Personal Development As A Key Competence In Formation Of Professional Skill Teacher


The article deals with pedagogical skills, professional competence of the teacher - the components of its professionalism is essential to the effective solution of professional tasks. The professional competence of the teacher - the components of its professionalism, is a condition for effective professional applications. The substantiation of self-development, as a key competence in the development of professional skills and competence. This is due to the ongoing transformation in the education system, the changed requirements for the personality and activities of the teacher. The results of empirical research presented 80 preschool teachers about the level of formation of their important components of pedagogical skills: natural prerequisites due to the selection and successful implementation of professional activity; pedagogical abilities as a socio-psychological basis for improving pedagogical activity; professionally important qualities of the individual teacher. According to the survey of all the studied parameters revealed the prevalence of high and medium levels, with somewhat higher values at high level. The low level was observed in a small amount of teachers in 1 component (6.3%), but component 3 - he has already identified 20% of the subjects that may be caused by low self-esteem, critical attitude towards themselves, an objective reality, which hinders the implementation of high-quality professional activities. However, the study of ideas about the characteristics of pedagogical activity showed that they are at the ascertaining and fragmentary level for all respondents. The revealed contradiction in the ideas about the components of professional skill shows the directions of professional self-development of teachers.

Keywords: Competence, self-development, pedagogical excellence, professional competence, representation


Pedagogical skills, professional competence of the teacher - components of professionalism of the teacher, which is an important condition for effective professional applications. Despite the different accents that put in understanding the pedagogical skills of scientists, is clearly its connection with high quality, highly professional performance of pedagogical activity, professional efficiency, competence.

In this regard, the problem of professional skill has always been and will be relevant for any sphere of human activity. For pedagogical activity, the skill of a teacher is all the more important because it has a significant impact on the development of children. competence. Today, ideas about the professional skill of a teacher, the requirements for it, have significant differences from those that existed several decades ago. The “reflection” of the speed of changes and new requirements are the Federal State Educational Standards of Professional Pedagogical Education, which have repeatedly changed over the past decade in Russia. A modern teacher should have formed competencies that will allow him to successfully cope with professional tasks in the present and in the future. He must "keep pace with the times", take into account the changes taking place in society, education, in different subjects of the educational process. From our point of view, this is possible under the condition of the teacher's self-development throughout the entire professional life, which begins at the stage of preparation, training in an educational institution.

Problem Statement

In the current climate of change and transformation in the education system has placed new demands on professional skills, teacher competence. The most important factor of professional skills of the modern teacher is his ability to self-development, to changes in accordance with the requirements of the time. Moreover, this aspect is not enough revealed in research.

The basis of self-development is the teacher's existing ideas about the important components of his own professional skills, which allow him to realize the problems and analyse possible ways to solve them. Based on the understanding of the importance of this factor in the development of professional skills of teachers, state the problem: on what deficiencies professional skills, according to the ideas of teachers, should be directed to their professional self-development?

Research Questions

In the course of the study, the following questions were formulated:

  • What are the theoretical foundations of the professional skill of teachers and its relationship with professional competence?
  • What is the role of self-development in the development of a teacher's professional skill? What are the features of teachers' ideas about their own pedagogical skills?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of research - to carry out a theoretical basis of self-development as a key competence in the development of professional skills of teachers and empirically identify the particular representations of teachers about their own professional skills as the basis of their professional self.

Research Methods

For the research, theoretical methods were used - analysis, specification, comparison, generalization; empirical methods - testing, analysis of products of activity, conversation; quantitative and qualitative methods of data processing - registration, calculation of total and percentages, content analysis, description.

The problem of professional skill, competence of a modern teacher

Many Russian scientists paid considerable attention to the issues of pedagogical skills - Derkach et al. (2000), Mitina (2018), Slastenin (2004) and others. activities, allowing the teacher to successfully solve professional problems and the level of competence; a qualitative characteristic of the degree of mastering by the teacher of his professional activity; a condition for the productive work of a teacher and the basis for a high level of professional development. This problem is sufficiently studied and the most significant, essential characteristics and factors of professional skill, such as knowledge of their subject, love for children, etc., are probably timeless and will be relevant for the educational system at any period of the historical development of society.

For the Russian psychological and pedagogical science, the term "pedagogical skill" was more traditional. But in connection with the search for ways to modernize the Russian education system, when considering the professionalism of a teacher, the concept of his pedagogical competence becomes predominant. Since the 80s of the 20th century, the problem of pedagogical competence has been thoroughly studied by scientists, its correlation with the concept of "pedagogical skill" has been analyzed. Common is the understanding of them as components of the teacher's professionalism, as a kind of guarantor of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, as well as conditions and means of student development (Kozilova, et al., 2017; Vinogradova, 2017). Mitina (2018) views pedagogical competence as part of pedagogical excellence. Foreign scientists (Goodman et al., 2008; Oser et al., 2006) also consider the concept of professional competence in relation to the teaching profession.

