This article is devoted to the features of modeling the network image of a blogger who is gaining the maximum number of positive mentions among student youth according to the results of our sociological survey. Carnival, feast, theatricality are becoming the most important part of the modern socio-cultural practice. And a rogue, a mischievous person or a trickster is becoming its main figure. On the one hand, the trickster is a universal image embodying timeless and supranational features. On the other hand, being an archetypal creature (formation), this image is filled with specific content due to the historical, cultural and social experience. Contemporary youth culture also reveals an active appeal to this archetypal image. The digital society provides (is providing) new technological tools (mainly social networks), with the help of which it becomes possible to release your own inner trickster, providing it with an almost unlimited field of action. At the same time, it generates additional capabilities of the “trickster approach”, actively using it as a certain basis for communicative interaction with its social audience. The works of C. Jung, P. Radin, K. Blaeser, V. N. Toporov became the theoretical basis of our research. To identify the main features (characteristics) of the blogger network modeling image and its correlating with the trickster archetype are the expected results of the research.
Keywords: Trickster, blogger, student community, communication, representation, social media
In any era, the environment rather than the family begins to exert a much greater influence on the formation of a young person's personality at a certain moment. In the modern world, due to various circumstances, the “living” environment is increasingly being replaced by digital reality. The “living” environment of a teenager represented by school and courtyard comrades is replaced by inhabitants of the network world, competing for teenager attention. Real life situations contributing to the socialization of a young person's personality are replaced by video. Blogging and video blogging play a big role in this digital socialization.
According to the research by Filipova et al. (2017), 100% of primary school children and adolescents are video blogs viewers, it is during this age period that video materials have a huge impact on the formation of a child's personality. The blogosphere can become a virtual society for teenagers, in which they realize the communicative function through virtual communication with people with similar interests. A popular blogger having many subscribers and provoking numerous comments by his posts, no matter how scandalous they are, often becomes a role model for a young man. As Grazhdan (2018) notes that the blogger’s image is attractive, arouses interest and admiration among young people; many teenagers dream of becoming bloggers and call a “blogger” their future profession, and many of them start blogging at a young age and can achieve fame, a large number of subscribers and good earnings as a result.
Problem Statement
It is logical to assume that the attractiveness of a particular human type is associated with the characteristics of the socio-cultural context where this type originates. In the modern cultural space a carnival, having arisen along with the beginning of postmodernism era and now merging with almost all types of human practices, seems to be gaining momentum.
As Zagibalova (2011) writes that in modern society, one can see a clear tendency of festival per se merging into the element of general everyday festivity.
Research Questions
Theater, carnival, celebration - all this involves a jester, a rogue, a mischievous person, a product of chaos - a trickster, a comic-demonic double, a double of a cultural hero. This character has its roots in the era of archaic mythology, where it acts as a universal image as Platitsyna (2013) notes, This character is inevitably present in the folklore of any nation (Hermes in the myths of Ancient Greece, Coyote in the tales and legends of North American Indians, Brer Rabbit among African Americans, the Monkey King in China, Anansi in Africa, Ganesha in India, Loki in Scandinavian folklore, Ivan the Fool in Russian fairy tales, Budamshuu in Buryatia, etc.). The trickster, as C. Jung believed, is not only a mythological figure, but also a part of the inner psychological experience of a person who has displaced the shadow, archaic side of the personality into the subconscious and not only failed to get rid of it, but, on the contrary, made it even more obvious, if the enemy has disappeared from my field of vision, then he may be behind me, which makes him even more dangerous (as cited in Radin, 1999).
Not always reflected in itself this deep trickster can either subside or become more active, depending on external circumstances that allow or do not allow it. The modern era, the main idea of which can be defined by the notion “cool” that is widespread in the youth environment, not only allows, but also actively stimulates the “trickster approach” to the perception of the world. Moreover, current digital technologies create additional opportunities to release the trickster and let him walk freely, and, moreover, to significantly increase the effectiveness of his mischief. Thus, we can say that the nature of such a “digital trickster” is already only partly human, and partly due to network reality.
Trickster's antics have a secret attraction for a person who, as Jung (1998) believed, carries a lot of “partial personalities” fighting among themselves for leadership in the human soul. A kind of “playing the forces of inner evil” - a deep, innermost desire of a person who develops throughout his life, in the process of individuation, the ability to keep these forces under the control of his personality. A young man, a teenager, who has not yet mastered the socio-psychological mechanisms, is especially vulnerable in this sense.
