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Labor Productivity As A Factor Of Sustainable Development Of The Region's Territories

Table 5: Indicators of factor analysis of the state and development of non-resource sectors of the economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Status Indicators Development/performance indicators
Innovation and investment potential
1.1 Investment in fixed assets (IOK) 1.1 Iok's share in the total volume
1.2 ICT costs of organizations 1.2 Iok's share in GVA
1.3 Iok/capital-labour ratio
Labor potential
2.1 Number of employed 2.1 Share of employed in total
2.2 Labor productivity (LP) 2.2 LP/FV
2.3 Number of high-performance seats 2.3 LP/Iok
2.4 Average monthly wages 2.4 LP/Average salary
Production potential
3.1 Fixed production assets (FPA) 3.1 Cobn/Quyb
3.2 Degree of wear of FPA 3.2 GVA/FPA
3.3 The capital-labor ratio (FV) 3.3 Share of enterprises in total
Financial and economic potential
4.1 Gross value added (GVA) 4.1 Share of GVA in the region's GRP
4.2 Balanced Outcome (BO) 4.2 Profitability of goods sold
4.3 Return on assets
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