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Series: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Education, Reflection, Development - ERD 2016

Proceedings of the Education, Reflection, Development, Fourth Edition (ERD 2016), 08 - 09 July 2016, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca - Romania

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About the Proceedings

The volume contains selected, peer-reviewed papers from the Education, Reflection, Development, Fourth Edition (ERD 2016), 08 - 09 July 2016, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca – Romania.

Education, Reflection, Development represents a composite concept that defines practical and theoretical, diverse and complementary pedagogical approaches. So, the conference brought together researchers, professionals, teachers, doctoral students from different countries, promoting the diversity of the various educational approaches. The presented research papers encompassed conceptual analyses, presentation of effective didactic approaches in the educational design, implementation and evaluation.

The conference itinerary comprised a plenary presentation entitled ‘Educating Children from Diverse Backgrounds. The Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Literacy Development’, which was presented by the keynote speaker Mr. Dacian Dolean, three parallel paper sessions and six workshops: 1. ‘From Gap in Knowledge to Contribution to Knowledge’, moderated by Dr. Miri Shacham, 2. ‘Embraking on your research’ presented by dr. Yehudit Od-Cohen, 3. ‘Critical Analysis and Interpretation of the Literature Based on the Research Question’ presented by Associate Prof. Dr. Alina Rusu (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania), 4. ‘Principles and Structures in the Organizing of the Thesis Defense’ – workshop dedicated to the Phd. students and moderated by Associate Prof. Dr. Adina Glava (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania), 5. ‘Ways of Enhancing the Relevance of a Qualitative Research’ moderated by Associate Prof. Dr. Adina Glava, and the last workshop, dedicated as well to Phd. students, moderated by Associate Prof. Dr. Alina Rusu and entitled ‘How to elaborate an effective discussion section of your doctoral research’. 104 full papers were subjected to a double-blind review process and 81 full texts were accepted for publication. The thematic sections of the conferences included:

The detailed programme of the conference is available at



Teacher teacher training teaching skills teaching techniques special education children with special needs