Features Of Communicative Competence Formation Of Future Managers


The article studies some of the features of the formation of communicative competence among students, future managers. Realizing the importance of competitiveness in the face of growing uncertainty, a specialistы in the field of management are to constantly master new competencies, which, as a result, must be transformed into one or another competence. The authors of the article examined the set of competencies formed in the educational environment, gave a definition of over-professional skills, and also presented the formulations of the most relevant over-professional competencies in conditions of uncertainty, designated by the professional community. The process of preparing for the communicative activity of a student, future manager, is considered by the authors of the article with the help of the example of the educational process of a higher educational institution. Communicative activity provides any other activity, which means it helps in mastering it, planning, coordination, allows you to connect the experience accumulated by society with the experience of the individual.

Keywords: Communicative competence, communicative competency, communicative activity, continuing education, management


The speed of the dynamically changing modern world determines the need to closely monitor all the changes taking place in society, education, politics, and economy. New technologies are rapidly developing; digitalization has already affected all areas of human activity. As a result of the ongoing changes, the requirements for specialists are also changing, especially in the field of management: additional key competencies come to the fore, the absence of which jeopardizes the competitiveness of any future manager.

It is obvious that today organizations give preference to those professionals who are able to perform their functional duties of several specialists, thereby reducing the organization's costs for maintaining an entire structural unit. This becomes possible provided that a person has not only the ability to adapt to new conditions and requirements, but is also able to independently change their environment, without fear of responsibility for the decisions they make.

Problem Statement

Currently, those changes, which occur primarily in the economy, have a true impact on the educational sphere. In other words, it is about economic environment that becomes a kind of customer for changes in the educational process of training future specialists in the field of management. These future professionals are forced to constantly study in order to build up managerial competencies. It became impossible to confine oneself to one education, one profession. Actually, employers are no longer interested in the profession of a specialist: the set of competencies that a specialist possesses becomes important for them. And this set should constantly be increased, changed, and competencies, as a result, should pass into one or another.

If to define the problems identified in the modern students’, thus future managers’ personality, based on the results of the internship, employers evaluate the results of communicative training of the future specialist in the field of management. Employers have noted the importance of speaking and writing skills. At the same time, they have noted that most often a student does not know how to competently express their point of view and then argue, how to give an analytical assessment, they do not know how to competently build an interpersonal dialogue (do not know how to speak in front of an audience, to conduct an argument), do not work well with various sources of information (experiences difficulties when taking notes, it is difficult to create their own written text, has significant difficulties while working with a large amount of information). This confirms the problem of poor-quality communicative training of a future specialist in the field of management and emphasizes the relevance of the formation of communicative competence for getting successful solution of problems in the professional sphere.

Research Questions

As we have already noted, the activities of highly qualified specialists in the field of management are constantly becoming more complicated due to the changes taking place in the whole world and the resulting tasks that require immediate solutions. Technological progress leads to the fact that often the competencies acquired by a graduate-specialist in the learning process are outdated by the time they start their professional activity. This implies the need to revise the educational model on a whole, especially in relation to the formulation of managerial competencies, in connection with the need for lifelong education that has arisen in society. The form of continuing education, according to G.P. Zinchenko, is a new way of educational activity, which contributes not only to the holistic development of the individual, but to the constant growth of abilities, and also, which is more important, the enrichment of the creative potential of an individual (as cited in Goncharenko, 2005). Continuing education requires motivation, supported by the need and willingness to independently acquire the necessary knowledge, and the ability to subsequently embed the acquired knowledge into the system that has already been mastered and used in practical management activities.

Purpose of the Study

Today, there is an urgent need to have a whole range of competencies, among which there are those that are unusual for specialists in the managerial sphere of activity. Possession of such competencies allows future managers to become highly effective in their professional field, in addition, such specialists quite easily delve into intersectoral problems, are able to offer solutions to these problems, as a result they become competitive and even in demand. Competencies of this kind are usually called over-professional competencies or over-professional skills.

There is a fairly large number of scientific and methodological organizations that are studying the issue of the formation of methods and technologies for teaching supra-professional skills. It is recognized that it is possible to deliver these skills to students, future managers, only if there is a creative component in the educational process. At the same time, it is extremely important to use individual and differentiated approaches to students, and the educational process must be computerized.

When a purposeful specialist in the sphere of management speaks not only his native literary language. He is able to develop technical documentation and apply it for its intended purpose, professionally uses computer and office equipment, various means of communication and information in the process of performing functional duties, owns ethics and norms of communication, knows how to manage time, team. That is, one has leadership skills, and is also able to work in a team himself, has the skills of introspection, has creative thinking, is able to quickly adapt to changing conditions (Akademik. Slovari i e`nciklopedii na Akademike: Nadprofessional`ny`e navy`ki, 2021). Then we can say that this specialist has supra-professional competencies that are distinguished in the educational environment.

