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Simulation Of The Self-Employed Labour Supply And Demand

Table 3: Comparison of the groups "employed" - "unemployed" (fragment of the matrix)

Variables U Mann-Whitney W Wilcoxon Z
Having a family 3831,000 5007,000 -2,448*
The presence of children and disabled people in the family 3612,000 4788,000 -3,051**
Work experience in the specialty 2850,500 4026,500 -4,202***
Work in the specialty 1716,500 13651,500 -6,543***
Profession type 3221,000 15782,000 -1,918*
Self-employment 3783,000 23484,000 -2,998**
I am planning to find a new job that will suit my liking 2489,500 3665,500 -5,569***
I fear that my plans will not come true 3895,500 5071,500 -2,011*
My work contributes to the well-being of people close to me 3033,000 22734,000 -4,181***
I strive to develop my plans for the future in the smallest detail 3851,000 5027,000 -2,143*
My professional experience is not in demand in my current job 3693,500 4869,500 -2,548*
To maintain economic well-being, there is no need to impose restrictions due to the pandemic 3691,500 4867,500 -2,495*
I am a highly qualified specialist 3436,000 23137,000 -3,182**
I often follow the change in information related to the pandemic 3950,000 23651,000 -1,877*
From time to time I want to "work for myself" 3298,500 4474,500 -3,659***
* - p<0.05; ** - p<0.01;*** - p<0.001
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