At the present time, educational technologies are currently presented and studied in the works of many researchers. Interactive technologies in foreign language classes are successful and have been used for a long time. With a shortage of hours allowed to study a foreign language in a non-linguistic university, one should choose the most effective methods of conducting classes in order to develop foreign language skills. The article discusses one of the interactive technologies - project technology. The authors checked the effectiveness of the application of the project method. The relationship between the skills acquired as a result of activities at the main stages of work on the project and the abilities that, according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, must be possessed by bachelors after mastering the educational program in the discipline "Foreign Language" was considered. The authors managed to make sure of the correct choice of methodology, as a result of which students have increased their knowledge and activated the skills in monologue, dialogical speech, listening, reading, writing in accordance with the norms of a foreign language. The current topic of the agricultural project allowed the students to gain additional knowledge in the disciplines of the chosen educational profile. The authors came to the conclusion that the connection of the project topic with reality and the future place of professional activity has a significant impact on motivation in acquiring knowledge and consolidating skills.
Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, project method, universal competencies, interactive technologies
Much attention is paid to the development of the agro-industrial complex in our country. A modern specialist in the field of agriculture who can work in market conditions must have key competencies that determine his full functioning in society as a personality and his self-realization in various spheres of life including professional. To form students’ ability to navigate in real work situations, to have an idea about the consequences of their activities and be responsible for them - these are the tasks of today's higher education which should determine the content of each academic discipline from this point of view. The discipline "Foreign language" is no exception. Possession of communicative competence is the key to success in the professional and research activities of specialists in the agro-industrial complex. Foreign language communicative competence is the one, the formation of which helps a university graduate to adapt to a new place of work painlessly.
According to V.V. Putin who stated "to fill agricultural education with modern content, so that young people have the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and a demanded profession, to take part in prospective research and projects and to build a career in agriculture successfully, to apply breakthrough technologies" at the meeting on scientific and technical support for the development of agro-industrial complex that it is necessary (Meeting, 2021; Putin, 2021).
It will not be possible to provide agricultural production with highly qualified personnel if specialists graduating from an agricultural university do not have professional competence.Professional competence is interpreted as a quality, property and condition of a specialist that ensures the physical, mental and spiritual compliance of necessity, needs with the requirements of a certain profession, specialty, qualification standards, or the position held or performed.
The change in the nature of professional activity and the position of the profession of a modern specialist in the agricultural sector in the labor market has put forward the presence of formed communicative competence on one of the main places among graduates of an agrarian university as a quality that affects the process of professional development intensively.
Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education FSES HE (3++) in the direction of bachelor's degree in agriculture, forestry and fisheries (FSES HE (3++) in the direction of bachelor's degree in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, 2021) put forward mandatory requirements for the formation of students' universal and professional competencies in the realization of basic educational programs that ensure the implementation of disciplines (modules), including the discipline "Foreign Language". As a result of mastering the program, students should develop universal competencies (UC) that are responsible for the abilities:
- to carry out search, critical analysis and synthesis of information, apply a systematic approach in solving the assigned tasks (UC-1);
- to determine the range of tasks within the framework of the goal and choose the best ways to solve them based on the current legal norms, available resources and restrictions (UC-2);
- to carry out social interaction and fulfill their role in the team (UC-3);
- to carry out business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and in a foreign language (UC-4).
The balance of all universal competencies must be taken into account when forming a foreign language communicative competence. A foreign language is a means of communication, and the term "communication" itself denotes the ability to interact with people of other nationalities and views. Learning a foreign language has great potential to create conditions for the professional and cultural development of a person, and its proficiency is an important criterion for the professional competence of a specialist in the agro-industrial complex. A foreign language proficiency skill is becoming one of the necessary components in the professional activity of a specialist who is in need of constant knowledge improvement, obtaining information about the latest achievements of the global agricultural sector, cooperation with foreign farmers successfully developing in the field of crop production, animal husbandry, food production, veterinary medicine, forestry and horticulture. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of foreign language communicative competence formation. And in a non-linguistic university, this can be done only with the proper approach to the educational process. Few classroom hours are allotted to study a foreign language, so it is necessary to think over a strategy for the success of the educational process, as well as to awaken the students' desire to work during extracurricular time. Experience shows that traditional forms of teaching do not motivate students to work independently, do not give rise to a desire to develop their knowledge. Therefore, among modern teaching technologies, one should find and apply those that will awaken interest in the discipline, teach how to operate linguistic units for communicative purposes, help master the processes of synthesis and analysis and increase self-esteem.
