Center Of Mass Media As Basis For Interaction Of The School Public


In article new approach to creation of structure of Centre of MASSMEDIA in educational institution is considered. The main tasks of the MASSMEDIA School Center are outlined. The involvement in operation of such Centre will allow school students not only to master new technologies of creation of media resources, but also to learn correctly to perceive information, to process it and to represent in the form, updated, interesting to age-mates. The step-by-step organization of new media subdividing of school is offered. Step-by-step implementation of separate subsystems of Centre of MASS MEDIA will allow to solve a row of educational, educational and professional orientation tasks. The advantages of interactive media learning, as a means of self-knowledge and the study of other forms of creativity, the formation of worldview and creative thinking, the development of students' communicative qualities are considered. Interacting information flows and a role of stakeholders are analyzed. The expected positive effects from implementation of center of mass media are provided. Research part of operation consisted in collection of the experimental data, approbation of different techniques of creation of media resources within the created system, development of models, specification of criteria of quality of a media resource of school TV. The authors proposed a set of metrics that describe the volume of different content in the considered media resource, and also criterion of quality of K which was estimated in the expert way.

Keywords: Media resourcemedia educationinteractivitymass media


The education informatization problem is urgent not the first year in our country - the computer equipment continues to be implemented at city and rural schools. But existence of the modern equipment and a set of standard application program packages doesn't solve all problems. Informatization of educational institution is capable to envelop all types of activity – educational, administrative, methodical, creative and that isn't unimportant – educational and professional orientation.

Digital technologies of information transfer are everywhere widespread among youth now. We aim to imprint our life in a frame – static and dynamic, we want to keep memory of people and events. The younger generation doesn't think of the cell phone without mp3-player, the Internet, a photo or the video camera.

Development of the audiovisual equipment led to its universal distribution in educational institutions, and as a result - it became available to younger generation. It is necessary to consider this interest of school students in technical novelties and audiovisual production and to direct their interests, expanding frames of additional education, developing technical, technological and visual education.

Problem Statement

On the basis of informatization of after-hour and educational operation, the school has an opportunity to involve pupils in creation of various audiovisual media resources within real projects, considering at the same time a professional directivity of activities.

One of main objectives of the modern school teacher - creation of such conditions of educational and educational process in whom the identity of the growing-up person would develop in a complex and multilaterally, deepening the educational and creative abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to create some object and subject information space in which school students would realize the abilities and abilities, communicated and showed the achievements on creation of videos on different subjects ( Lebedeva, 2018).

It can be a certain Centre of media technologies (further - Centre of MASS MEDIA) where teenagers, under the leadership of teachers, could realize the creative ideas, developed innovative thinking, and created fund of media resources for representation in media space of school – Internet, TV, a press. So to speak, a game of school students in adulthood, but with real results ( Romanov, 2017; Zhilavskaya, 2013).

Research Questions

Thus, the main research questions are ( Kasyanova, 2017):

  • Determining the structure of school Centre of MASS MEDIA, its main tasks, functions and capabilities.

  • Analysis of interacting information flows.

  • Defining the role of stakeholders.

Purpose of the Study

It is assumed that the answers to the posed research question will help to achieve the goal and contribute to the development of recommendations on the creation and development of MASS MEDIA Centers in various educational institutions.

Research Methods

Structure of centre of MASS MEDIA

The main objectives of school Centre of MASS MEDIA:

  • Education of aspiration to obtaining new knowledge and search of new information.

  • Interaction of school students, teachers, parents among themselves and with representatives of other organizations.

  • Annunciator of the school public about scientific and cultural events of educational institution.

  • Annunciator about activities of school, about the main achievements, development and researches.

The involvement in operation of such Centre will allow school students not only to master new technologies of creation of media resources, but also to learn correctly to perceive information, to process it and to represent in the form, updated, interesting to age-mates.

Step-by-step implementation of separate subsystems of Centre of MASS MEDIA will allow to solve a row of educational, educational and professional orientation tasks.

At the first stage of creation of Centre it is recommended to organize special, it is possible on the basis of an open classroom, courses in the different directions (journalism, video-tape editing) for training of school students in elements of the media industry, and on their basis to begin to create the first media resources which will create fund of Centre. It can be videos, novostiyny projects, photoselections which shall be created on school photo and television station and be broadcast on school TV.

At the first stage which is fact-finding both for school students and for the teachers of school participating in operation of Centre it is necessary to get acquainted with activities of other organizations operating in the same direction - media centers of other educational institutions, the press centers, centers of additional education ( Chemyakin, 2006; Pronin, 2013).

At the second stage of development of Centre of MASS MEDIA it is offered to increase the range of a video production and to begin to master new technologies of creation of audiovisual content. It can be animation movies in 2D or 3D of animation.

Further, activities of Centre need to be expanded and to begin to interact with the school public – to carry out different actions and to organize school projects in the sphere of a mediaintustriya. The made media resources are recommended to be represented on the school Internet portal. At the second stage it is recommended to begin to participate in competitions and festivals.

The third stage of development of Centre is connected to the organization of creation of printed materials at school, development of a radio receiving station, and professional orientation interaction with higher education institutions.

