The introduction of a second foreign language into the educational space of Russian schools and universities puts teachers in front of the need to find ways and methods of teaching several foreign languages in conditions of limited academic time in order to achieve significant practical, general educational and developmental results. In the process of mastering several languages, metalinguistic consciousness can be formed as the ability to abstract logical operations with several language systems. This article considers the possibility of forming a metalinguistic grammatical skill among students, which contributes to a faster and more effective understanding and application of new language material. The article reveals the fundamental concepts related to the topic: "metalinguistic grammatical skill", "metalinguism", argues the importance of the formation of metalinguistic grammatical skill, studies the difficulties associated with this. The article discusses the principles on which the process of forming a metalinguistic grammatical skill in students is based, and the stages of its formation are determined. In addition to the above goals, the article is intended to motivate teachers to integrate German and English, to rely on the previously studied phenomena of contacting languages, thereby revealing the potential of schoolchildren for metalingualism. Thus, the article reveals the idea of activating the resources of metalinguistic training in order to achieve a set of educational results in conditions of limited time and means of teaching several languages, metalinguistic training.
Keywords: English, first foreign language, German, second foreign language, metalingualism, metalinguistic grammatical skill
Teaching a second foreign language in schools and universities in Russia has never been as widespread as it is now, which is directly related to the introduction of this subject as mandatory from the 2019/2020 academic year (Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, 2010). The decision on the need to study two foreign languages was made due to the growing desire in society for the multicultural and multilingual development of the younger generation (Lytaeva, Bazina, Ionova, 2018). It should be noted that the new millennium is proclaimed by UNESCO as the era of multilingual personalities and polyglots.
Here it is worth highlighting the term – multilingualism – according to the dictionary of linguistic terms, to the same extent, knowledge of several languages, multilingualism (Zakharenko, Komarova, Nechaeva, 2008). Polylingualism unites the world and Russian language policy, as well as the educational policy of the Russian Federation and the European Union. The language policy is aimed at integrating the Russian Federation into the world community, communication within which is carried out in the dominant languages (Guz, 2017).
Compulsory study of a second foreign language in schools of the Russian Federation has become widespread relatively recently. That is why there is an increasing need to study the influence of the first foreign language on the second language being studied, in particular, to study the features of teaching German as a second foreign language, taking into account the linguistic patterns of the languages in contact (Acosta, 2011). It is the mastery of the German language on the basis of English that is one of the most successful linguistic combinations, since both languages belong to the same – Germanic – group of languages. Thus, students develop the ability to analyze the linguistic phenomena of a particular language group more deeply, which is more effective for them than mastering a second foreign language, for which the first foreign language is not a support (Glumova, Sukhareva, 2020).
Problem Statement
In the domestic methodology of teaching foreign languages, the effective aspect of multilingual and multicultural teaching has not been sufficiently studied. Achievements in mastering a second foreign language are reduced to a greater extent to formal practical results.
The methodology of teaching a specific foreign language as a second foreign language on the basis of a specific foreign language as the first in the Russian methodology is not yet sufficiently developed. The features of teaching a second foreign language in schools were considered in the works of I. L. Bim, N. D. Galskova, V. V. Safonova, N. V. Baryshnikov. Some aspects of teaching a second foreign language have been studied, but not detailed, and, accordingly, not implemented in the practice of teaching.
Research Questions
What is the nature of a metalinguistic grammatical skill?
How is a metalinguistic grammatical skill formed?
What principles underlie the formation of a metalinguistic grammatical skill?
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the article is to study the problems associated with the formation of a metalinguistic grammatical skill and to determine the principles underlying this process.
Research Methods
The provisions presented in the article are based on the analysis of scientific and methodological sources devoted to the issue of teaching a second foreign language; the study of existing federal state educational standards; scientific observation of the educational process at school and university. It is also based on generalization of general and personal pedagogical experience of teaching a second foreign language; the use of comparative linguistic analysis and the method of logical conclusions.
In the process of mastering two foreign languages, students form a so-called metalinguistic consciousness.The complexity of the concept of "metalingualism" lies in the fact that its formation is more characteristic of natural bilinguals, while learning a second foreign language at school is fraught with the danger of negative transference – interference of the first foreign language (Efimova, 2017; Marei, Podprugina, Marei, 2019).
Grammar is often the most difficult, but at the same time the most important element when learning German as a second foreign language (Miroshnichenko, 2008). Mastering the language system should be based on understanding grammatical units; there is no place for memorization or thoughtless performance of the same type of exercises. Grammatical skills
Our research on the topic under study allowed us to determine the metalinguistic grammatical skill as an automated component of consciously performed speech activity that ensures the correct (error-free) use of grammatical forms of contacting languages. The metalinguistic grammatical skill is formed and improved in the process of mastering two foreign languages on the basis of comparison, comparison, analysis of grammatical phenomena of contacting foreign languages.
Next, we will move on to the conclusions made on the basis of the study of the goals, content and terms associated with the formation of a metalinguistic grammatical skill. So, the goals of teaching a second language in general education institutions are generally identical to the goals of teaching a first foreign language. But the «Horizonte», which is the current basic educational and methodological complex for teaching German as a second foreign language in most schools, is designed, among other things, to promote the formation of students ' relationships between the languages being studied (Averin, Gutsalyuk, Kharchenko, 2012). This, however, is not the main purpose of teaching a foreign language. It is also worth noting that the learning goals are directly related to the development of students' communicative and linguistic competence.
The complexity of teaching a second foreign language is explained by the specifics of artificial triglossia, which puts students in front of the need to solve many tasks simultaneously (Olimova, Adambayeva, 2016). Cognitive and contrastive approaches in teaching a second foreign language should contribute to the successful overcoming of difficulties.
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I have an apple.Ich habe einen Apfel.
The apple is tasty.Der Apfel ist schmackhaft.
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31 March 2022
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Freedom, philosophy, civilization, media, communication, information age, globalization
Cite this article as:
Glumova, E. P., Sukhareva, V. A., & Malysheva, T. S. (2022). Formation Of A Metalinguistic Grammatical Skill In Teaching A Second Foreign Language. In I. Savchenko (Ed.), Freedom and Responsibility in Pivotal Times, vol 125. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 669-674). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2022.03.80