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Key Trends Of The Development Of "Green" Finance In Russia

Table 1: Key aspects of the development of green finance in Russia

Aspect Description
1 Social aspect The modern generation is extremely concerned with the problem of the purity of nature and the impact of economic processes on the environment.
2 Environmental aspect The commitment of companies and investors to green instruments and government support for green projects have a positive impact on the environment.
3 Economic aspect Today, global standards are being created in the field of "green" finance. If a country does not participate in this process and its instruments do not comply with international principles, then this can lead to non-competitiveness of the economy and goods in the world market. In addition, the implementation of green projects is not only an opportunity to get ahead, but to attract foreign investment to Russia.
4. Reputational aspect Due to the high involvement of the countries of the world in the "greening" of the national and world economy, "green" investments can be excluded from the sanctions lists. The lifting of the sanctions restrictions may also be influenced by foreign investors who own Russian "green" securities.
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