The article is devoted to solving the problem of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations of a university in conditions of uncertainty and training young specialists to work in the digital economy. The authors identified the problems of the subjects of educational relations of the university (representatives of the teaching staff and students), making a conclusion about the existing pedagogical and legal ones. The essence of digitalization of education lies in the transformation of the communicative paradigm. In particular, integrative skills of interaction with other subjects and society as a whole, as well as horizontal connections between teachers and students, are being actualized. The authors come to the conclusion that in this case it is most expedient to use the principles of a synergistic approach with the use of appropriate information tools (MOODLE, TANDEM, 1C, etc.). The authors provide the opportunities provided by the synergetic approach to fill the subjective experience with new meanings, the formation and testing of digital competencies within the educational process, and the development of interactive skills. Revealing the legal side of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations in the digital economy, the authors determined the legal status of digitalization of education in a university, highlighting the main aspects regulated by them. This implies ensuring data security in digital circulation; updating the subject experience of both professional teachers and practical students; organization of project activities and the development of interactive skills and abilities.
Keywords: Digital didactics, digital educational space, interactive skills and abilities, digital literacy, synergistic approach, project style of the commonwealth
An analysis of the events that have taken place over the past 20 years demonstrates the rapid process of digitalization of the economy. The national project "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" is being actively implemented (National project "Education", 2021). As a result, all spheres of social life are being transformed and, above all, the education system is the main "supplier" of qualified personnel, who will carry out professional activities in the digital space.
The vector of modern education is determined by the requirements of the digital economy. In this regard, in professional educational organizations, key conditions are created for training personnel to work within a single digital platform; research competencies and motivation for participation in the development of the digital economy are formed.
The need to create a "new" educational space is obvious. To help to solve this problem, the corresponding Federal programs of the Russian Federation have been developed and are being actively implemented. We have reflected their role in the training young specialists in Table 1.
Thus, we can state the rapid digitalization of the education system in general and professional education in particular.
Problem Statement
The events of 2020 related to the pandemic, on the one hand, accelerated and intensified the process of digitalization; on the other hand, they identified its problem areas: unpreparedness for digitalization and uncertainty in the actions of the subjects of educational relations.
Unavailability is primarily associated with the material base. The educational environment today is computerized and informatized, but not digitalized. Supporting the opinion of Brykin (2016), Osipova (2006); Panov (2001) in defining the digital educational environment, we must, firstly, reveal the full range of interests and abilities of students. Then we ensure their active position, personal development and self-development in the educational process. Secondly, its content and methodological base should "immerse" the student in a digital educational space - an analogue of a digital professional platform, thereby preparing students for future professional activities in the digital economy (Brykin, 2016; Osipova, 2006; Panov, 2001).
Within the framework of unpreparedness, we also distinguish the uncertainty of the subjects of educational relations. Today, in defining the strategic ways of self-development, they are practically in equal positions.
The teaching staff of the university feel:
- the obvious "exhaustion" of technologies, methods, techniques and teaching aids used by them over the course of decades;
- the demand for training in new approaches to the organization and implementation of professional activities, but the lack of information about the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed innovative technologies;
- resonance of the existing professional subject experience with sufficient and necessary for work and preparation for it in the digital educational environment;
- the need for a transition to digital didactics.
- Students of the university feel:
- difficulty visualizing their future professional activities in a single digital platform;
- the rapidly changing events in the country and in the world make the need for different professional competencies dynamic. The trend targetologists, content managers, PR managers, etc.
In this regard, many students attend additional courses in the process of studying at the university, mastering those areas of professional activity that may be in demand after they graduate from the university. Often, these courses are not related to the profession they receive at the university, but at the same time they reduce the quality of the education received due to the information overload of the student.
- that they do not understand and, therefore, cannot appreciate the importance of preparing for professional activities in the digital space.
They are worried about risk:
- falling under structural unemployment after graduation in the event of possible changes in the economy, the result of which may be the lack of demand for the acquired profession;
- the emergence of difficulties in further employment.
- Summing up the above, we came to the conclusion that professional education at the present stage is characterized by pedagogical and legal uncertainty.
In this regard, we devoted this article to solving the problem of determining the legal and pedagogical aspects of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations of a university in conditions of uncertainty and training young specialists to work in the digital economy.
Research Questions
Thus, the subject of the study was legal and pedagogical aspects of the organization of activity of subjects of the university educational relations in conditions of uncertainty and preparation for the work in the framework of the digital economy.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to study the pedagogical and legal aspects of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations of the university in conditions of uncertainty and preparation for work within the digital economy.
Research Methods
The implementation of the goal was carried out using the analysis of regulatory legal acts, the results of which determined the legal components; pedagogical literature that revealed pedagogical aspects; products of activities that have demonstrated the effectiveness of the identified legal and pedagogical aspects of the activities of subjects of educational relations.
