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Information Sources and Demographic Profiles on Human Trafficking Information in Indonesia

Table 6: The Use of Interpersonal Communication Based on Age and Level of Education

M Sd F p η2
Family Generation Z 5.3 2.3 7.67 .000 .06
Generation Y 5.6 2.6
Generation X 7.5 2.2
Boomer 5.4 2.3
Primary School 7 4.5 3.15 .106 .02
Junior High School 6 2.8
High School 5.1 2.1
Bachelor and above 5.9 2.5
Non-Family Generation Z 7.13 3.03 2.39 .07 .02
Generation Y 7.34 2.5
Generation X 7.7 2.4
Boomer 4.2 1.78
Primary School 8.6 2.5 3.04 .03 .02
Junior High School 6.5 2.6
High School 6.6 2.6
Bachelor and above 7.5 2.9
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