This article discusses the irrelevancy of the education system to the 21st century and illustrates the implications of a newly implemented innovation: LEHAVA. LEHAVA - a Hebrew acronym signifying Learning, Organization, Confidence and Success, was developed as a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning. The essence of the model is integrating knowledge and skills under the supervision of teachers who act as mediators and create an appropriate learning environment for the students. LEHAVA aims to promote the students individually, enabling them become relevant adults in the modern and technological society in which we live. Understanding that learning and teaching are two sides of the same coin, LEHAVA applies to teachers as well, transforming their attitude from "owners of knowledge" to “mediators in learning”. Since the publication and academic accreditation of LEHAVA, various programs designed for learners and teachers have been implemented nationwide in Israel, based on LEHAVA principles: a unique LSC (learning strategies course) for university students, junior high and high school students as well as workshops for teachers of mainstream schools, special education schools and special classes for dropout students. All workshops are designed to support teaching and learning, create a harmonious process and prepare the young generation for the challenge of life in the 21st century.
Keywords: LEHAVAteachinglearninglearning strategies courseteachers' workshops
We live in a modern technological society, mainly characterized by rapid changes that result in people’s challenging need for adjustment through learning (Feuerstein, Feuerstein, & Falik, 2010). Feuerstein argued that due to this reality, the main role of the education system is to develop all the students’ thinking ability. According to him, teachers are responsible for students’ development. Feuerstein developed the Instrumental Enrichment and the Mediated Teaching as instruments for thinking development.
Binkley and his colleagues (2010) worked with the research group of the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills Project (ATC21S). She stipulates that in a modern society success transpire when one can communicate, share, use information for solving complex problems, is able to adapt and innovate in response to new demands and changing circumstances, use the power of technology for creating new knowledge and expanding productivity. She presented the21st century learning model based on ten skills grouped in four categories:
i.Ways of thinking - including creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solution, decision-making, learning to learn and metacognition.
ii.Ways of working- including communication and collaboration.
iii.Instruments for working
iv.Living in the world
Delors (1996), former European Commission President, consulting to UNESCO, published report that is widely considered as a key reference for the concept of education and learning in the 21stcentury around the globe. He proposes a new vision of learning -
Learning to know – learning to learn. A skill that allows individuals to benefit from educational opportunities offered to them throughout their life.
Learning to do – acquiring vocational skills, required for engaging in a profession or trade, integrating the world of education with the business and industry sectors.
Learning to be – emphasizing the development of the human potential to its fullest. Exercising greater independence, judgment and personal responsibility in order to achieve common goals.
Learning to live together- developing an understanding of others: their history, traditions and spirituality. Such understanding will create a new spirit guided by recognition of our growing interdependence, implementing common projects or managing the inevitable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way.
Feuerstein et al., (2010), Binkley et al., (2010) and Delors (1996), offer educational guidelines and models that meet the challenge of living in a rapidly changing world, and prepare young people for functioning well in society.
Main Body
Problem Statement
We already understand our way of living today and have designed various models that meet the requirements of the 21st century as far as education is concerned. However, in spite of that and in spite of billions of dollars spent on education by many countries (including European countries), the educational system in most of them still fails to prepare the young generation for adult life. Moreover, students, parents, educators, industrialists and high-tech employees feel that the education system is irrelevant to our life today and does not enhance young people’s capabilities for complying with the real needs and challenges that they will face. Checking the success indicators of the education system as it sees itself depicts an even worse picture, leading to disappointing results in many countries.
Standard national and international test results worldwide exacerbate the problem. The assumption underpinning a test like PIZA is that high scores reflect a good ability of young people to be integrated into and contribute to a society characterized by a modern and developed economy. The international PIZA results manifest a variance between schools across all OECD countries. Israel for example is considered as a "Start-up nation". Yet, the Israeli students’ scores in those tests are ranked almost the lowest among 25 OECD countries and intermediate among all 64 countries tested. The national Israeli Meitzav exams (a Hebrew acronym for Efficiency Measures and School Growth) assess every aspect of activity in every school in areas of pedagogical environment, learning achievements and school climate as well as matriculation exams. In these exams too, the trend is about the same (Vargon & Fidelman, 2009).
