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The Activities Of The Subjects Of The University During The Digitalization

Table 2: Legal aspects of the activities of the subjects of educational relations of the university in the context of the digitalization of the economy

Regulations Provisions governing relations in the context of the digitalization of the economy Regulated activities of subjects of educational relations of the university
The Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 71 r.m., (2020) ensures the safety of individuals, society and the state in the course of digital data circulation guarantees confidentiality of information in electronic document flow
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of Russia for the period until 2024" (2021) regulates the relations between the subjects of education through the creation of a modern and secure digital educational environment;regulates activities to ensure continuous updating of knowledge, including mastering competencies in the field of the digital economy guarantees a continuous update of the subject experience of both teachers and students in accordance with the requirements of the digital economy
State program for the development of education 2018-2025 (approved by the Decree of the Government of Russia dated December 26, 2017 No. 1642), (2021) provides for improving the quality and expanding the possibilities of lifelong education through the organization and improvement of the digital educational space. regulates the activities of subjects of educational relations in the process of formation and testing of digital competencies
Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education impose requirements to ensure the synchronous and asynchronous interaction of all participants of educational relations regulates the processes of formation and improvement of interactive skills and abilities of subjects of educational relations
Federal guidelines for project management recommendations for the organization of project activities regulate relations between educational subjects within the framework of project activities
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