Meanwhile, in modern society many mechanisms are triggered spontaneously or included in manipulations, activating the fragmentation of the mental, beginning to resonate, causing, among other things, socially destructive behavior. Network reality is able to amplify the action of these mechanisms exponentially. One of such mechanisms is, from our point of view, the image of a blogger-trickster.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this article is to identify the type of a blogger that is currently the most popular among student youth.
The object of the research is the image of bloggers in social networks that contains the characteristics of a trickster.
The subject of the research is the main features, characteristics of the trickster that bloggers use in their network representation.
Research Methods
Theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the “trickster” phenomenon, content analysis of verbal, visual and video texts of trickster bloggers in social networks, questioning are the research methods.
Questionnaire survey
We conducted a survey (questionnaire survey) among first-year students to identify bloggers who are watched and listened to more and more often. First-year students of Russian universities aged 18-19 took part in the survey; the number of respondents was 387 people (a representative sample with a general population of 800,000 first-year students in the Russian Federation in the 2020/2021 academic year).
Research methodology
The analysis of the material will be carried out from the point of view of psychological, communicative and culturological approaches. This will constitute the research methodology.
Conclusions on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature
The essential characteristics of a trickster are determined in a number of foreign and domestic scientific studies. For the first time the concept ofwas brought out of the narrow psychological and pathopsychological professional aspects by Toporov (1987) who is one of the most authoritative researchers of mythopoetics. In his opinion, the trickster hero is ambivalent; he is characterized by,. The Hungarian philologist and religious scholar Kerenyi (1999), defining the trickster as a “spirit of disorder”, “a character who expresses and embodies the life of the body, completely obeying nothing, controlled by lust and hunger, ... cunning and at the same time unreasonable in his actions”, emphasizes the destructive and the animal nature of this character. Domestic researcher. Gavrilov (2006) also notes that the trickster is immoral from the point of view of the existing ethical system, he stands on the verge of the world of human society and the primitive world of Wildlife, therefore, from the point of view of a social person, he is ridiculous, unreasonable or unconscious. He has often pronounced traits of a seducer - hypersexual and glutton. He prones to gender reassignment. Chernyavskaya (2004) notes that the trickster represents a laughing start, wandering from alteration to alteration, he remains cheerful and immortal, which is facilitated by his shape-shifting. American Indian poet. Blaeser (1994) considers a trickster as a kind of embodiment of vital energy.
The American anthropologist and folklorist Radin (1999) notes the dual nature of the trickster. The trickster is at the same time a creator and destroyer, rewarding and asking, fooled and winning ... He does not have any moral or social values, he is at the service of his passions and appetites, but through his actions all values and norms appear. Turner (1969) notes the provocative and clownish, but also partly positive nature of the trickster, from his point of view, the trickster is a liminal figure (from the Latin “limen” - “threshold”), he destroys and mixes up all categories in order to create new combinations and anomalies. As the jester or the clown the trickster has a marginal status and brings new opportunities to the social institution. Trickery is another aspect of a trickster and it is considered in the work of Meletinsky (2000) “The Poetics of Myth”.
As scientists note the trickster function is interpretive. So, Kuleshov (2007), relying on the works of C. Jung, K. Kerenyi, D. A. Gavrilov, E. M. Meletinsky and others, asserts the interpretive function of the trickster, it has been established that due to entering the metacontext, the trickster carries out an interpretive function, being in the role of a mediator between various semiotic fields. Mediation here presupposes active interpretation which allows the trickster to remove the contradictions of the dualism of rational consciousness, giving him unlimited freedom to create new meanings.
Thus, many researchers considering the persona of the trickster proceed from a universal, generative image that has common characteristics and performs similar functions in many cultures, trying to identify the archetypal roots of this image, going back to the common human collective unconscious (Platitsyna, 2013). At the same time there is an approach to the study of this character, according to which the latter is so diversely represented in the world traditional and modern culture and, therefore, tricksters belonging to individual cultures are so different and so culturally specific that it is impossible to identify the quality uniting them (T.O. Beidelman, W. Hines and W. Doty) (Platitsyna, 2013).
In general, we give preference to the generative approach based on which we interpreted the results of empirical research.
Result of the survey
By referring to the accounts, profiles and channels of the selected bloggers and based on the analysis of the texts they have created it is possible to identify the defining communicative trend: the desire to draw attention, stand out, become more visible to a potential audience. This trend causes content creators, on the one hand, to actively search for forms of attracting the attention of the blogosphere, and, on the other, to a way of their own, individual network self-expression. In this sense the trickster as a definite archetypal platform turned out to be extremely in demand. Almost all bloggers mentioned in this list (to varying degrees, of course) relate to the trickster model of their network image. And it was this model that turned out to be one of the most authentic for the audience of the blogosphere. Let us emphasize that we are not talking about the individual experience of personification on both sides, but about the collective. Otherwise, we would not have received millions of subscribers, tens of millions of views and other communication activities in relation to trickster content. This is why we view the trickster as a successful communicative model of the modern blogger's network appearance.
