is declining through school years (Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003, Potvin & Hasni, 2014). These circumstances pose the question about how the science disciplines could be taught at schools in order to keep students’ interest in science and help them to gain the understanding of its concepts and practices. Science-related competences that are acquired at school would enable the students to develop science-related careers in the future.
Education effectiveness theory (Creemers & Kyriakides, 2010) proposes that classroom level processes are critical in enhancing academic outcomes and metacognitive skills of students. Classroom level processes are influenced by different factors of various levels: teacher (through communicational and teaching styles), student (through personal characteristics such as gender, age, socio-economic status and etc.), school (through school policies on teaching), and education system (through developing and evaluating educational policy at country level). This means that educational settings should be considered as complex and multidimensional, and the effectiveness of teaching practices depends on the composition of the factors at the same and different levels (Kyriakides, 2008). Therefore, the science teaching practices that are effective in some classrooms may not work in another.
Classroom level processes involve teachers and students; however, the role of the teacher is critical in promoting students’ learning (Hanushek, 2011). Teachers choose instructional practices, organize instructional time and educational resources as well as build interpersonal relationships with students (Cordero & Gil-Izquierdo, 2018). Even though it is recognized that high-quality teachers are the most important asset of school (Hanushek, 2011) and the effectiveness of various teaching practices is analyzed in various studies, however, there is still no agreement which teachers’ behavior in science teaching are reliably related to students’ science performance.
The person-environment fit theory (Eccles et al., 2003) proposes that when teachers’ behavior is attuned to students’ needs during the science classes, students possess high level learning motivation and are engaged in learning. The self-determination theory (Ryan, Deci, 2000; Vansteenkiste, Ryan, 2013) proposes that three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are important and serve as nutriments for students’ activity and thriving. When students feel they act on their own will (satisfaction of the need for autonomy), can be effective in school tasks (satisfaction of the need for competence), and have close and supportive relationships with others at school (satisfaction of need for relatedness), they are able to integrate their school experience and develop high-level motivation for learning. Such students assume responsibility for their studies, are able to regulate the learning process, employ deep learning strategies, and achieve high academic results (Ryan, Deci, 2000; Wentzel, Barry, & Caldwell, 2004).
In this study, we focus our attention on four student-oriented teaching practices – enquiry-based teaching, adaption of instruction, perceived feedback, and teacher support. Enquiry-based practice creates an environment where students engage in active investigation, design and plan experiments, interpret and communicate the results, and connect their findings with real-life problems (OECD, 2016b, Teig, Scherer, & Nilsen, 2018). This teaching practice promotes students’ autonomy (Silva & Galembeck, 2017). Adaption of instruction refers to teachers’ flexibility in constructing the lessons (OECD, 2016b). When employing this practices teachers take into the consideration students’ skills, abilities, and knowledge, thus creating environments where students perceive themselves as able to successfully perform during the class. This corresponds with the students’ satisfaction of the need for competence (Vansteenkiste et al., 2012). Perceived feedback is considered as the information teachers provide about students’ knowledge and learning activities in order to improve their learning (Burnett, 2002; Shute, 2008). This teaching practice is also related to the students’ need for competence as the feedback helps to modify the learning behavior. Teacher support refers to expressing interest in students and dedicating time and resources to help students. Teacher support affects the quality of the teacher-student relationship and therefore allows students to satisfy their need for relatedness.
