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Transformation Of Approaches To Human Resources Management In The New Reality

Table 1:

Global trends Brief description and directions of research
1.Talent Management Discussions on the conceptual framework and the role of Talent Management in ensuring sustainable development.Deepening the situational approach to Talent Management in theory and practice, depending on the industry, regional, national specifics, functional area, gender and age diversity
2.Managing Diversity Development the competencies of managers in the direction of HRM Agility and Diversity sensitivity Explore the opportunities that HRM Diversity opens up and the challenges that business leaders and HR managers had to face: Cultural Diversity, Gender DiversityAge Diversity (special attention was pay to the features of generation Z), Functional Diversity, and Position Level Diversity. A significant amount of research has been devoted in particular to the features of HRM on managerial level positions
Development of key personnel competencies Multi skills competencies Development. Hard Skills and Soft Skills balance creating. Development of managerial competencies: emotional intelligence.Competences going beyond organizations to the level of the region, industry, country, international community (problems of business ethics and corporate social responsibility for the consequences of HRM decisions, environmental protection and public health, the skill of building strategic alliances between business and the state, taking into account the interests of various stakeholders)The requirements to staff focuses on the following skills: information, critical-thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These skills are considering highly important, as work is increasingly on knowledge-based and to perform in digital environments. A high degree of digitalization, a large amount of work using modern digital technologies will also require increased attention to such competencies as stress management.
4. Changing employee behavior and motivational preferences The trend for remote employment will continue to grow for next years to come. There are necessary to continue a deeper study of the behavior and motivation of workers are using remote work for their well-being. Transformation of the system of values and labor behavior of employees. Corporate culture transition at many organizations. Changes in approaches to performance management system and employee compensation policyFinding a balance between time devoted to work, business and time devoted to family, children, entertainment and recreation
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