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Algorithm For Managing The Non-Transport Effect At Railway Transport Enterprises

Table 2: The relationship of the components of the non-transport effect

Economic Social
Changes in the income of third-party organizations and the population as a result of the projects. Changing the number of jobs in the region.
Change in budget spending to create an equivalent number of jobs. Changing working conditions.
Change in tax revenues to the budgets of all levels. Changing the structure of production personnel.
An increase in the value of companies as a result of the development of transport infrastructure and the growth of the economy, and investment attractiveness of the hinterland. Changing the security of supplying regions with certain goods.
Reducing losses from road accidents. Saving people's free time.
Reducing costs in non-productive sectors (health care, public education, and public services for the population in rural areas) Improving the quality and safety of transport services.
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