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The Mediating Role of Innovation between Family Culture and Business Performance

Table 3:

Regression Path Maximum Likelihood Estimates Regression Weight Lower Bound Regression Weight upper Bound S.E C.R. P
Innovation <--- culture .431 .149 .806 .139 3.099 .001
Innovation <--- FirmSize .060 -.163 .293 .117 .510 .579
Innovation <--- FirmAge -.002 -.015 .009 .006 -.393 .678
BP <--- Innovation .114 .014 .231 .052 2.200 .028
BP <--- culture .153 -.056 .333 .084 1.808 .133
BP <--- FirmSize .134 .005 .284 .070 1.912 .045
BP <--- FirmAge -.001 -.009 .005 .004 -.325 .713
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