There are many potential causes for this occurrence, one of the more significant potential cause being the teachers' approach and the resulting teaching method. Feuerstein is an opponent of the approach embraced by many teachers that students’ difficulties are fixed and unchangeable. Hence, teachers believe it is impossible to change the students’ cognitive structure and promote their learning ability. As a result, teachers perceive their role as "knowledge agents" rather than as mediators. They invest most of their efforts in identifying a way by which they can render the learning materials easier for the students instead of promoting the latter for learning and thinking (Feuerstein, Feuerstein, & Falik, 2010). Hattie (2015) on the other hand strongly advocates against setting the standard and the bell-shaped normal distribution of attainments. According to this approach, all students are likely to achieve the medium level, as it is not possible for all students to be ‘above average’. If we acknowledge a 25% failure of our students as a must, we do not assume responsibility for their learning and success. Conversely, Draxler (2010) maintained that vision conceived by Delors (1996) is too utopian and more philosophical than practical. Hattie adds that discussions with many politicians illustrate that they really aspire to improve education. Nevertheless, they are mainly concerned with politics instead of promotion of students’ learning (Hattie, 2015).
The solution
The suggested solution is LEHAVA model for teaching and learning. LEHAVA was academic accredited in my PhD dissertation: " IMPROVING GENERAL FUNCTIONING AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG ADOLESCENTS WITH DYSLEXIA AND ADHD" on July 2012. The research was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vasile Preda, "BABEŞ - BOLYAI" university, CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania.
LEHAVA - a Hebrew acronym signifying Learning, Organization, Confidence and Success, is an educational approach that deals with learning and teaching as two sides of the same coin. Many intervention programs in education aim to improve students’ grades in a certain subject or enhance a specific skill. Unlike them, LEHAVA is a method that helps restoring learners’ self-confidence and sense of self-efficacy through learning, thereby constituting a springboard to success (Dekel, 2012).
The essence of LEHAVA is a combination of inculcating proper organizational skills and acquiring learning methods. The idea is to transform students' passive learners to active ones. Thus, they assume responsibility for their learning and development and strengthen their skills and abilities in order to successfully meet the demands of our modern and technological society (Dekel, 2012).LEHAVA was first designed to help struggling high school students with learning disabilities and ADHD. Over the years, it became an appropriate pedagogic approach to all learners at any age. It has become a way of life for educators who were exposed to the program.
Basic assumptions underpinning the program
Unlike traditional societies, in the modern era information is available to everyone.
Knowledge acquisition through active learning and interaction between the organism and its environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 2005; Feuerstein, Rand, Hoffman, & Miller, 1980; Piaget, 1970; Vygotsky, 1978; Zohar 1996).
Teaching that develops thinking contributes to the construction of learners’ knowledge. It emphasizes the meaningful construction of knowledge rather than the accumulation of information and memorization (Perkins, 1992; Vargon & Fidelman, 2009; Zohar, 1996).
Application of thinking strategies is possible only on the basis of knowledge in different disciplines. For example, one cannot make a comparison if one does not know the facts. So it would be wrong to teach learning strategies as an independent subject; rather, they should be used as a teaching instrument.
Despite the difference in the nature of various disciplines, thinking strategies encompass features that are common to all disciplines.
Principles and Guidelines of LEHAVA
i.Teachers are facilitators and not instructors (i.e. teachers do not have a monopoly on knowledge).
ii.Students are active in the learning process: they learn to identify data and ask themselves the questions (learning to perform self-mediation).
iii.Guided by the teachers/the group, students learn to create logic and content contexts between data, thereby forming new knowledge structures.
iv.Students learn to provide and receive constructive criticism.
v.Particular emphasis is given on articulation - the ability to express oneself orally and in writing (Dekel, 2012).
Implementation of LEHAVA
Since the publication and academic accreditation of LEHAVA, various programs have been implemented nationwide in Israel, based on LEHAVA principles. Understanding that teaching and learning are two sides of the same coin, some programs are for teachers and some for learners. LEHAVA facilitates the aspiration to bring back the joy of learning and the pleasure of teaching.
As for learners, there are LSC (learning strategies courses) for university students as well as for junior high and high school students. The courses are designed as workshops. The concept is both to establish teamwork and enable the learners develop metacognitive processes while learning so they can reconstruct their knowledge and facilitate memorization. These metacognitive knowledge and skills comprise: (a) developing organizational skills, including time planning and ways for organizing information. (For example, drawing different kinds of charts, using markers wisely, adding different notes, and so on); (b) being aware of their own learning style; (c) being aware of their best memorizing style (learners develop awareness of the characteristics of their memory: visual, auditory or kinaesthetic, short or long term memory, memory of non-contact information or information within a context); (d) developing effective strategies for retrieving information from memory; (e) panning an approach to the learning tasks: knowing how to choose more appropriate learning strategies for particular outcomes. All the stages and parts of the practice are performed on the learners' own learning materials. Each course lasts 18 hours for university students or 32 hours for junior high and high school students.