Let us consider the specific features and forms of manifestation of the trickster's image, which are at the same time its characteristics, which are actively addressed by modern bloggers who occupy a top position in the rating of student attention.
The results of manifestation forms of the blogger-trickster’s image
Inconsistency, violation of the established order, unbridled rebellion and desire for destruction as a characteristic feature of the trickster. He often combines seemingly incompatible things. For a blogger-trickster, a harmonious of surrounding world, arranged according to certain laws, is impossible. One of the leaders of our rating, Yan Toples (the real name is Yan Lopotkov), by his own admission, was a “quiet weirdо”, who was always late for school, and as a teenager, he made dangerous experiments with electricity. “I make a mess in a second,” tells another blogger - Alexandra Mitroshina about herself (https://stories-of-success.ru/prochee/aleksandry-mitroshinoy). Blogger-trickster denies the unity and harmony of the world, opposing them with destruction. Hence comes the sharp, deliberate opposition, “one versus all”, etc. In this sense, for example, the title of the book and the public position of blogger Ksenia Sobchak are indicative “Sobchak versus all”, she calls her relationship with her mother “family dictatorship” and “maternal tyranny”, and out of a feeling of contradiction to her father, she entered MGIMO University not St. Petersburg State University.
The trickster may not be evil by nature, but he often does cruel things. TheKateClapp (the real name is Ekaterina Trofimova) was invited as a trainer to the Hype Camp show to teach young youtubers the art of video blogging. As a result, the project received most of the negative reviews because children were leaving in tears after being morally humiliated by star bloggers. “Trash” as a behavior that goes beyond the accepted norms, almost insane antics, “hellish deeds” (jokes and tricks on people who have just died) for example, performed by Yulik (the nickname of Julius Oneshko).
Provocation as the main method of creating their own content. Scandals, brouhaha, shock, sensation become an invariable attribute of blogger-trickster’s post. Its very name is often on the brink of moral failure. For example, the channel “vDud” (sounds like the verb "jam in" in Russian) created by Y. Dud in 2014. Ilya Varlamov from the show “BDSM” (abbreviation for the first letters of the Russian phrase “The high road with the mayor” (Russian: “Большая Дорога С Мэром”). BadComedian (the real name is Evgeny Bazhenov) with his video reviews of modern Russian films being released: “Т-34” (Attraction of the Nazis), “To Paris” (Russian: «На Париж») («Thanks to Grandfather for a Slut»), etc.
Destruction of meaning.
Destruction of meaning, sometimes trickster stupidity. The trickster blogger often does illogical and senseless things that completely violate social norms, and creates similar content in the accounts. For example, TheKateClapp’s rubric “Challenge Accepted”, where she fulfills requests (no less strange) of subscribers, for example, chews a whole pack of gum, or wraps herself whole in a carpet, or dyes her eyelashes with closed eyes, or eats hot pepper or lemon, etc. A blogger can even choose his own creative pseudonym, clearly demonstrating the sign we have named. For example, Jan Toples talks about his nickname as follows, “If you remove the meaning, then “topless” sounds great. Phonetically good. I thought that very soon we will erase the familiar feeling this word gives, now it will be something different”. A blogger with the nickname Syenduk (5th place in the student rating) has a similar story: he simply typed a word and ... had a wrong layout: he got “Syenduk” instead of “Cstyler”.But he liked the result of his error (https://www.vokrug.tv/person/show/15680109281/).
Love of tricks, lies and trickster's scam. One of the leaders of our rating, blogger Kalinkin! (the real name is Evgeny Kalinkin) is one of the founders of the Smetana TV channel and runs a popular show “Zavralis'” The bloggers we study have this feature transformed into a tendency to extreme subjectivity, distortion of information, one-sided presentation of material, bias in the coverage of the topic. Moreover, the trickster blogger does not care about any objectivity; such an approach is strange to him, he does not need it. At least because the whole world in his view is ridiculous, devoid of any logic and common sense. “There's nowhere to run for common sense,” admitted Ksenia Sobchak using obscene language against articles in the international ("The Times") and Russian press, which appeared as a reaction to publications that followed her interview with the Skopin maniac V.Mokhov. Social media provide additional opportunities for the implementation of the trickster model, since it has been caused by a demonstrative violation of social taboos of public life. And “the symbolic form of such self-representation in the Internet environment allows us to consider it as a kind of (albeit not always conscious) communication strategy” (Shashkova & Kudruavtseva, 2021, p. 19). The trickster blogger tricks become especially noticeable when there is a response from people who are related to the subject of the message. Alexei Kudrin noted that Dud's work positively contributes to creativity. But there were also many critical reviews regarding the fact that the author did not see successful examples of domestic companies. Or the video did not talk about those who could not realize themselves there and lost everything.
