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Motivation Of Communicative Activity By Video Materials In Foreign Language Classes

Table 2:

Value Stages of work with video material
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Characteristics of the student's activity (during classroom and independent classes) Identifying true and false statements, predicting content by the title of the video or by the list of new words that can be found in the story, identifying problematic issues. Search/transformation of any specific piece of language material; search for sufficient and semantic information; development of communication skills. Writing a retelling, staging a video fragment; project work on preparation of similar videos
Removal of psychological and language barriers: Language difficulties and preparing students for successful completion of tasks. The barrier of interference, communication techniques, assimilation and application of knowledge of a foreign language, communicative and intercultural barriers. The barrier of interference, communication techniques, assimilation and application of knowledge of a foreign language, communicative barriers and a number of extralinguistic factors.
Aspects of motivation of communicative competence Motivation of students to active perception of video materials. Development of motivation of language, speech and socio-cultural competencies. Motivation Increase for developing oral and written skills
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