The Technology for Authentic Interlingual Transformations of Lexical Homophones


The research paper considers the problem of teaching and learning foreign languages at the time of the global pandemic. The aim is to find a variant of the technology that prevents errors arising by false analogy with existing acoustic-graphic codes in “Language of primary socialization” to “Language of secondary socialization” and improves students` knowledge, skills, and abilities for the authentic transformation of information in different national language code systems. The creating and using of the explanatory formula of the essence for the case of the interlingual lexical homophones were shown in practice. The proposed technology gives possibilities to prevent mistakes, remove the language barrier, and achieve results that meet the requirements for increasing the effectiveness of communication and for the formation of a secondary language personality. This technology can be successfully used with the project method. Research results could be useful in the theory and practice of translation, in the process of standard, distance and online teaching and learning.



One of the important tasks in the process of foreign language teaching and learning is the development of creating and using the informational meanings of the same acoustic-graphic codes (words) (AGCs) in the same way as native speakers do (human language competence).

In the current conditions of the global COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning foreign languages force us to look for new technologies for acquiring language knowledge, skills, and abilities by students of higher educational institutions.

Interactions of teachers with students through information computer technologies and the use of Internet resources are useful in the field of education for organizing as standard as distance and online teaching and learning processes for students.

Problem Statement

The scientific problem of the study is to find the new technology for teaching and learning interlingual transformations of information technology for teaching and learning interlingual transformations of information from “Language of primary socialization” (LPS) to “Language of secondary socialization” (LSS) and vice versa in the context of distance and online learning during a pandemic. The use of the informational correlation criterion of differentiation (ICCD) and finding vectors of informational accordance (VIA) ensure the adaptation of AGCs for authentic interlingual transformations in different national language code systems.

The scientific hypothesis of the study is based on the creation of the explanatory formula of the essence (EFE) for a lexical homophone for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone and the use of ICCD to find VIAs as a method that ensures the adaptation of AGCs in LPS and LSS to achieve the authenticity of interlingual transformations and prevent misunderstandings in the “pictures of the world” of communicants.

Research Questions

Research questions: to create a technology that develops and improves the knowledge, skills, and abilities of authentic interlingual coding and decoding information from LPS and LSS and vice versa suitable for interlingual lexical homophones that can be used with the project method in the distance form of education; to show the use of EFE technology with the project method in the process of distance learning.

The object of this study is interlingual lexical homophones because they cause a lot of distortions and ambiguity in the process of learning, teaching, and transformations of information.

Purpose of the Study

The aims of the study are to create and show the technology for foreign language teaching and learning together with the project method in the process of distance and online learning; to analyze and synthesize interlingual information encoded in the Images of interlingual lexical homophones and reversely transformation of the Image into encoded information to achieve the authenticity of interlingual transformations, to avoid the conflict of “pictures of the world” and increase the vocabulary.

The scientific novelty is the analytical approach to the process of interlingual transformations of interlingual lexical homonyms; creating EFE for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone; determination of VIA in a source language and target language for an authentic transformation of information; usage with the project method.

Research Methods

Peculiarities of Authentically Coding, Decoding, and Using Acoustic-graphic Codes in the Process of Discourse Creation

Interlingual transformation requires the authenticity of input and output information, i.e. achieving unambiguous semantization of AGCs in different national language code systems. It causes many difficulties for language skills formation. “Language skill is knowledge about language symbols such as syntax, voice, word formation rules, vocabulary, etc.” (Dos Santos, 2020, p. 105). The general information ambiguity causes the problem of the existence of the intralingual lexical polysemantic ambiguity and the interlingual lexical polysemantic ambiguity, interlingual lexical homonymous ambiguity, and the intralingual lexical homonymous ambiguity.

Interlingual Lexical Homophones in the Practice of Interlanguage Transformations

Problems with reaching authenticity are identified in LPS and LSD with the manifestation of information ambiguity. Often in the process of learning foreign languages, students are faced with cases when “words of different languages look deceptively equivalent…You should be very careful with using of a new word, the equivalent of the native word: the concept is behind the word, the object or the phenomenon of the world reality is behind the concept, but it is the world of another country, foreign, alien, strange” (Ter-Minasova, 2000, p. 35).

We have analyzed definitions, types, and problems with an authentic understanding of the information kept in intralingual lexical ambiguous AGCs (lexical homonyms and polysemantic AGCs) and ambiguity of AGCs translation in the process of discourse creation (Soldatova, 2016) and interlanguage translations of proverbs (Soldatova, 2019), the prevention of discourse conflicts in interlingual information transformation (Soldatova, 2022). We have studied problems with interlingual homonymy and known types of interlingual homonyms ( 2012).

The Usage of the Project Method in the Process of Distance and Online Learning and Teaching

Distance learning is “a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, email, mail, etc., to have classes” (Merriam-Webster dictionary, n.d.). Distance learning, also known by various names such as distance education, e-learning, mobile learning, or online learning, is a form of education where there is a physical separation of teachers from students during the instruction and learning process. “The aim and task of distance education are to provide educational services and provide citizens with the opportunity to obtain education and improve their qualifications” (Prokopenko et al., 2019).