The school containing Centre of MASS MEDIA in the structure will give to the school students additional opportunities for:

  • Involvements in competitive actions.

  • Interactions with the organizations of additional education.

  • Professional development on journalism courses (advertizing, public relations) organized higher educational institutions.

  • Acquaintance with activities of professional directors, journalists, video engineers, operators on regional TV channels, film studios, in publishing houses.

Creation of such all-school megaproject will give to teenagers an opportunity to carry real operation of media managers in the reduced, "children's" format. The created media resources on such Centre of MASS MEDIA meringue have all-school value as teenagers of different classes indirectly participate in their creation twist schools: answering questions of journalists, providing competitive photos, viewing videos on changes. Pupils of Centre involve in the activities all school, teachers and parents, providing thereby interaction on interests.

Interactivity of media education

The individual becomes a personality only participating in communication process, in case of interaction with a surrounding which serves as area of the mastered experience. It is impossible to express the opinion on the person – whether it be the adult or the child until that proves in interaction with environmental people. Only process of communication and mutual actions is capable to become the indicator of success of the personality.

There is a big difference between concepts – "to acquire knowledge" and "to reach understanding". Mechanical storage brings to the fastest forgetting of information. Only the conscious and repeatedly checked in practice knowledge becomes property of the person. Interactive training integrates processes of communication of the teacher and pupils, and has advantages as it is connected to group interaction of all participants and to activity of everyone in the course of collaboration.

Interactivity in media education is means of self-knowledge and a study of other forms of creativity, creates outlook, promotes creative thinking, develops communicative qualities at pupils ( Belitskaya, 2013). The essence of interactive media training consists in such organization of mastering of media technologies in case of which pupils are involved in creative joint process, have an opportunity to understand and analyze results of activities of each other.

In the course of collaboration of pupils and teachers on creation of media production, everyone makes the special personal contribution to this process, exchanges knowledge, the ideas, and processing methods. And all this occurs in the atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support that allows not only to gain new knowledge and skills, but also develops cognitive activity, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation.

Interactivity of media education in educational institutions assumes the organization and development of dialogue communication which carries to mutual understanding and interaction of the different sides, to the joint solution of the general, but tasks, significant for each participant, on creation of media resources. During discussion of these or those tasks on creation of different media, pupils learn to think, analyze critically the purposes, media content, alternative technologies, to justify decisions, to participate in discussions, to communicate with peers and experts.

In such joint activities of the teacher and pupils directed to achievement of a common goal important not only for its participants but also for lyceum in general, the following problems of interactive training are solved:

  • Socially oriented - planning of the program and schedule of broadcasting depending on target audience.

  • Cognitive - will be organized search and selection of media resources.

  • Communicative developing - in the course of activities, new to pupils, for broadcast of media resources occurs communication of the school students responsible for the direction, with audience - pupils of school, teachers and parents.

In case of continuous interaction of pupils and teachers at each stage of media planning and media production there is the continuous training of project participants through experience and joint cooperation with curators and participants of process. Groups of children are engaged in Mediaplaning in turn. And thus, pupils can see operation of other groups, analyze it, and on their example to build the activities.

The game element - one of mandatory components of interactive training - undoubtedly is present at activities of the considered Centre. A game in adult television, but within the lyceum, the microcosmos is carried out. At the same time children both directors and operators, shoot and mount video, I show on lyceum TV, for the audience.

The pupil of interactive media education becomes the full participant of educational process, its experience is the main source to information for all educational institution. The teacher – the principal of TV channel - doesn't give ready knowledge, but induces participants to independent search – the creative ideas, new data representation forms, new subjects.

Media technologies in education give ample opportunities for interactive training - allow to create the educational projects giving additional support to pupils in mastering of the training program and development of cognitive and creative activity, to search of the professional directivity ( Gerasimova, 2007; Samotoylova, 2013).

Information support of media education at school

In the activities the school media center integrates two sides - a manual (the director, deputies, teachers) and school students. In return the administration of educational institution provides general information about activities of school, will organize training and activities of young media managers, provides with all necessary means.

The manual purpose – informing school students on all actions and their results, on winners of competitions (Figure 01 ) ( Goverdovskaya-Privezentseva, 2015).

But except provision of novostiyny information, children want to create movies about themselves and about the interests, and in this operation there shall be their personal interest (Figure 02 ).

It is necessary to find equilibrium between interests of the sides and on it to balance. Then it is possible to say that the school Centre of media resources in the best way performs the functions.

As if we didn't implement in education different explicatings of technology, the computer – only the tool, and can support traditional methods of training only.

Figure 1: Interaction of Centre with administration of school
Interaction of Centre with administration of school
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Figure 2: Interaction of Centre with school students
Interaction of Centre with school students
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To create a new media educational environment with interactive interaction, mastering of new pedagogical and information technologies by participants, and developed structure of Centre is necessary.

