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Personal Development As A Key Competence In Formation Of Professional Skill Teacher

Table 2: Semantic units of ideas about the main characteristics of the teacher's professional activity

Criterion Semantic units (total volume of answers) Types of views Result(predominant type of representation)
Fragmentary Ascertaining Analytical
Understanding of professional and pedagogical activity goals and objectives 74.3 27.3 47 0 Ascertaining
Means and ways to solve professional problems 88.6 40.3 36.2 12.1 Fragmentary
Performance evaluation 84.7 21.2 46.3 17.2 Ascertaining
Evaluation of professional difficulties 78.6 13.1 39.2 26.3 Ascertaining
Efficiency of time and resources for solving pedagogical problems 24.2 13.2 11.0 0 Fragmentary
Emotional attitude to the process of professional activity 93.4 22.7 51.2 19.5 Ascertaining
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