Methodical Aspects of Projection Learning Unit in Physical Education at Primary School


The study consists in determining the level of development of the motor capacities for the purpose of readjusting the objectives and contents to the requirements of the teaching-learning system of physical education in primary education, purpose in which it is especially important to rationalize the problem solutions in planning the content of the training process by operationalizing objectives. The practical value is determined by the fact that the structure and methodology of the operationalization-elaborated content, can be realized by starting from its evaluation, and later applied in differentiated mode in the primary education system for becoming wide spread in the cognitive, formative and psychomotor-oriented physical education lessons. In conclusion we believe at the primary school, is an important problem to project content with a lot of movement games based in units of learning, with the same aim and to made a better and attractive content for children at this level at primary school

Keywords: Evaluation, primary school, unit of learning


Starting from the general competences / transversal key competences of physical education, the organization of the lesson, in terms of content elements, should take into account the driving methodology for learning, strengthening and refining the skills and motor skills specific to some sporting disciplines. (Cucoş, 2002).

The Japanese elementary school’s Course of Study1, fully implemented in April 2020, aims to realize high-quality learning and enable people to actively engage in it throughout their lives. The method of qualitatively enhancing the learning process can be found in the perspectives and ideas section of each subject (Masanori & Yuta, 2021).

Pedagogical practice offers several pathways and directions to improve the educational process in all educational systems. The same applies to the physical education discipline, where in recent years work has been intensified on the improvement of all methods, means and forms of organizing physical education lessons (Colibaba, 2007). In order to streamline the physical education lesson through the objective operationalization methodology, an experiment was carried out on motor training students. (Radu & Ezechil, 2006).

The didactic implications deriving from the theory of dynamic systems enhance learning by guided discovery and problem-solving: through a process of exploration and discovery, starting from easy, simple and known actions, pupils experiment, perform, vary and learn to use their own motor repertoire in an increasingly broad and coordinated way (Stancu, 2019).

According to the dynamic approach, learning is a process of discovery, autonomous or mediated by the teacher, of environmental opportunities, situations and related motor responses; the tasks proposed by the teacher are based on the discovery of executive variants, on problem-solving and on the search for possible solutions (Dario & D’Arando, 2021).

In order to argue for the level of preparation for childrens, it was intended to highlight the level of training students have at this age. Childrens performances and scores obtained from different test samples provided by the national assessment and assessment system can provide an insight into the efficiency of methods, means and forms of organizing the lesson of physical education (Comănescu, 2005).

We can say that in romanian education, where today is a continuous process of reform, defines its education policy guidelines and respect european law. It is very important for us to have in Romania an education process in a good corelation with European system, is a necessity for us to develope its essential issues from both side, one for pedagogical direction and second for teaching technology, understood in terms of teaching the curricular aspect who follow objectives and conpetences, to realize a quality education system (Ionescu, 1982).

Recent developments in our society have led to a reduction of open space available to children and adolescents within and around residential areas. They spend much of their time in school, in class or in after-school programs. Physical inactivity and an inactive lifestyle are common risk factors for health, even during childhood. Against the background of health problems, lack of social competencies, increasing aggressive behaviour and weaknesses in motor-driven and coordinative skills of our children, the quality of schoolyards areeven more important (Alecu et al., 2021).

The planning and designing of schoolyards are fundamental in order to connect the pedagogical processes practiced indoors, with the pedagogical possibilities outdoors, but the transference of these processes isdeficient in most cases (Stadler-Altmann, 2021).

Problem Statement

We can say its very important to have an interdisciplinary approach in education at content level, to respond more specific for the objectives and modern content changes taking place today in science and a powerfull direction to discover new adapted training of human personality for a better integration in a modern and open mind society (Dragomir & Scarlat, 2004).

We can explain in our study why its important a new type of education, mobile, easy to understood and adpated for the objectives and content specialized for integrated education. Our particular educational strategies integration are themselves flexible, diverse.

Research Questions

Experimental Activity

Between 1 October 2021-21 December 2021 I applied learning content units listed in the tables no. 1 and no. 2 within 3 schools (No school. Stoenesti Campulung, No School. Pitesti 11, No School. Pitesti 13). At the end of the period was done an analysis of the ratio of achieving the objectives proposed for each unit after learning the report (No total childrens / No. Children who have achieved the objective). Then for each unit of learning where the objective was not achieved in the proportion of at least 50%, to intervene with new proposals on the establishment of learning.

Table 1 - Sequence of units of learning (Cojanu & Visan, 2019)
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Purpose of the Study

Modern ways to project content of learning unit in physical education at primary level.

Research Methods

Mager method is used to project operational objectives for every unit of learning.