The professional community groups these skills in a slightly different way, specifying the formulation of some of them, and also focuses on systems thinking, lean production, the ability to work in a high uncertainty mode and a quick change in tough conditions.

Research Methods

Communicative competence is mastered and further formed by students through various forms of communication. When considering the concept of "communicative competence", it should be noted that its content includes linguistic, sociolinguistic, discussion, speech, informational, socio-cultural, social competences (Litvinenko, 2009). We also consider it necessary to include technical competence in this list, by which we mean the ability to apply information and communication technologies to solve standard tasks of professional activity, taking into account all basic requirements of information security.

Khutorskoj (2003) defines competence as “a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them” (p. 55).

Competency is a characteristic of a person, which determines his thinking and behavioural options in each individual situation in the process of performing a certain activity. And what then is the communicative competency? As Petrovskaya (1989) notes here it becomes important to be able to “set and solve a certain type of communication task. They are to determine the goals of communication, to assess the situation, to take into account the intentions and methods of communication of the partner(s), to choose adequate communication strategies, to be ready for a meaningful change in one's own verbal behaviour”.

A communication partner is singled out as the subject of communication. From a psychological point of view, the nature of communication is revealed through the concept of a "communicative activity", since it is the need for communication that determines" a person's desire to know and evaluate other people, and with their help to self-knowledge and self-esteem" (Akademik. Slovari i e`nciklopedii na Akademike: Deyatel`nost`_kommunikativnaya, 2021). Communicative activity is a two-way process – the interaction of the communicator and the communicant, which determines the role of the interlocutor, who not only cognizes another participant in communication, but also becomes an object of cognition himself. And thanks to the variety of activities and the peculiar manifestation of oneself, a person receives more information about himself and about others.

Communicative activity implies "a way of organizing full-fledged interpersonal communication of future specialists, their creative cooperation and dialogue in order to ensure joint activities of communication participants".


In the process of comparing the lists of supra-professional competencies, we came to the conclusion that the presented set of skills links communication and social interaction. As a result of the globalization of social development processes, partner communication between specialists from various world companies is becoming extremely important. At the same time, by partner communication, we mean just professional communication.

The implementation of communicative activity by the students of the Togliatti Academy of Management takes place in the process of the formation of speech culture (Sarieva, 2016). This process is represented by a system of training courses that allow you to equip students with various techniques: competent oral and written speech, multi-style analysis of primary secondary texts, creation and editing of business correspondence, abstracting and creation of scientific texts, work with information sources. Thanks to these techniques and the idea of ​​speech norm, students build their behavior taking into account all the conditions that can contribute or, on the contrary, prevent the achievement of the set goal from being understood (Sarieva & Khasanshina, 2016).


Thus, we argue that the ability to build communication will never lose its relevance. Moreover, the tasks set in federal state educational standards for higher education and defining communication and intercultural interaction as universal competencies are gaining more and more importance in connection with the challenges determined by the modern conditions of the economy, management and society on a whole.

Only thanks to the complex communicative training of a future specialist, especially in the field of management, it is possible to form and develop a readiness for communication (subject to the norms of etiquette) and fruitful social interaction and, as a result, qualitatively form communicative competence.


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  • Akademik. Slovari i e`nciklopedii na Akademike: Nadprofessional`ny`e navy`ki [Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Akademik: Over-professional skills]. (2021). Available at: https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1572522

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  • Khutorskoj, A. V. (2003). Klyuchevy`e kompetencii. Texnologiya konstruirovaniya [Key competence. Design technology] Narodnoe obrazovanie, 5, 55-61.

  • Litvinenko, F. M. (2009). Kommunikativnaya kompetenciya kak metodicheskoe ponyatie [Communicative competence as a methodological concept] Kommunikativnaya kompetenciya: principy`, metody`, priemy` formirovaniya, 9, 102.

  • Petrovskaya, L. A. (1989). Kompetentnost` v obshhenii [Competence in communication] Moscow, Moscow University Press.

  • Sarieva, Z. I. (2016). Sredstva formirovaniya rechevoj kul`tury` studentov [Means of forming speech coolers for students] Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. Istoriya, pedagogika, filologiya, 2, 107-111.

  • Sarieva, Z. I., & Khasanshina, A. Z. (2016). Innovacionny`e texnologii obrazovaniya kak instrument upravleniya individualizaciej obucheniya [Innovative education technologies as a tool for managing the individualization of learning] Innovacii v nauke, 1(50), 93-100.

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Publication Date

06 December 2021

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Uncertainty, global challenges, digital transformation, cognitive science

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Sarieva, Z. I., & Kachura, E. D. (2021). Features Of Communicative Competence Formation Of Future Managers. In E. Bakshutova, V. Dobrova, & Y. Lopukhova (Eds.), Humanity in the Era of Uncertainty, vol 119. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 616-620). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.12.02.74