Of course, the problem studied in the article is not only new, but also at the present stage of evolution is maximally activated. Thus, scientists D. Belshaw, G. Jenkins and others have carried out studies that have determined the content of digital competencies of university graduates, which are based, first of all, on digital literacy. The essence of the latter lies in the ability to create and use content using digital technologies, understand the cultural context of the Internet environment, establish communication links in online communities, and use digital technologies as the main means of self-development. Verbitsky (2019) made an attempt to separate the concepts of “digital education” and “digital learning”. The scientist, referring to the incorrect formulation associated with the inseparability of the concepts of "training" and "education" and the impossibility of providing the latter process with a computer, proves the need to replace digital education with a digital education system. Studies by several researchers reveal the digitalization of education as a process of its complete transformation, as an infrastructure - organization of new communication channels and devices for using educational-methodological and methodological means of digital format, construction of data centers. And this includes the content of management, culture, behavior (improving the system of universal identification, creating programs for managing distance learning, etc.) (Petrova & Bondareva, 2019; Strelkova, 2020).
Taking into account all the above definitions, in our study, following Marey (2020) Uvarov (2018), and others, we believe that, despite the multidimensional nature of activities related to the digitalization of education, there is a general trend - the essence of digitalization of education is changing the paradigm of communication, moreover, all its structural components - communicative, interactive and perceptual. Let us emphasize that a modern specialist must possess integrative skills of interaction with other subjects and society as a whole.
Analyzing the requirements for the graduate, you must understand that its main characteristics should be ready to use digital technologies in all spheres of life. This is a person with a networked consciousness and identity, ready for joint activities and communication through a computer. The main components of his general cultural competencies should be - cooperation, communication, creativity, critical thinking.
, is possible if the basis for the educational process to put a synergistic approach to learning by applying the appropriate information systems and services (MOODLE, TANDEM, 1C, etc.) (Orlov, 2019).
Let us concretize the functionality of the synergetic approach in solving the problems we have identified.
The synergistic approach allows you to organize the educational process in a single digital system. This contributes to the visualization and approbation by future specialists of ways to carry out professional activities within the framework of a single digital platform; helps students to appreciate the importance of digitalization of education in the process of preparing for professional activity.
The implementation of the principles of a synergistic approach in the educational process of the university provides:
a) synthesis of simple elements of activity into complex and permanent evolution of subjects of educational relations by filling their subjective experience with new meanings;
b) preparing students for the implementation of professional activities not only in conditions of stability, but also in the event of random processes;
c) teaching students to build a logical algorithm of functioning, which gives a universal character to his emerging professional activity, allowing to avoid structural unemployment;
d) consistency of external influences with professional subject experience.
Thus, the use of a synergistic approach in training qualified personnel acts as a pedagogical aspect of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations of a university in conditions of uncertainty and preparation for work within the digital economy.
Since earlier we came to the conclusion that the essence of digitalization of education lies, first of all, in the transformation of the communication paradigm, there is a need to determine the legal framework governing the relations of the subjects of educational relations in it. It should be noted that the studies of Pevtsov (2021) have demonstrated in the relations of subjects of education within the framework of its digitalization the priority place of the project style of the community, which actualizes horizontal ties between teachers and students. In this regard, when determining the legal aspect of the subjects of educational relations in conditions of uncertainty and digitalization of the economy, we focused on the need to simultaneously regulate vertical and horizontal relations. In this regard, we have identified the legal aspects of the organization of activity of subjects of the university educational relations in conditions of uncertainty and digitization of the economy (Table 2).
From the content of Table 2, we conclude that the legal aspect of organizing the activities of subjects of educational relations of a university in the digital economy is aimed at regulating relations in the process of ensuring data security in digital circulation; updating the subject experience of both professional teachers and students; organizing project activities and developing interactive skills.
So, in the course of solving the problem of determining the legal and pedagogical aspects of organizing the activities of the subjects of educational relations of the university in conditions of uncertainty and training young specialists to work in the digital economy, we came to the conclusion that:
The pedagogical aspect of the activity should be represented by the use in the educational process of a synergistic approach to learning with the use of appropriate information services. On the one hand, it allows you to form digital competencies of future specialists, test them in a digital environment and prepares students for work in the digital community. On the other hand, it allows the teaching staff to make the transition to digital didactics.
The legal aspect determines the status of vocational education in the digital economy, but requires legal revision in terms of further improvement.
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Publication Date
06 December 2021
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Uncertainty, global challenges, digital transformation, cognitive science
Cite this article as:
Ivanova, S. V., Silnova, L. M., & Loshkarev, A. V. (2021). The Activities Of The Subjects Of The University During The Digitalization. In E. Bakshutova, V. Dobrova, & Y. Lopukhova (Eds.), Humanity in the Era of Uncertainty, vol 119. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 674-680). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.12.02.82