For example we designed for nine unit of learning, some operational objective for each unit of learning. After we evaluate with an interdisciplinary test.

Test 1 - work togheter (Unit number 9)

Class III competences: Improve time to 2 seconds

Competences class IV: Improve time to 3 seconds

Description: Children have to be done in pairs, running the distance of 10 meters, four times come back. In the finish of where you are only going out landmarks and the other end of each pole is waiting a paper document, with some issues presented below:

Evaluation: It made by two ways: first is the time recorded and second is specific operations. Also is a reward, for each correctly operation, the child have 2 seconds bonus (low from the total time recorded) and for penalties activity is plus to 2 seconds at final time.

Test 2 - Not let him blind (Unit number 3 )

Class III competences: Improve time to 2 seconds

Competences class IV: Improve time to 4 seconds

Description: The teams are made up of two children. One is blindfolded and must drill with ball a distance of 10 meters by the time, in the same time second aim is to go direct pupil on the corner. We note best time registred: seconds obtained while is blind and the seconds made as help. (Catanescu, 2019)

Test 3 - Helps him to go (Unit number 6 )

Class III Competences: Improve time to 3 seconds

Competences class IV: Improve time to 4 seconds

Description: We made groups formed by three children. One of them is injured (they rotate the injured child), and the other two pupils helped him to move on 12 meters.

Test 4 - Who thinks faster? (Unit number 7 )

Class III Competences: Improve time to 2 seconds

Competences class IV: Improve time to 4 seconds

Description: Activity is realized by two childs. The child has to made a trail contretemps, who appear on a billboard. The content is made by stages. First then learn the right combination of steps, like: one step right, one step forward, two step back, three steps right, two steps back. When the right combination is learned, then start the timer to record best time (Rosu et al., 2022).

Assessment: Evaluation is made in two ways: place test and time realized in competition. For a good place have bonus 3 seconds, and for each penalties is plus 2 seconds.

Test 5 - Calculates and run better

Class III Operational objective: Improve time to 3 seconds

Operational objective class IV: Improve time to 5 seconds

Description: Children have to be done in pairs, running the distance of 10 meters, four times come back. In the final the route are four milestones. It s finished when they touch the marked line.

First activity a cone is placed over the existing one, come back quick and go fast the mark line (4 distance of 10 meters); (Rosu, 2022).

Second the activity is a to walk in balance, in the same time reading a poem at first sight, they made a change between first and the other, first went running and to return other;

Final activity is made to resolve a matematical operation. Result is written inside a snail with some conditions: first pupil take the result in the center, the following children continue to outside of the snail until all the operation are solved (Stefanica & Rosu, 2018).

Assessment: Evaluation is made for all four activies. Correct activity bonnus 3 seconds (less from the total time) and for incorrect activity is plus 3 seconds.


We made a real comparition between control (tables no 2 and no 3) and experimental group (table no 4 and no 5) for level IV, all the illustrated are presented in tables below and we can say the experimental program was good and made aim of the research proposed by us.

Table 2 - Initial Testing
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Table 3 - Final test
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Table 4 - Initial test
See Full Size >
Table 5 - Tabel no 5 - Final Testing
See Full Size >


P> 0.05 Statistical difference of the two tests did not differ significantly. Hypotesis is zero.

P < 0.05. Results of two tests differ significantly. Rejecting hypotesis is zero.

From our point of view is necessary to integrate some different content of other domains than sport or physical education, psycho motricity and mind composition in New vision of education point of view like: cooperation sport activity, work togheter sport activity, etc.

Sport unit activities

Experimental activity explain how we can made a playground for this idea (transportation of some objects like plastic, paper or glass to the recycle point);

Also we can preapre children for some important activities like: phone 112, the announcement of a natural disaster, etc.)

It is imperative to complete the didactic competences and educational content assigned to the physical education and sports lesson, with new skills and activities aimed at other related curricular areas (music, drawing, manual work, civic education, etc.)


It a must for us to acommodate our activities with requirements of European educational system, who can conduct the progress of romanian educational process of instruction from two ways: first is the modern aspect of curricular teaching and second way is modern teaching methods and equipments, to ensure more quality of romanian education system.

We consider that the future of didactic design in the physical education and sports lesson will be an interdisciplinary one and that aims at the area of interest of interdisciplinary content.

School physical education can reach several competencies within several curricular areas at the level of the primary cycle.


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10 April 2023

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Cojanu, F., Catanescu, A., George, N., & Visan, P. (2023). Methodical Aspects of Projection Learning Unit in Physical Education at Primary School. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues - EDU WORLD 2022, vol 5. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences (pp. 1348-1354). European Publisher.