Some previous studies have demonstrated that these teaching practices have a significant influence on students’ engagement, attitudes and other academic outcomes (etc., Blanchard et al., 2010; Wolf & Fraser, 2008; den Brok, Levy, Brekelmans, Wubbels, 2005; Dietrich et al., 2015; Furrer, Skinner, 2003; Wentzel, Battle, Russell, Looney, 2010; Koka, Hagger, 2010). Many studies that analyzed the effects of teaching practices on students’ functioning at school were based on small, country-specific samples, that does not allow the generalization of the results to population and comparison between countries. International large-scale assessment (ILSA) data provide this opportunity for generalization. Currently secondary ILSA data analyzes are available that investigate the links between teaching practices and students’ performance (for example, Caro, Lenkeit, Kyriakides, 2016; Chi, Liu, Wang, Won Han, 2018; Cairns & Areepattamannil, 2017; Lau & Lam, 2017; Teig, Scherer, Nilsen, 2018; Cordero, Gil-Izquierdo, 2018). Some of the studies (such as Cairns, Areepattamannil, 2017; Chi et al., 2018; Teig et al., 2018) used the data from one country and only a few (Caro et al., 2016 and Lau & Lam, 2017) have analyzed the effectiveness of teaching practices across different countries. The study of Caro et al. (2016), which is based on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2012 data from 62 countries, found that associations between students’ oriented learning strategies and mathematics performance are inconsistent across education systems. Lau and Lam (2017) study used PISA 2015 data from 10 top-performing regions (among which two countries – Estonia and Finland – were from EU). The results of that study showed that the patterns of associations between teaching practices and science performance are the same in all analyzed countries. Adaptive instruction, teacher-directed instruction and interactive application (which is a sub-construct of enquiry-based teaching) were positively related, while perceived feedback and investigation (another sub-construct of enquiry-based teaching) were negatively related to student science performance. Despite the mentioned studies, the secondary analyzes about the effectiveness of teaching practices are still not common. Therefore, the evidence is still scarce about the associations between the teaching practices and students’ science performance across different countries. Moreover, such teaching practices as enquiry-based teaching, adaption of instruction and feedback were studied more than teacher support.
Problem Statement
Given the growing importance of science-related competencies in the labor market, finding the ways for the effective development of those competencies at school is becoming critical. Teaching practices are the most significant factors in explaining students’ science performance (Caro et al., 2016). Both the person-environment fit and the self-determination theories propose that students are more likely to engage in learning and be effective when their psychological needs are satisfied in the school environment. Teaching practices vary across education systems and their effectiveness depends on the composition of other factors. However, the secondary International large-scale assessment (ILSA) data that would compare the effectiveness of teaching practices in various education systems are still scarce.
Research Questions
We analyzed the education systems of EU and contribute to the existing literature by answering the following questions: 1) How similar are the teaching practices (enquiry-based teaching, adaption of instruction, perceived feedback, teacher support) and science performance across EU countries? 2) How are the teaching practices (enquiry-based teaching, adaption of instruction, perceived feedback, teacher support) related to science performance across EU countries?
Purpose of the Study
This study investigates the effects of students’ perceived teaching practices related with science teaching and learning (enquiry-based science teaching practices, adaption of instruction, teacher support, and feedback) on student science performance whilst considering student socioeconomic characteristics. Also, we compare these associations across EU learning contexts.
Research Methods
PISA 2015 data, which evaluate 15-year-old students’ knowledge and abilities application of science, was used in the study. Data from 24 representative national samples of EU countries were analyzed. Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia, and Romania were excluded from the analysis as at least one of the study variables were not available. Original names of scales from PISA 2015 were maintained. Sample size of each country was restricted to students with non-missing observations in independent variables.
The dependent variable, science performance, was scaled to have mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100 across OECD countries. ADINST, IBTEACH, PERFEED, TEACHSUP and ESCS indices were transformed to an international metric with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 across OECD countries. OECD assessed the internal consistency of each scale within the countries calculating Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The coefficient values ranges from .71 to .94 depending on the scale and country (more details about indices construction might be found in PISA 2015 Technical report, Chapter 16 (OECD, 2016c).
IEA IDB Analyzer version 4.0.21 and IBM SPSS version 25 was used to handle plausible values and replicated weights. Multiple linear regression was employed for each education system independently. Firstly, science performance (PV_SCIE) was regressed against each teaching practice controlling for ESCS. PERFEED entered as significant variable for all, IBTEACH for 21, ADINST for 18 and TEACHSUP for 13 countries (results are available on request). Secondly, we calculated the variance inflation factor (VIF) for multicollinearity estimation between independent variables. VIF values ranged from 1.17 to 1.98 (depending on variable and country) meaning no collinearity between selected variables. As the last step, we estimated a multiple linear regression model for the estimation of the associations between teaching practices and science performance while controlling for student economic, social and cultural status:
PV_SCIEi=β0i+β1iESCSi+β2i ADINSTi+β3i IBTEACHi+β4i PERFEEDi+β5i TEACHSUPi+εi,(1)
where superscript i=1,…,25 is a number of education systems, β0,…, β5 are regression parameters and ε random error. Regression results are discussed in the next section and estimates of equation (1) are reported in Table
When analyzing science performance in EU countries (Table
In respect to ESCS half of EU countries have higher index than OECD average and half of them – lower, that indicate that students’ environment is heterogeneous in terms of parental occupation, education and home welfare in 24 EU countries. Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden) have the highest index, Spain and Latvia are on the lowest level across EU countries.