People should not forget that all disciplines at the university should be interconnected, and the discipline "Foreign language" is the subject where students can apply the knowledge gained in the study of special subjects and other general education disciplines. In addition, conditions can be created where students can gain additional knowledge in their professional disciplines, for example, when searching for the necessary information in foreign information sources. It seems to us necessary to use this strategy when working on the formation of foreign language communicative competence.
Many scientists are involved in the formation of communicative foreign language competence. It should be noted that many authors made a significant contribution to the study on the formation of foreign language communicative competence. I.L. Bim, (Bim, 2007) considers foreign language communicative competence as a readiness for foreign language communication with native speakers and introduction to the culture of the studied language country for a better understanding of their homeland culture. N. D. Galskova (Galskova, 2019) defines this competence as the ability to interact in a foreign language in a variety of socially defined situations of interpersonal and intercultural communication. Foreign language communicative competence as the ability and readiness to carry out foreign language communication, taking into account socio-cultural norms, facing the various situations of interpersonal and intercultural communication, is considered by S. T. Ahmed & S. V. Pawar (Ahmed & Pawar, 2018). O.A. Zharina, A.D. Shulepova, V.A. Borisenko, M.V. Samofalova & A.A. Shulepov (Zharina et al., 2021) deal with the problems to increase the level of formation of foreign language communicative competence and offer to do it through a mixed learning model. Working with the problems to increase the level of foreign language competence, M.V. Rybakova prefers digital educational resources (Rybakova, 2021). I.K. Tsalikova, S.V. Pakhotina regard the formation of foreign language competence in connection with the problems to motivate the study of foreign languages (Tsalikova, Pakhotina, 2021). G Schrüfer., K.Wrenger, I Lindemann. (Schrüfer et al., 2020) approach the solution of the problem to increase communicative competence through the use of so-called "reflections"-stories for reflection, the purpose of which is to analyze and argue his position in solving a certain problem.
The issues of forming universal competencies are constantly researched by scientists. M.A. Shemanaeva (Shemanaeva, 2018) points to the compulsory formation of universal competencies using the potential of a foreign language which forms a foreign language communicative competence. I.Yu. Tarkhanova (Tarkhanova, 2019) emphasizes that universal competencies ensure the continuity of higher education levels and shows the importance of these competencies in the potential readiness of students for self-development and self-realization.
Many researchers address the issues of using interactive technologies. D.A. Kuznetsova (Kuznetsova, 2020) reveals the specifics of the project method and gives a description of the existing types of this method. K.O. Medvedeva (Medvedeva, 2021) emphasizes that the success of a future specialist in professional activity will depend on his ability to communicate including in a foreign language. She also points the effectiveness of using the project method in the formation of foreign-language competence. I.V. Kulamikhina (Kulamikhina, 2019) studies and substantiates the connection between the use of information and communication technologies and the development of students' communicative competence. Continuing her research in this area, I.V. Kulamikhina is working on the possibility to increase the level of proficiency in foreign language communicative competence of students in terms of the use of four communicative strategies based on thinking (Kulamikhina et al., 2019).
The use of interactive educational technologies is studied by both Russian and foreign researchers. Justifying the need for the use of interactive forms of learning, the authors refer to the fact that the symmetrical achievement of the results of interactive cooperation occurs due to the collective work of students who, being at a more or less the same level of education, performing the same actions, having a common goal, work together on its achievement. A prerequisite for such an approach to learning is moments of argument, defending one's point of view and trying to convince the interlocutor of their rightness (Baudrit, 2009). J. Rochelle, S. D. Teasley (Rochelle & Teasley, 1995) speak of the project method as an interaction between participants in a single problem space, in which success in building and maintaining a common problem of the concept depends on the coordination and synchronization of the participants. M. Tomasselo, I. G. Cabrera (Tomassello & Cabrera, 2017) point out the presence and importance of motivating cooperation between people in the process of their activities. Researchers and D. Kuhn (Kuhn, 2015) are of the opinion that collaborative learning should be centered around a critical issue. Researchers pay special attention to issues related to cognitive skills. P. A. Kirschner, J. Sweller, F. Kirschner and J. Zambrano (Kirschner et al., 2018) emphasize that most secondary cognitive skills (reading, working with a computer, searching the Internet) are acquired deliberately, requiring significant effort, as opposed to biologically primary cognitive skills (problem solving, planning, or communication). We agree with their point of view and believe that since the study of a foreign language should be attributed to secondary cognitive skills, without a clear algorithm the acquisition of knowledge may not happen, slow down or stop altogether. It is very important to form motivation for learning a foreign language. We believe when organizing educational activities, it is necessary to combine elements of the traditional form of education (when teaching grammar of a foreign language) but it is imperative to use interactive forms. They make students think, and in combination with a creative, research approach, they make it possible to deepen knowledge of a foreign language, consolidate in a new, unusual situation, teach them to defend their point of view, listen to someone and, what is important, lead to an increase in students' self-esteem. From our point of view, the design technology has these advantages. It can be very effective in foreign language classes.
