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Exploring Beliefs About Leadership Qualities Of Heads Of Educational Institutions

Table 2: Ranking of leadership qualities

No. Leadership quality Rank
1) foresight, vision; 1
2) vitality, a drive to succeed; 15
3) ability to cope with stress; 5
4) risk appetite, willingness to change, focus on problem solving; 16
5) resilience, determination; 6
6) charisma or charm; 21
7) innovative mobility (ability to respond to new ideas and experiences); 14
8) mature emotional intelligence (empathy, emotional responsiveness); 20
9) a high degree of communicative competence (interpersonal, public speaking and persuasive skills); 19
10) decision-making certainty; 7
11) benevolence and honesty; 18
12) fairness and exactingness to others; 9
13) consistency in decisions and actions; 4
14) trustworthiness; 10
15) ability to get followers motivated; 13
16) confidence and steadfastness against an opponent; 17
17) ability to take responsibility in uncertain situations; 2
18) ability to encourage subordinates to solve a given task; 11
19) ability to defend and protect the interests of the team; 12
20) ability to strategically and tactically plan one’s actions and the actions of subordinates; 3
21) ability to prioritize. 8
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