The expected effects of the organization of Centre of MASS MEDIA in educational institution the following:

  • integration of different directions of media – television, the press, Internet,

  • cooperation of Centre with educational, commercial and public organizations,

  • combining of pupils and teachers of educational institution general ideas,

  • formation of interactive educational process,

  • improvement of quality of education in objects, basic for media (literature, Russian, the fine arts, the bases of the economy),

  • development in teenagers of such personal qualities as creativity, criticality of thinking, ability to make decisions, responsibility for the general project, ability to work in a command, sociability, creative imagination, independence, adequacy of a self-assessment,

  • acquisition by school students of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The offered model can be basic during creation of all infrastructure of Media Centre of educational institution of any level, or its some part, and will give additional help in case of the decision of organizational and administrative tasks.


In general education lyceum No. 6 "Perspektiva" of Krasnoyarsk (Russia) authors organized school television channel as system of implementation of personal opportunities of teenagers – creative, communicative, cognitive, according to needs of lyceum.

Within the Lyceum TV Channel project in two-stage training was realized. The first step of training – the direction of a video production. The second step - media planning, TV marketing and project activities for the purpose of TV channel ( Kasyanova & Dorrer, 2012a).

Research part of operation consisted in collection of the experimental data, approbation of different techniques of creation of media resources within the created system, development of models, specification of criteria of quality of a media resource of school TV.

The media resource is characterized by a set of metrics of w i which describe the volume of different content in the considered media resource ( Kasyanova & Dorrer, 2011), and also criterion of quality of K which was estimated in the expert way. The set of metrics (Table 01 ) offered by authors is based on system of basic elements of teledesign of Padeysky ( as cited in Ogurchikov et al., 2008).

Table 1 -
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The media resource has the life cycle from appearance of the idea of creation, until representation of a resource in space for its functioning – broadcasting on changes, school public actions, parent meetings, etc. For existence in space, by the time of the beginning of functioning and in the course of functioning, the media resource shall accept a stable equilibrium status.

Equilibrium of a resource is defined by its success in information space - increase in criterion of quality and optimization of labor costs.

One of functions of a school media center – the organization of broadcasts of media resources through information space for perception and further judgment by school audience – lyceum students, teachers, parents. Within broadcastings more than one media resource usually participate. Depending on the purposes of broadcastings, it is necessary to create such sets from media resources which would satisfy interests of the appropriate audience in the appropriate situation.

In the course of the made experiment in lyceum, based on observations the list of briefcases of media resources which took place on school television (Figure 03 , Table 02 ) is made. The developed briefcases of media resources can be used for formation of the register of media resources of educational institution.

Figure 3: Interaction of Centre with school students
Interaction of Centre with school students
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For calculation of criterion of quality to each media resource an expert way was a briefcase assigned number ( Kasyanova & Dorrer, 2012b).

Table 2 -
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For carrying out the analysis of data by authors the concept of substantial criterion of a media resource (Table 03 ) is entered. A set of substantial criteria is based on system of estimates of the documentary feature films created within the city Media-games which were held by the Center of Additional education of the central region of Krasnoyarsk (Russia).

Table 3 -
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For the description of each project portfolio the concept of a set of genres of school TV is entered. Thus, a project portfolio is characterized by briefcase type, a genre, weight of informative criterion, and a set of projects (Table 04 ).

Table 4 -
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Criterion of quality of a media resource:

M p j = i = 1 N k j i * d i p , ( 1 )

where М pj – criterion of quality of j-th of the p-th media resource of a briefcase; i - counter of informative criterion; j - counter of media resources; p - counter of briefcases; N - quantity of set members of informative criteria, N=5; d ip - weight of i-th of informative criterion of p-th of a briefcase; k ji – the assessment i-th of informative criterion of j-th of a resource, is exposed by experts.

Media resources have to function in information space of educational institution in certain timepoints. Timepoints make a set of the purposes (broadcast of a video production on changes, at lessons and class hours, meetings of parents, at competitions).

On the basis of operations of consecutive connection and preferences effective chains of media resources for the purpose of their best use are formed.

Formation of chains of projects happens on the basis of the purposes of broadcastings and criteria of quality of a resource. Formation of portfolios on categories, the subsequent management of their use – the main objective of school television which solution is formation of the register of media resources and the organization of broadcastings.


The school Center of MASS MEDIA on the basis of which pupils of educational institution master technologies of submission of information in media space of school could become the basic platform for talented school students and teachers and would allow to study, generalize and extend effective pedagogical experience of introduction of media education in school. Awareness of the innovative ideas, valuable orientations, contents updating, improvement of forms, methods in system of the additional and professionally directed education, approbation of new advanced technologies, introduction of the innovative ideas of media teachers and heads can be the purpose of such platform.

MASS MEDIA not only educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums), but also educational institutions of secondary professional education, and educational institutions of higher education can use the offered model of the Center.


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Publication Date

21 October 2020

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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

Cite this article as:

Kasyanova, E. V., Rudakova, G. M., & Rezova, N. L. (2020). Center Of Mass Media As Basis For Interaction Of The School Public. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, G. Herwig, U. Umbetov, A. S. Budagov, & Y. Y. Bocharova (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST 2020), vol 90. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 726-735). European Publisher.