The study of the possibilities to increase the efficiency to acquire the skill of foreign language communication is constantly under the close attention of the Foreign Language Department professors at the Omsk State Agrarian University as it is a problem that needs to be investigated in order to develop an effective strategy for the educational process in a non-linguistic university in the face of a shortage of classroom hours.
Problem Statement
An analysis of the situation at the Omsk State Agrarian University revealed a contradiction between the requirements that are imposed on students in terms of having a formed foreign language communicative competence and the level of actual foreign language communication skills. For this reason we formulated a research problem: what educational interactive technologies can help achieve the most effective impact on the formation of communicative foreign language competence among students of a non-linguistic university.
Research Questions
In the study of the problem, we were faced with tasks requiring answers to the following questions:
- what are the advantages of interactive technologies in the formation of foreign language communicative competence;
- what are the advantages of the project method in comparison with the traditional form of education;
- how the stages of work on a project relate to the universal competencies presented by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (3++) to the compulsory formation of bachelors;
- what skills the project method forms in the field of the main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, writing, reading) and the ability to apply them in socially determined situations of interpersonal and intercultural communication;
- what is the effectiveness of the considered method of projects for the formation of foreign language communicative communication among students of an agricultural university and increasing the self-esteem of students.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the article is: to clarify and substantiate the expediency to apply the project method on the topic “Omsk village" to form foreign language communicative competence among students of the Omsk State Agrarian University after P.A. Stolypin (OmSAU) and to determine the level of formation of this competence after applying the method.
Research Methods
To solve the assigned tasks a set of research methods was used: the study of scientific and methodological literature on the formation of foreign language communicative communication and the use of project technology in teaching a foreign language; generalization of pedagogical experience: analysis, synthesis; questioning, testing; pedagogical experiment; study of the products of students' activities; self-esteem and expert review; processing of the received data; data analysis (tabular).
The methods used are aimed at studying current research in the field of foreign language communicative competence and testing interactive teaching technology, namely the project method, taking into account the current trends in the transformation of the educational space. At the same time, we took into account the requirements set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the content of educational programs, including the program of the discipline "Foreign language".
Based on the studied literature, we came to the conclusion that many researchers used this method of conducting the educational process, but the project method was used and its effectiveness to form a foreign language communicative competence among students of an agricultural university was not specified and its relationship with universal competencies was not considered.
In order to eliminate the gap in research, for further substantiated use of the obtained solutions, we resorted to the analysis method to see the structure of the design technology, and then, using the synthesis method, we connected all sides of the project work process and presented the obtained in the form of a table (Table 01).
Having studied the content of the universal competencies indicated by the Federal State Educational Standard (3 ++) as necessary for the formation of the discipline "Foreign Language" in the study, we correlated the above competencies with the stages of work on the project. This classification allowed us to assume the correctness of the chosen methodology, since all the positions considered are closely related.
The testing method allowed us to assess the acquired skills of speech, listening and reading. Based on the results of the test and a questionnaire conducted among students in order to identify the level of self-esteem, we came to the conclusion about a mandatory revision of traditional methods and a transition to the use of interactive methods that contribute to a more effective formation of foreign language communicative competence.
We conducted a pedagogical experiment. It allowed us to clarify the effectiveness of the project method “Omsk village” in the field of the formation of foreign language competence, to see its advantages over traditional forms of educational activity.
After analyzing the data (tabular) obtained as a result of studying the products of students' activities, giving an assessment and taking into account the self-esteem of students, we formulated the advantages that resulted from the project method and identified the disadvantages that must be eliminated for the efficiency to form communication.
