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Methods Of Statistical Analysis In The Management Of Smart Cities

Table 4:

Indicators X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 Summary indicator
X1 1 0.850** 0.912** 0.768** 0.820** 0.820** 0.640** 0.901**
X2 0.850** 1 0.881** 0.795** 0.915** 0.928** 0.771** 0.946**
X3 0.912** 0.881** 1 0.870** 0.913** 0.907** 0.793** 0.969**
X4 0.768** 0.795** 0.870** 1 0.905** 0.921** 0.758** 0.913**
X5 0.820** 0.915** 0.913** 0.905** 1 0.972** 0.869** 0.974**
X6 0.820** 0.928** 0.907** 0.921** 0.972** 1 0.817** 0.972**
X7 0.640** 0.771** 0.793** 0.758** 0.869** 0.817** 1 0.849**
Summary indicator smart city 0.901** 0.946** 0.969** 0.913** 0.974** 0.972** 0.849** 1
Average annual resident population, 2017 0.732** 0.584** 0.636** 0.255 0.435** 0.438** 0.271 0.544**
Local budget expenditures, actually executed, 2017 0.650** 0.471** 0.551** 0.146 0.321* 0.331* 0.159 0.436**
Investments in fixed assets at the expense of the municipal budget (average 2015-2017 g) 0.16 0.26 0.1 0.028 0.15 0.14 -0.01 0.14
The volume of investments in fixed assets (excluding budgetary funds) per 1 person (average over years) 0.325* 0.1 0,26 0.267 0.14 0.16 -0.04 0.19
The volume of investments in fixed assets (excluding budgetary funds) per 1 person (2017) 0.422* 0.29 0.3 0.251 0.18 0.25 0.001 0.27
Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of large, medium-sized enterprises 0.445** 0.325* 0.341* 0.062 0.19 0.19 0.041 0.27
Local budget revenues per capita, thousand rubles 0.609** 0.446** 0.499** 0.123 0.28 0.27 0.114 0.392*
Investments in fixed assets made by organizations located in the territory of the municipal entity (2015-2017) 0.728** 0.566** 0.626** 0.247 0.416** 0.421** 0,232 0.527**
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