The dual nature of a trickster. As the archetype, the trickster is represented by two opposite halves - the animal and the divine. The low (animal) part of the trickster's nature correlating with evil, provocations, meaninglessness and cruelty can coexist with the manifestation of a bright beginning. Therefore, the trickster can be subject to torments, sufferings, thereby approaching God. That is why the moment of suffering, “souls in hell”, the halo of sacrifice is absolutely not alien to such an archetype. When we are talking about the embodiment of this feature in the image of a modern blogger, then it actively manifests itself in his behavior model. Playing a trick, “taking the bullet” to feel like a victim later - these are the techniques often used by the blogger-trickster.
Therefore, his profession is full of dangers, secrets, unknown adventures, and the blogger himself is subject to persecutions or torments (troubles). Sometimes this is a direct consequence of his activities. For example, several attacks were made on Ilya Varlamov, he was sprinkled with flour, doused with brilliant green, beaten, and involved in car accidents. These investigations resulted in criminal proceedings. He also happened to be detained abroad (on the territory of South Sudan) and had to spend some time in prison until the circumstances were clarified. Film company Kinodanz filed million dollar lawsuit against BadComedian.
However, the trickster blogger can expose himself to the “suffering” and dangers. Moreover, this technique is becoming very common. Anton Ptushkin (4th place in our rating, blogger with a total of 4.22 million subscribers), screenwriter and host of many programs (including the project “Dangerous Tours”), as well as his own travel blogs, for example, starts eating a live octopus on air. It is extremely dangerous because a live octopus can stick to everything on its way, including the throat, and the person might suffocate.
In all this unbridledness, wildness, evil banter about everything (there are almost no taboo topics for him), craving for danger and adventure, a trickster does not want to know responsibility. Responsibility is a category primarily of internal self-development. The trickster does not involve this. He is not immersed in himself, but is turned “outside”. Responsibility is boring and wimp. And the trickster lives without reflections, merrily. The only letsplayer in our rating, one of its undoubted leaders - Kuplinov Play. By his own admission, “There are a lot of channels on YouTube, which, for unknown reasons, many people are watching”. He dropped out of university (MAI), and began to write comments for games, particularly horror ones. Therefore, there is no need to talk about a deep inner, ethical and moral experience. External forces would rather become a sobering factor that brings him to life: law, pressure, threat. However, for the most part, the trickster blogger operates in a network, virtual space. And in relation to it, as experience shows, the application of the legal norm has not yet proved its effectiveness, in contrast to the world of real practice. There have been very few prosecution processes on bloggers.
It is worth noting another form of irresponsibility manifestation of the blogger-trickster, based on the game of defenselessness. It is childishness. The trickster exists in such a way that whatever he does, he will be forgiven. After all, he is a “nice guy”, a sweet simpleton. The blogger's form of expression is infantilism. In our rating this type, undoubtedly, can be attributed to the blogger Oblomoff (“Slavnyy Druzhe”, the real name is Oleg Grigoriev). Slavnyy Druzhe often wears pink glasses or wears a Totoro costume - a character in children's anime. And the figures “My little pony” often appear in the frame of his reviews or serve as a background.
Celebration as a trickster's existential space
As we have already mentioned above, the modern attitude of young people to the world around them is largely determined by the concept of “cool”: unusual, strangely funny, surprisingly unexpected, uniquely interesting. One of the most organic modern social forms of expressing this concept is performance: a performance, a show, a feast as a way out of a routine, every day, ordinary space into a world of unbridled uncontrollable fun, where everything can be turned upside down. This is a trickster place. Network culture, of course, brought its transformation there. Its key idea is to generate a huge number of formats that exist on various platforms (You-Tube, VK, Instagram, Telegram, Tik-Tok, etc.). The blogger-trickster has many channels, accounts, in which a variety of performances of various formats, levels and tastes are created. Network trickster performances are not particularly intellectual or artistic. Typologically they rather continue the medieval carnival, folk-square festive traditions - (booths, buffoonery performances, Festum stultorum (fools' holidays) ceremonies, Festum Asinorum (donkey festivals), rituals, customs, etc.). Numerous shows (“Beware, Sobchak”), sketches (Kalinkin!’s “Whatever you do, just not read”), humorous reviews, videos with critical overtones (Ruslan Usachev’s “Insulting the feelings of believers” and “It's time to bring down”, Yan Toples, Snailkiks, Kuzma), streams, freak shows, makumentari, (BadComedian”s “Zoya. Saving Private Jesus”, “Union of Salvation. Protest on the Knees”), parodies, vines (Ida Galich, Masha Novosad), guilty pleasure (Dima Maslennikov), associations and video sketches (Yulik’s “Night Dozhor”), podcasts.