Having studied the scientific and methodological literature on the formation of foreign language communicative competence, we came to the conclusion that in the process of language training at the actively communicative stage, a methodological solution should be applied that would allow to form a personality capable of applying the knowledge gained in the course of foreign language learning activities. It is also necessary to bring the content of the educational process in line with the professional needs of a future specialist in the field of agriculture who would be able to further expand his knowledge by studying foreign experience. To implement these tasks, you need a certain approach to educational activities. Using traditional methods, the approach does not meet modern requirements for the formation of a creative, thinking personality, capable of competing in the labour market and self-education in the course of further professional activity. This becomes possible if interactive technologies are used in teaching. From our point of view, the project method can meet the stated requirements.
The project method is aimed at solving a specific problem that needs to be investigated using a set of various forms of searching and processing the obtained data to achieve a positive result. The project method has many advantages. It seems to be effective in terms of various opportunities for the activity of students, since both individual and group forms of activity of the project developers can be used during work. Working on a collective project requires partners to have a common vision of activities, they need to find a common language, they must be able to listen to and understand each other. To clarify their attitude to the problem under consideration, the participants must be able to explain their assumptions, learn to argue their point of view, and give examples. If this activity is carried out in a foreign language, it develops the skills of monologue, dialogical speech and listening skills. The next advantage of the project method is that while working on a project, students interact with each other, share their thoughts and ideas. Joint learning takes place that forms such a valuable quality as the ability to work in a team. Professional activity most often takes place in a team. Therefore, project technology also helps develop this valuable quality. Another positive feature of project activity is the development of the ability to acquire missing knowledge from information sources, analyze and synthesize the information received, and structure the acquired information. The consequence of skillful work with foreign-language information sources is the development of the skill to work with foreign-language texts. The formation of skills of foreign language communicative competence also occurs at the final stage of project activities. The results must be presented, formalized, conveyed to those present during the discussion. To demonstrate your point of view in solving the problem under consideration, to be able to defend your opinion and reconsider your attitude if the arguments of the participants are more convincing, and there is a desire to agree with them. To convey information in a foreign language to the interlocutor, it is necessary to express thoughts and to form them correctly, observing the grammatical structure of the foreign language. Answers to questions also require listening skills, dialogical speech. Since the questions asked are not known in advance, it is possible to be able to answer them only if the skills of foreign language communication are developed. We must not forget about the positive impact of the design technology on the self-esteem of students, since it promotes the manifestation of initiative and gives rise to the need to have and express their own opinion.
According to the studied theoretical literature, the project method was used to form foreign language communicative competence among students of both linguistic and non-linguistic universities. We noted that this educational technology was not considered from the standpoint of the universal competences indicated by the Federal State Educational Standard (3 ++) as necessary for the formation in the study of the discipline "Foreign language". We tried to combine all the components of the method and relate them to the universal competencies and skills that students acquire. The table reflects the main points of work on the project, the activities of students in the course of this work, shows what foreign language communication skills students can acquire and how universal competencies relate to them.
In result the table let us consider the truth of chosen methodology because all examined positions are closely related. We tried to confirm this in practice.
In the 2019-2020, 2020-2021 academic years, when studying the section “Intercultural differences in business communication”, we applied the method of projects on the topic “Omsk village”. The covered topic is closely related to the disciplines (history, agricultural ecology, biology, botany, introduction to professional activity) that first-year students study. The most productive practice in terms of foreign language competence formation turned out to be classes where methods were used to use knowledge of general education and special disciplines. The most productive practice in terms of the formation of foreign language competence turned out to be classes where methods were used that made it possible to use the knowledge of general education and special disciplines. It is known that it is thanks to the attraction of the content of the material of other disciplines that a more solid assimilation of the program material and the formation of a general system of knowledge are possible. The topic is “Omsk village” was not chosen by chance. This was done in order to immerse students of an agricultural university in a real situation and touch upon the problems of modern Omsk villages, use vocabulary, terminology applicable to their areas of study, and try to use the life experience gained during living in rural areas (most of Omsk State Agrarian University students are from rural areas).
The study took place in three stages (2019-2021).
The first stage (2019-2020) is a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the formation of foreign language communication competence, as well as the application of the project method in the educational process. The methodological apparatus of the study and the basic provisions were developed and formed.