For teachers, there are various workshops designed for educators working in mainstream schools, special education schools and special classes for dropout students. The main issues addressed in those workshops are: understanding what is learning, developing an authentic view of oneself as a teacher, creating multi-level students’ profile, learning styles vs. teaching strategies, motivational sources, principles of mediated teaching, organizational skills and up-to-date knowledge regarding different disabilities, such as: autism, learning disabilities, ADHD and others. The teacher workshops consist of two sessions, each 30 hours long.
LEHAVA is an academically accredited system (program, method, etc). There are several workshops and courses designed for learners and teachers based on LEHAVA principles that have been implemented nationwide in Israel. Some were developed for different types of learners: university students,junior high and high school students. Others were developed for different types of teachers: mainstream schools, special education schools and those who teach in special classes for dropout students. All workshops were designed to support teaching and learning. These workshops all used the LEHAVA principles with the materials coming from the participants' own learning or teaching materials.In the end of each workshop surveys and in-depth interviews "before-during-after" were issued. They all significantly show satisfaction, enthusiasm, increase of self-esteem and self-efficacy among all the participants. Teachers became more aware of their role: to teach in the strategic level rather than just the technical level. Students found their own way to become independent learners. Team works appeared to contribute to collaboration and knowledge exchange. These examples and others all show improvements in teaching and learning that are much better suited to handle the challenges imposed by our modern lives in the 21st century.
LEHAVA is an approach to and a practice method developed in order to contribute to better education. That is, empowering learners and teachers, rendering the system relevant while using models that already exist. LEHAVA is grounded in the theories of Binkley et al. (2010), Delors (1996) and Feuerstein et al., (2010), and presents a practical platform for working.
The change will be generated from bottom to top, not by a policy but by a real pedagogic work. Teachers are the key figures. They are significant people in students' life and have the responsibility for our future society. Consequently, they must be equipped with relevant instruments for actualizing their very important mission.
Workshops for students are also relevant because success in school has a crucial effect on people’s wellbeing and encourages involvement also in other areas of life. The different workshops for teachers and learners successfully satisfy their needs. The results show better teaching, better learning, better test results, improved general functioning and higher self-esteem and self-efficacy of both teachers and learners.
There is no need for new curricula or syllabi, nor for increasing school budgets. Yet, it is necessary to design teacher in-service training courses that will enable them to teach according to the LEHAVA principles.
The workshops can be organized around the globe. Many countries are struggling with the same dilemmas, reality and difficulties and LEHAVA is an approach and technique that can be easily implemented.
- Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Rumble, M. (2010). Draft white paper 1: Defining 21st century skills. The assessment and teaching of 21st Century Skills project. Retrieved from http://atc21s.org/. (Note: requested from ATC21S and received permission to cite, September 2011).
- Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, Ma. Harvard University Press.
- Bronfenbrenner, U. (ed). (2005). Making human beings human: bioecological perspective on human development. U.S.A. Sage Publication.
- Dekel, R. (2012). Improving general functioning and academic achievement among adolescents with dyslexia and ADHD. (Doctoral dissertation). Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
- Delors, J. (1996). Learning: the treasure within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century, Paris, UNESCO.
- Draxler, A. (2010). A world of reports? Norrag News, No. 43, pp. 32-35.
- Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Hoffman, M.B., & Miller, R. (1980). Instrumental enrichment – an intervention program for cognitive modifiability. Baltimore: University Park Press.
- Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, R. S., & Falik, L.H. (2010). Beyond smarter: mediated learning and the brain's capacity for change. N.Y. Teachers College Press.
- Hattie, J. (2015).What doesn’t Work in education: The politics of distraction. Pearson. London.
- Perkins, D. (1992). Smart Schools – Better thinking and learning for every child. New York. The Free Press.
- Piaget, J. (1970). Structuralism. New York: Basic Book.
- Vargon, Y., Fidelman, A. (2009). The education system in Israel – key issues in the work of the education committee. Submitted to the Committee for Education, Culture and Sport. The Knesset Research and Information Center. (Hebrew).
- Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Zohar, P. (1996). Learn, think and learn to think. Jerusalem: Branco Weiss Institute for the Promotion of Thinking [Hebrew].
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25 June 2019
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Future Academy
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, special education, children with special needs
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Dekel, R. (2019). The Lehava Model For Teaching And LearningLiterature Review. In V. Chis, & I. Albulescu (Eds.), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2018, vol 63. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 537-543). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.06.63