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Information Transparency And Its Role In Corporate Management

Table 2:

Issuer Value Transparency degree Category Rating
OAK, PJSC 2.55 85% High information transparency А+
Science, Research and Development Company, PJSC 2.6 87% High information transparency А+
Levenguk, PJSC 2.35 78% Sufficient information transparency А
ISKCH, PJSC 2.15 72% Sufficient information transparency А
Pharmsynthesis, PJSC 2.15 72% Sufficient information transparency А
DZRD, PJSC 1.95 65% Sufficient information transparency А
Science – Svyaz, PJSC 1.9 63% Sufficient information transparency А
DIOD, PJSC 1.7 57% Average information transparency В
Rollman group of companies, PJSC 1.65 55% Average information transparency В
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