The second stage (2019-2021) is the organization and conduct of a pedagogical experiment - the effectiveness justification of the project technology in foreign language classes. The students were divided into control and experimental groups. For this purpose, students with the same level of foreign language proficiency were selected to each group. Control group students studied the topic “Omsk village” in the traditional way. They studied words, worked out and consolidated them in micro-texts, performed pre-text exercises, then read and translated the text, performed post-text exercises, and answered questions. At the final stage the text was retold. The students of the experimental group developed and defended the project “Omsk Village”. A study of the levels of foreign language proficiency was carried out.
The third stage (2020-2021) is an analysis of the results obtained, their systematization, the introduction of the obtained developments into the practice of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties and the formation of their foreign language communicative competence.
The first-year students of the agro-technological faculty of the Omsk Agrarian University took part in the experiment the study was carried out on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages. The age of students is from 17 to 19 years old, the number is 60 people.
Initially, we conducted testing and a survey of students in order to understand the formation of a foreign language communicative competence at the current moment as a result of the use of traditional forms of education. The carried out tests reflected the level of proficiency in foreign language communication in the field of the main types of speech activity: knowledge of lexical units, including terminology, and grammar. Students were offered a listening text with post-text assignments. The results were recorded. To determine the success of monologues, students were asked general questions in a foreign language, the results of the answers were recorded. Pictures were also offered, which depicted a certain situation, they had to describe the picture in several sentences and answer what problem the heroes depicted in the picture faced and how you can cope with this problem. Answers were recorded. After analyzing the results, we compared them with the levels of proficiency in foreign language communication in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The results are shown in Table 02.
The results of the testing carried out in 2019-2020 showed a low level of language proficiency. Students own to a greater extent Level A1, which is 74%, level A2 26%. The data for 2020-2021 is also thought to be provoking. 24 students have an A1 level, 6 people, that is, 20% of all students have an A2 level, and there are no students with a level higher than A2.
We conducted a survey of students in order to understand how students assess themselves in terms of their language skills and which ones, in their opinion, are experiencing difficulties. Evaluation criteria: from 100 to 80 percent are highly appreciate their knowledge, skills and abilities; from 79 to 61 percent - average their achievements, below 60 - they appreciate their knowledge, skills and abilities as low. The points for the first question corresponded to the given assessment, all other questions were evaluated on a three-point scale: yes, I can - 2 points; no, I can't - 0 points; I can, but I have difficulties - 1 point. The questionnaire contained the following questions: how do you assess your knowledge of a foreign language on a five-point scale; can you read and understand what you have read; will you be able to understand what you have heard in a foreign language; can you find the information you need in a foreign source; can you speak a foreign language depending on the real situation; do you know how to transfer your speech skills to a new situation for you, do you know how to argue your point of view in a foreign language.
The scoring showed that only 62% of the respondents answered that they are capable of speaking activities, 34% of students will be able to find the necessary information in foreign sources, only 24% are able to speak a foreign language in relation to a real situation, and only 10% of students are able to transfer their skills according to the changed conditions.
At the main stage of the pedagogical experiment, the students were divided into two groups: an experimental group, group No. 2 and a control group - group No. 1. For the experiment, we selected students with a foreign language proficiency level A1 - 11 students in 2019-2020 and 12 students in 2020-2021. The A2 language proficiency level was represented by 4 people in each group in 2019-2020 and by 4 people in 2020-2021.
At the main stage of the pedagogical experiment students were asked to develop a research project. The implementation of the project method assumed the need to create communicative, professionally relevant, personally significant situations for students to solve verbal and communicative tasks and the formation of needs in the implementation of foreign language communicative activities by students. The students of the agro-technological faculty were offered the following topics: “Omsk region. Productivity of cultivated crops”, “Omsk region. Characteristics and structure of soils”, “Forests of the Omsk region. Types and diseases”, “Omsk region. Endangered villages”, “Smart Field”, “Smart Greenhouse”.
