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Modeling The Assessment Of Technogenic Risks Impact At Arctic Enterprises

Table 1: Forecasting the volumes and areas of oil spills on land

Accident Type of oil product Spill volume m3 Coating type, onwhere the oil product is spilled Areaoil spill, m2
Destruction of a ground VST Diesel fuel 4183.192 m3 (3555.722 m3 of diesel fuel will remain in the flange of the 1st group of ground VSTs and 627.47 m3 of diesel fuel will overflow through the drainage and spill over the adjacent territory) Concrete, soil 7811.7 m2 - in flanging flanging of the 1st group of ground VST+12.549.4 m2 - free spill on the ground over the adjacent territory (based on geometric features, slopes and area restrictions)The total volume is 20361.1 m2.
Destruction of an onshore process pipeline Diesel fuel 92.42 Soil 1848.4
Overflow VST above ground Diesel fuel 6.65 Concrete 997.5
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