The popularity of vines (videos, the main feature of which is becoming short) as a new format of interaction with the audience of the blogger-trickster is extremely high. Household, “low-down” sketches showing a young girl’s night out, interspersed with strong language, shabby appearance of a “nice girl” who made a night of it, gets a great feedback from the virtual crowd of subscribers. Ida Galich's 15-second vine “Listening to your night messages in the morning” that got about 3 million views in two weeks is a good example.
Awkward rituals, memes (the word “Po-ka” (sounds like “A rivederci” in Russian) by Ruslan Usachev, Ida Galich's speech meme, for example, “I gave myself to him”), dressing up, breaking speech taboos, masks, alter ego (for example, TheKateClapp uses an appeal to 3 characters: professional killer Anna Sessin with an innocent hobby - cross-stitching, a goth girl Kimmy and an enthusiastic fashionista Blair), fakes (Dima Maslennikov), antics (Kalinkin !, Kuplinov Play, BadComedian, Jan Toples), grotesque elements of appearance (Oblomoff, Kuzma , Yulik) - are the main methods of attracting the attention of the audience of the blogger-trickster, and, at the same time, his main identification chips in the space of network communications.
For a trickster the appearance has a meaning in the aspect of his strangeness and uncommonness, going back to the archetypal source (awkward, freaky appearance, almost uncontrollable gestural behavior - even his hands are fighting each other).
A specific feature of the trickster blogger is also the unusual appearance and demeanor. Because of this he attracts attention. For example, Snailkiks appears in his videos with one eye in shadow and the other in light. Dud in his interviews always sits in such a way that only one half of his face is visible. Emphasizing this point, the blogger coquettishly notes that he is “already pretty disgusting ... It so happened that my mother gave birth to me a little asymmetrical”. However, this did not prevent him from being the official “face” of Alfa-Bank at one time. The attractiveness of his appearance among subscribers is also quite high, and his hairstyle - kriff - evokes imitation among the youth. Syenduk stands out with a phosphoric effect of green eyes. Blogger-trickster Yulik generally adores experimenting with his appearance: having a beard or a mustache from time to time, a smooth shave, frequent hair coloring, their careful styling, a pompadour-style haircut, tattoos. Its popularity among subscribers is rapidly gaining momentum, accompanied by a heated discussion of hair color, the number and places of tattooing. Relying on such support, the blogger even promotes his clothing brand, which is called “Sexual Pressure”.
Gender identity of the trickster
Archetypally, the gender of a trickster, like his entire body, and even his insides, can change. It cannot be said that gender modeling of a trickster blogger network appearance becomes the focus of his attention. The only exceptions are bloggers for whom the beauty sphere is the basis of their activities. Based on the material of our research, with a certain degree of conventionality, we can attribute to them TheKateClapp (in May 2016, the girl took second place in the rating of the most beautiful women in the country according to the version of the “Russian Reporter”), Anya Konserva, Masha Novosad. More often than not, trickster bloggers do not directly talk about their gender identity. But it is precisely the lack of information about his personal life that gives rise to a lot of rumors, including those considering homosexuality of trickster bloggers (Anton Ptushkin, Kalinkin!).
Based on the results of our student survey and the conclusions based on the study of the research content, the type of modern blogger who received the largest number of positive acknowledgments from freshmen students was studied and described. Thus, the hypothesis put forward by us about the type of a trickster as the archetypal basis of the blogger network modeling among young students was confirmed.
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06 December 2021
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Uncertainty, global challenges, digital transformation, cognitive science
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Shashkova, N. V., & Kudryavtseva, M. E. (2021). Image Of Trickster As Communication Model Of Modern Blogger Network Representation. In E. Bakshutova, V. Dobrova, & Y. Lopukhova (Eds.), Humanity in the Era of Uncertainty, vol 119. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 367-377). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2021.12.02.46