Resource-effectiveness evaluation in quality metering and competence management of young specialist selection
The purpose of this work consists in the presentation of theoretical investigation results with regard to the problem of the management in young specialist selection for filling vacant seats under conditions of modern engineering industry on the basis of a quality metering and competence approach by means of the development of an index system of effectiveness in the realization of this process. Investigation results. The systems of analytical indices of realization efficiency are developed: a) in the process of a purposeful selection of young specialists for filling engineering seats in the system of quality management (SQM) of enterprises; b) in processes of designing and realization of basic educational programs and a process for the university SQM graduates support in the job placement. The systems are grouped into three sub-systems: absolute indices, relative indices and social-professional indices. Conclusions. The introduction of the model of quality metering – competence management in young specialist qualitative selection for filling vacant seats at enterprises allows reducing the non-correspondence level of the professional competences system of young specialists and official requirements to their competence under conditions of production; reducing working time and amount of financing for retraining young specialists in accordance with the requirements to the competence of personnel carrying out work affecting the correspondence to the requirements to products quality of the standard of ISO 9001.
One of the urgent problems discussed actively in current scientific literature is a multi-dimensional problem of staff resources effective use under conditions of modern industry. On the one hand, specialists’ competence evaluation is necessary (Chamorro-Premuzic, & Furnham, 2014; Lester, 2014) and also the development of such a procedure for filling vacant engineering seats is needed at which there would be maximum used worker’s competence potentiality (Sandberg, & Pinnington, 2009; Willis, & Dubin, 1990). At that the account of the specificity of the system formation just with regard to engineering competences has priority (Aleksandrov, & Devisilov, 2013; Baine, 2015). On the other hand, the process of the potential formation of young specialist professional competences is realized at university and just because of this reason a university is responsible to its customers (enterprises) (Kugytė, & Šliburytė, 2015; Yeremeyeva, 2016) for their quality, completeness and a system (Sergeev, 2015; Walther, 2011). Besides, it should be taken into account also an experience available in the evaluation of the efficiency in the matter of the application of management technologies oriented to the increase of production resource-effectiveness as a category of universal quality (Bonato, & Quartieri, 1999; Roelich, 2015; Ruževičius, 2010; Savall, & Zardet, 2011).
The problem of quality increase in young specialist selection for modern industry in general consists in the realization of such a conceptual model in which there is established an effective correlation of an enterprise (personnel consumer carrying out personnel selection on the competence basis), the university system (a provider of personnel of a certain area) and the centers for evaluation and certification of personnel (independent experts on the evaluation of personnel quality). Within the bounds of such a model the basic vectors of a management process are specified.
Research methods
In the work there are used methods of a system and structural analysis, the theory of complex systems, the methodology of the universal quality management (UQM), a process approach in accordance with the standard of ISO 9001.
Research objective
The purpose of the investigation is the increase of resource-effectiveness in mechanical engineering by means of the introduction of the system for quality management in a quality metering selection of young specialists for filling vacant seats.
General concept of quality metering competence management in young specialist selection for filling vacant seats at enterprises as resource-effective technology
One of the promising ways to solve the problem of an effective involvement of young specialists as a personnel resource of an enterprise in labor activity is the realization of a conceptual model of the project integration in the form of the system of a strategic partnership of the quality management system (QMS) at an enterprise with universities, providers of technical and engineering employees and also with the centers of personnel evaluation and certification. Its purpose is the support and assurance of enterprise competitiveness increase and that of the industrial production quality by means of a quality management in the matter of young specialist selection for filling engineering positions based on the evaluation of individual levels in the system formation of their social-professional competences. Such a model is considered thoroughly in the work by Morozova & Kirichek (2015).
The methodological basis showing the realization specificity of the procedure of young specialist social-professional competences evaluation is many-sided, hence, it may be investigated from the positions of different sciences and different approaches to modeling. On the one hand, it supposes the investigation of the complex of scientific approaches investigating a psychological-educational and social-economic essence of young specialist’s competence and competitiveness. On the other hand, taking into account a priority position of the QMS of an enterprise in the realization of this procedure the application of the quality metering approach in the system development of models with the aid of which is carried out a quality metering typification of specialists on the basis of the examination with the use of a neural network which afterwards forms a possibility to carry out their identification with a certain type of an engineering-technical employee is substantiated.
More over both the process itself of a young specialist selection at filling engineering seats of an enterprise and the model of its development require the application of the methods of a prognosticating character at the formation, for instance, a specialist model essential for industry which within the bounds of the project integration with universities is manifested in the educational programs of young specialist training. At the same time the increased level of industry requirements to the level of the formation of young specialist professional competence is designed to facilitate the modernization of college QMS processes by means of the introduction of new methods of an efficiency analysis and the effectiveness of the scientific-educational process oriented to a competence model.
Finally, the formation of the interaction system of QMS processes both of an enterprise and a college is carried out mainly on the basis of the purposeful quality metering management of a young specialist selection process at filling engineering seats at the QMS system-forming priority of an engineering enterprise. That is why a systematic study of the interaction of efficiency values of this process and the values of a unified system of industrial produce quality is necessary. It allows considering the quality metering and competence quality management in the selection of young specialists for filling vacant seats at industrial enterprises as an urgent resource-effective technology.
Design of quality metering and competence management in selection of young specialists (YS) for filling engineering positions (EP) based on Deming cycle (PDCA)
The development and introduction of the strategic partnership system integrated in the QMS of an engineering enterprise and universities and colleges (providers of engineering employees for the personnel) and the centers of the evaluation and certification of the staff is carried out on the basis of a number of Russian engineering enterprises carrying out manufacturing high-tech products for a long period of time with the use of the methodology of a system integration and realized in an inter-project mode. At the same time the activity on the formation and realization of the project was structured and contained some components.
The author has developed a general model of the quality metering management system (Fig.1) and the technology of the adaptive quality metering and competence typification of engineering personnel based on the application of the methodology of bisubject quality metering evaluation of objects of arbitrary nature (Morozova, & Kirichek, 2015).

Efficiency evaluation in young specialist selection for vacant seats under conditions of modern production
The efficiency in the realization of the model of quality metering and competence management at young specialist selection for filling engineering positions at an enterprise may be estimated by means of the author’s developed systems of analytical values of personnel resource-efficiency (for an enterprise and for university):
а) of the process of the purposeful young specialist selection for filling engineering positions in the QMS of an engineering enterprise (Table
б) of the process of designing basic educational programs and the process of the assistance in the matter of job placement of the graduates of universities with the QMS (Table
The introduction of methodological fundamentals of the bi-subject quality metering evaluation of objects with arbitrary nature (Morozova, 2015) as applied to the process of young specialist selection for filling vacant seats in Russian enterprises oriented to manufacturing science intensive products has shown the existence of a considerable social effect due to the introduction of such a system of management: the reduction of inadequacy in the system of professional competences of young specialists and functions to their competence under conditions of production; the reduction of working time and financing for young specialist re-training in accordance with the requirements to personnel competence carrying out work affecting the correspondence of requirements to product quality in accordance with the standard of ISO 9001.
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20 July 2017
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Morozova, А. (2017). Resource-effectiveness evaluation in quality metering and competence management of young specialist selection. In K. Anna Yurevna, A. Igor Borisovich, W. Martin de Jong, & M. Nikita Vladimirovich (Eds.), Responsible Research and Innovation, vol 26. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 682-689). Future Academy.