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Recovery of Patients With Lombosacrate Algofunctional Syndrome Through Specific Physiokinetotherapeutic Means

Table 2: Effect of the EquiSpine therapy – comparison before and after therapy within the group

Outcomemeasures BeforeMean (SD) AfterMean (SD) DifferencesMean (SD) t (9) p Cohen’s d
ODI (%) 40.60 (1.26) 11.70 (1.49) 28.90 (1.66) 54.94 .000000 .588
LBP-WM 8.60 (.84) 3.60 (.69) 5.00 (.94) 16.77 .000000 .547
LBP-RM 21.70 (1.16) 7.20 (.78) 14.50 (.85) 53.95 .000000 .855
VAS 9.20 (.78) 3.10 (.99) 6.10 (.27) 22.03 .000000 .276
Body Weight 76.40 (12.73) 75.30 (12.71) 1.10 (.99) 3.49 .006745 .333
BMI 26.01 (2.53) 25.62 (2.40) .39 (.37) 22.03 .009127 .501
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