According to Alibekov (2019), the most important principles of distance learning are activity, the formation of creating a friendly atmosphere, personal-mediation interaction, open communicative space, interactivity, initial knowledge, individualization, education regulation, selection of informational devices, and supporting teaching.

Online teaching is “the process of educating others via the internet. Various methods can be used, such as one-on-one video calls, group video calls, and webinars” (Law, 2022).

Top 12 tips for teaching English online:

  • Choose your platform and teaching tools;
  • Technology requirements for efficiency;
  • Privacy and safety online;
  • Training;
  • Space and resources;
  • Learning objectives;
  • Create a routine;
  • Delivering instructions;
  • Classroom management;
  • Student engagement;
  • In-class group work;
  • Grading and progress tests (English language Assessment, 2020).

It is possible to compile the list of basic principles of teaching foreign languages which ensure successful learning, and their importance increases with distance and online teaching:

– the communicative principle. It is provided when performing and discussing cooperative problematic assignments, individual and joint projects, working with information obtained from various sources of information;

– the principle of consciousness. It provides support on a certain system of rules for the formation of knowledge and skills. As a result, it gives a conception of the system of the language being studied;

– the principle of the basis on students’ LSS. It involves the use of the language of social socialization as an indicative basis for foreign language speech activity;

– the principle of visualization. It provides for various types and forms of visibility: linguistic, visual, audio;

– the principle of a positive emotional background. It forms the motivation for learning LSS. It can be achieved by interest and the specific organization of the teaching and learning process, the system of relationships between the teacher and students in the group;

– the principle of accessibility. It is the creation and implementation of events: videoconferencing and online broadcasts in distance courses designed for the special development of educational materials at different levels of complexity;

– the principle of authenticity. It ensures the process of information formation, i.е. creation of structural symbols of the human brain: integrity, completeness, the accuracy of detection, and the transmission of information.

Thus, the information will not be revealed accidentally or subjected to intentional or unintentional distortions.

According to Kuprikova, the project method is “a training system, a flexible model of the educational process organization, focused on the creative self-realization of the individual, of his capabilities development in the process of new product creation by the student under the teacher`s supervision” (Kuprikova, 2013, p. 225). Using the project method acquires knowledge and skills in the process of planning and executing complicated practical tasks such as projects,

A teaching method requires the students to present in concrete form the results of information gathered about a concept, principle, or innovation. A set of educational and cognitive methods allows solving one or another problem as a result of students’ independent actions with the mandatory presentation of these results. We think the most important benefits of the project method are the development of interest to look for new information, interaction and teamwork, students’ self-confidence, and enlargement of learning opportunities in general.

Types of projects:

1. According to the number of participants:

1.1. Individual;

1.2. Group.

2. According to the content and reference to the academic discipline:

2.1. Inter-subject:

2.2. Mono-subject.

3. According to the duration:

3.1. Short-term (mini-project);

3.2. Middle-term;

3.3. Long-term.

4. According to the dominant type of project activity:

4.1. Investigative;

4.2. Informational;

4.3. Creative;

4.4. Practice-oriented (applied) (Tumanova, 2019).

The usage of the project method in the process of foreign languages teaching and learning is very important nowadays and using project method in English language teaching in higher education institutions (Hrachova & Nikonenko, 2020). It makes it possible to move away the traditional way of teaching and learning in which students are given the role of passive figures.

The project method “promotes critical thinking, self-learning and self-assessment, including leading students to possess conceptual knowledge, procedural and attitudinal more depth and extent, favoring the permanence of such knowledge longer in the cognitive structure of students” (Parisoto et al., 2021, p. 1302). Students are “able to acquire independence, power of judgment, and the ability to act” and “students first learn, in a course of instruction, the skills and knowledge that they then apply independently and creatively in the practical project” (Knoll, 1997, pp. 59-80).

We say from our experience that the project method allows students to solve problems with minimal teacher involvement because project work focuses on applying, not imparting, specific knowledge or skills. The teacher is seen more as a helper than as a source of knowledge and information. He performs the functions of assistant and consultant, a resource person, and a coordinator who supports and encourages participants. Students independently determine the semantic and structure-forming features, differentiate the analyzed AGCs into groups of essential features, create, and show the presentation in PowerPoint with the results of the study.


We offer the universal suitable for all languages technology of interlingual transformation of interlingual lexical homophones with reaching authenticity without conflicts of “pictures of the world”.