At one of the practical classes approximate topics of project work were announced to the students included in the experimental group and there was given the opportunity to choose a topic and the opportunity to offer their own. Information sources that could be used by students were named. Since all the topics are of an applied nature, a template for the map of the Omsk region was proposed as one of the options for working on the project. There should be placed the information obtained as a result of the research. For example, the theme “Forests of the Omsk Region”, “The yield of cultivated crops”, “Characteristics of the soils of the Omsk Region” are closely connected not only with special subjects, but also with cartography, the ability to read topographic conventional signs which, of course, will be in demand, first in special disciplines, then in their professional activities. Students were given a lexical minimum in accordance with the principle of compatibility with the topic, thematic and semantic principles of vocabulary selection. The proposed vocabulary included terms from the fields of science studied in the special disciplines of specific areas of the bachelor's degree, taking part in project activities. The vocabulary was worked out in the classroom, monitored and reproduced by the students in the context (micro-situations). The subsequent stages of project work (problem statement, goal-setting, development of a work plan on a project, assistance in finding sources of information, analysis and systematization of the information received) were carried out during extracurricular time under the guidance of a teacher. The work on the design of the project was carried out by the students independently. Consultations were held outside the classroom, where the activities of the experimental group were supervised, answers were given to questions of interest.
Demonstration of the products of project activities - presentations in the form of a scientific report, excursions to the “forests of the Omsk region” took place at a practical lesson.
After defending the project, the students of the control and experimental groups were tested, where, in addition to questions on the main foreign language speech activities, tasks were offered on the ability to find certain information in the proposed texts and, formulating it in several sentences, state, as well as express and substantiate their point view on this issue. All texts touched upon the issues that were outlined in the projects. The test for speaking activities was assessed in accordance with the following criteria: 100 - 81% - 5, 80-71% - 4, 70-61% - 3, 60% or less 2. In 2019-2020, the control group did not cope with assignment, express and substantiate their point of view. 13 out of 15 people, that is, 88% of the students in the experimental group coped with the last task.
In 2020-2021, the results of this testing showed that the students of the control group did not cope with the last task. 15 students, that is, 95% of the number of students in the experimental group, coped with the task.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project methodology in relation to the formation of foreign language communication competence was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the dynamics of indicators of acquired skills. The results after studying the topic in the traditional way showed an increase in skills in speaking activities: the skill of monologue speech in the experimental group was 24% more than in the control group (4%). The skill of dialogical speech in the experimental group has increased by 32%, in the control group - 3%. 8% more students were able to describe the real situation, formulate the goal and objectives of the activity in the control group, and 24% more in the experimental group. A greater percentage of acquired skills in the category of working with information sources, the ability to find the necessary information, and is almost 60% in the experimental group. The smallest percentage of acquired skills was the ability of students to transfer speaking skills to a new situation. In the control group, this skill remained at the same level, in the experimental group it has increased by 32% in 2019-20 and by 43% in 2020-2021.
As a result of the pedagogical experiment, it is possible to trace the increase in values according to all criteria to form the skill of the foreign language competence in the experimental group. If at the beginning of the experiment the students of the control and experimental groups had approximately the same level of foreign language speech readiness, then after working on the project there is a significant difference between the groups in all indicators. The indicators prove that about 5 people have improved their results and acquired skills in working with information sources, enriched their active vocabulary, made it possible for students to apply it in specific life situations, defending their point of view and listening to the opinions of others. Students learned to respond to statements, maintain a conversation and approached the level of proficiency in a foreign language A2. Therefore, it can be argued that the project method really contributes to the formation of foreign language communicative competence and can be applied in the conditions of an agricultural university.
Although this teaching methodology has a lot of advantages, it is worth revising the stage of preparing for the project, preventing and working out the main difficulties that the students who are developing the project have encountered. The difficulty consisted, first of all, in the fact that all materials on a given topic were in Russian. There was some lack of confidence among students due to lack of knowledge, lack of confidence in their own abilities. The teacher needs to pay special attention to the preparatory stage, devote more time to working on the vocabulary of students. Professional terminology should be worked out more carefully and used for this grammar and vocabulary exercises.
It should also be noted that when creating a project, all universal competencies are formed, which are indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard (3++) as the abilities necessary for the formation as a result of teaching the discipline "Foreign language". The introduction of the project method is relevant, since the method is aimed at obtaining a specific result, in our case it is the formation of a foreign language communicative competence, without which the professional activity of a specialist in the agricultural sector will not be successful.
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Publication Date
31 March 2022
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Freedom, philosophy, civilization, media, communication, information age, globalization
Cite this article as:
Saitova, N. A., Lebedenko, O. N., & Demidova, S. Y. (2022). Communicative Competence In Teaching A Foreign Language To Students. In I. Savchenko (Ed.), Freedom and Responsibility in Pivotal Times, vol 125. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1199-1212). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2022.03.143