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Effects of Self-Regulation and Cooperation on Technology Acceptance and Teachers’ E-Teaching Competence

Table 1: Target group (differentiated according to the teachers’ professional development level)

Debutant On-the-job-confirmation Didactic level II. Didactic level I. Total
N 39 57 45 117 258
% of the total sample 15.1 22.1 17.4 45,3 100
female in % 87.7 94.9 86.3 93.3 89,1
Age (%)
19 to 29 71.1 42.3 16.8 3.7 30.4
30 to 39 11.9 35.6 36.3 33.9 27.8
40 to 50 10.4 13.4 28.9 42.5 21.2
over 50 6.6 8.7 18.0 19.9 21.6
Teaching position (in %)
pre-primary education 58.9 31.6 22.2 11.1 24.8
primary education 23.1 29.8 28.9 17.9 23.3
lower secondary 7.7 19.3 24.4 24.8 20.9
upper secondary 10.3 19.3 24.4 46.2 31.0
Digital experience (in %)
poor 0 0 0 1.7 0.8
satisfactory 20.5 20.5 13.3 11.1 13.6
good 30.8 40.4 57.8 42.7 43.0
high 33.3 33.3 22.2 36.8 33.0
very high 15.4 12.3 6.7 7.7 9.7
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