Already from descriptive statistics (Table
Enquiry-based teaching (IBTEACH) is higher than OECD average in 10 EU countries (Denmark, Portugal, and Sweden have the highest indices) and lower in 14 countries (Finland, Austria, Netherlands, Slovak Republic and Spain have the lowest indices). In those education systems, where IBTEACH is higher students report doing experimentation, hands-on activities and are encouraged to develop a conceptual understanding of scientific ideas (OECD, 2016b) more often than in countries where this index is lower.
Perceived feedback (PERFEED) is higher than OECD average in 11 EU countries (the highest index is in Bulgaria, followed by UK, Latvia, Poland, and Lithuania) and lower in 13 countries (the lowest index is in Germany, followed by Finland, Denmark, Austria, and Luxembourg). In countries where this index is higher students report that their teachers give feedback (how performing, where strengths and weaknesses are, how to improve performance and reach learning goals) more often than in countries with lower PERFEED.
Teacher support (TEACHSUP) is higher than OECD average in 10 EU countries (Portugal, UK, Finland and Sweden with the highest indices) and lower in 14 countries (Austria, Netherlands, and Germany with the lowest indices). In those education systems, where TEACHSUP is higher students report that their teachers provide supportive relationship to students in science classes more often than in countries with lower TEACHSUP.
The results of the multivariable regression are reported in Table
As was expected, adaption of instruction (ADINST) significantly contributes to students’ performance in all EU education systems. The strongest positive association is in the Netherlands (
Enquiry-based teaching (IBTEACH) is significantly and negatively associated with science performance in the majority of education systems (17 from 24). Considering the significant results, the strongest association is in Estonia (
Regarding perceived feedback (PERFEED), we obtained the negative association between PERFEED and science performance across all EU countries. The strongest association is in the Netherlands (
Given the evidence that teacher support (TEACHSUP) provides the opportunities to satisfy students’ need for relatedness, we expected that this teaching practice would lead to better science performance. The outcome supports our assumption only partially. A significant association between TEACHSUP and science performance is strongest in the Netherlands (
Summing up the results of the multivariable regression analysis, EU countries might be classified into four groups according to the patterns of significant association between teaching practices and science performance (Table
Although teaching practices are considered as the most significant factors in explaining students’ achievement, each country is making efforts to find more effective ways of teaching science. From the current study we conclude that the prevalence (based on students’ reports from PISA 2015) of four student-oriented teaching practices – enquiry-based teaching, adaption of instruction, perceived feedback, and teacher support – is different across EU countries. We observe similar patterns of association for adaption of instruction and perceived feedback (both related with student competence need) with science performance in all EU countries, although adaption of instruction has a positive effect and perceived feedback - negative. As regards to other teaching practices, we estimate different patterns of effects. Teacher support does not work equally as we obtain both positive and negative effects across EU countries. Enquiry-based teaching is important in the majority of EU countries with a negative effect on science performance. This confirms the differences of the effectiveness of teaching practices in EU learning contexts. One should treat the negative effect of perceived feedback and enquiry-based teaching with caution due to methodological issues in PISA 2015.
This research is funded by the European Social Fund according to the activity ‘Improvement of researchers’ qualification by implementing world-class R&D projects’ of Measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712. The project No. DOTSUT-39 (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0018) / LSS-250000-57.
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14 January 2019
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Raižienė, S., Stumbrienė, D., Ringienė, L., Dukynaitė, R., & Jakaitienė, A. (2019). Students’ Performance And Teaching Practices In Science Across Eu Countries: Evidence From Pisa 2015. In Z. Bekirogullari, M. Y. Minas, & R. X. Thambusamy (Eds.), ICEEPSY 2018: Education and Educational Psychology, vol 53. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 241-254). Future Academy.