The basic algorithm of the EFE technology for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone consists of a set of actions:

1. Analytical description of lexical homophones’ meanings:

1. 1. The essence of the object;

1. 2. Explanation of the essence of the object;

2. Analytical description of the object’s functions:

2.1. Task, action, or activity of the object;

2.2. Explanation of the functional essence of the object.

3. The determination of crossing VIA by the essence of all correlations which together show the presence (∩) or lack (∩) of correlation in the analyzed interlingual lexical homonyms:

3.1 After the positions of comparison 1.1;

3.2 After the positions of comparison 1.2;

3.3. After the position of comparison 2.1;

3.4. After the position of comparison 2.2.

4. The general conclusion.

The following processes are used for the creation of EFE for lexical homophones for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone:

  • formation of abstract, quasi-real, surreal, allegorical, categorical information;
  • ensuring the authenticity of the received information.
  • mental (the process of thinking, Internet sources, and other information resources using);
  • communicative (the interaction of participants in the process of discourse creation, communication: transferring, discussing, consolidating the received information, assessing the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities to express thoughts in various ways, developing the skill of paraphrasing).

We offer an example of using EFE for the lexical homophone for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone for AGC “box” [bɔks] (English) and AGC “бокс” [bɔks] (Ukrainian). The results are shown in Table 1. EFE for AGC “Бокс” [bɔks] (Ukrainian), Table 2. EFE for AGC “Box” [bɔks] (English), Table 3, EFE for interlingual lexical homonyms “Box” [bɔks] (English) and “Бокс” [bɔks] (Ukrainian), and Table 4. Authentic transformation of interlingual lexical homophones.

Table 1 - EFE for AGC “Бокс” [bɔks] (Ukrainian)
See Full Size >
Table 2 - EFE for AGC “Box” [bɔks] (English)
See Full Size >
Table 3 - EFE for interlingual lexical homonyms “Box” [bɔks] (English) and “Бокс” [bɔks] (Ukrainian)
See Full Size >
Table 4 - Authentic transformation of interlingual lexical homophones.
See Full Size >

The present study shows that despite the presence of correlation by the identical acoustic codes interlingual lexical homophones can have information content distinctions. The analysed AGCs “Box” (English) (17 meanings) and “Бокс” (Ukrainian) (6 meanings) have only one informational correlation in the meaning “a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and sometimes a lid”. For all other meanings, it is necessary to look for other AGCs in languages to create authentic cross-language encoding and decoding information.

The use of EFE technology is useful together with the project method in teaching and learning the interlingual homophone vocabulary of foreign languages in the process of distance learning. For example, EFE for lexical homophones for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone creating students use methods of cognition of the unknown essence of being:

– analytical;

– consciously-comparative;

– consciously practical;

– translation;

– problematic;

– design.

The described approach involves the main processes of cognition by consciousness:

– reflection, a universal property of matter, which consists in reproducing the features, properties, and relations of the displayed. Reflection is a more general category than the concept of formation. It is a necessity for the process of information formation;

– the formation of information, the formation of content structures of the necessary quality and quantity of information through reflections and thinking;

– the formation of a meaningful structure, due to the need for the existence of AGC.

Theoretical and methodological views on distance learning and methods of its usage, the education system in general, and problems of implementing the educational process in the conditions of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are interesting for teachers (Kukharenko & Bondarenko, 2020) and for students. Students consider it as a modern and progressive technology, analyze and find pros and cons (Elayan, 2021; Mikhaleva et al., 2020).

The most effective is the participation of students during video conferences / online conferences (from my practical experience, Google Meet is very useful). It will increase students’ self-organization, strategic competence and the skills to improve communication and avoid mistakes.

Participations in video conferences / online conferences create for listeners the feeling of being in the same room with the speaker, improve and increase the efficiency of perception, increase the number of possible options for the development of dialogues to achieve a common communicative aim, develop and improve skills and abilities to explain and express the necessary information in various ways, learn to listen to their university classmates, conduct conversations and discussions in a group, expand the competence of participants’ communication based on their own experience and through communication with other participants. Visual information helps to focus attention, improves perception, and keeps students’ attention for a long time. As a result, it eliminates the language barrier, and a secondary linguistic personality is formed.


The present study shows the advantages of the proposed technology based on EFE for a lexical homophone for the case of the interlingual lexical homophone, namely:

  • allows unambiguously to determine the essence of analyzed information and avoid mistakes;
  • determines VIAs of interlingual lexical homophone meanings;
  • allows authentically encoding and decoding of the semantic relationships between interlingual lexical homophones;
  • increases the capacity and the quality of memorization of information;
  • prevents interlingual interference and mental conflicts in the “pictures of the worlds” of communicants;
  • does not depend on LPS and LSS as it is based on the psychophysiological features of the formation and storage of information in the human brain;
  • could be used in the theory and practice of translation, teaching and learning foreign languages in the standard, distance, and online teaching and learning processes.

The use of the proposed technology contributes to the formation of a secondary linguistic personality that is the main aim of foreign language learning, avoiding the false translation dictated either by the similarity of acoustic form and preventing errors arising from false analogy with existing AGCs in LPS and LSS.


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10 April 2023

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Soldatova, L. (2023). The Technology for Authentic Interlingual Transformations of Lexical Homophones. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues - EDU WORLD 2022, vol 5. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences (pp. 1215-1228). European Publisher.