Winch (2000) believes that competence is based on behavior / activity, determined by any conditions, on the ability to perform a task in accordance with the specified parameters in a particular situation.

Raven (2002) reveals the components of competence as the ability to effectively perform a specific action in a specific subject area: highly specialized knowledge; special kind of subject skills; ways of thinking; understanding of responsibility for their actions. He believes that the competence:

consists of a large number of components, many of which are relatively independent from each other ... some components are more likely to cognitive, and others - to the emotional ... these components can be replaced each other as components of effective behavior. (p. 253)

But, despite the sufficient study of the problem, which was devoted to many studies at the beginning of the 21st century, in connection with serious changes in the conditions of the teacher's professional activity and the requirements for it, in recent years a significant number of scientific publications have appeared on the understanding of various aspects of the teacher's competence. Its essence and components are considered (Grigorov et al., 2017; Merzhueva, 2017; Molchanov & Sadykova, 2018). The conditions and factors of development are studied (Adolf, 2016; Balakireva et al., 2016; Draganova, 2016, 2017; Orinina et al., 2019; Symanyuk & Pecherkina, 2016).

For our study, it is also important to understand pedagogical competence and pedagogical skill as criteria for self-assessment of oneself as a professional in the space of pedagogical work (Ratova & Chvyakin, 2017). This is due to the fact that we are studying the self-assessment by teachers of the components of their own pedagogical skills.

A number of works consider the specificity and various aspects of the competence of preschool teachers: the requirements for it in modern conditions (Abashina, 2017); assessment (Svatalova, 2016); formation (Pritulyak, 2015). These studies are of particular interest to us due to the fact that in empirical research we study preschool teachers.

Various conditions and factors influence the development of professional skills and competence of a teacher. One of the important factors common to them is personality traits - its qualities, abilities, i.e. what refers to the subjective characteristics of pedagogical work, along with the objective (knowledge, skills). Personal components, according to White (1959), meaningfully fill the category of "competence". In our empirical study, we study the ideas of teachers about the formation of their psychophysical and socio-psychological personality traits as components of professional skill and competence, as well as ideas about the main characteristics of pedagogical activity. In this case, we adhere to the position of Starch (2017), who believed: the more competencies are formed, the higher the level of competence. "Differences are qualitative only in the sense that there are different combinations of the number of individual traits" (Starch, 2017, p. 28)

Professional and pedagogical competence as a set of groups of competencies (subject, didactic, qualitative, technical and technological, socio-status, methodological) are proposed to be considered by Russian scientists, including Molchanov and Sadykova (2018).

All of the above allows us to consider the professional skill of a teacher as a synonym for his professional competence, which is an integrative education that includes personal and activity characteristics.

The formation and development of competencies is the task of professional pedagogical education. In our study, we consider competence related to professional self-development, based on understanding it as a driver of professional skill (competence).

Self-development as the basis of the professional competence of a modern teacher

In constantly changing economic, political, social conditions, self-development is one of the key (universal, metasubject) competencies. A person not only has to be prepared for life in conditions of uncertainty, he already lives in these conditions. The development of a personality, a professional under the influence of external factors does not give a quick and high-quality result, since the effectiveness of solving non-standard problems is directly related to the process and results of personal and professional self-development.

The World Economic Forum's report "The Future of Jobs 2020" (2020) among the skills needed by professionals, notes, among others, self-government, flexibility and active learning. A modern specialist is a person who strives to be successful, which means that he is constantly improving, striving to “keep up” with the challenges of the time. The last 2020 showed how different sectors of the economy in different countries can switch to completely different operating technologies in a few days. How quickly certain professions are destroyed and new ones are created. Actual challenges demanded new competencies from employees, which entailed, in parallel with the traditional professional development, the processes of self-education and self-development. It is difficult to say in what kind of activity active self-development is not required. However, the types of activity, including professional ones, are not unambiguously assessed by the complexity of self-development.

So, Bayluk (2018), criticizing the well-known definitions of personality self-development, points out that only in esoteric, internal types of activity (self-knowledge, self-education, self-healing and self-government) does self-development of the individual take place. But in exoteric, external, (professional, socio-political, family, household, sports, aesthetic, etc.), the self-development of a person depends on the level of their development and the degree of their innovativeness.

Pedagogical activity is characterized by increased moral responsibility, complex content, the presence of various types, tough deadlines, mixing of personal and working time, lack of full-fledged recreation, all this is accompanied by strong physical and mental stress (Savina & Lopanova, 2020). It is known that teachers, as representatives of the “person-to-person” profession, are especially prone to psychological burnout and professional deformations, which has an extremely negative effect on health in general. Turning to a historical excursion, we can note that the profession of a teacher has always been interpreted as highly intellectual and highly qualified work, not only requiring professionalism, but also in need of continuous self-development. Hence, self-development, as a separate activity, constantly accompanied the teacher. Professional self-development in psychological and pedagogical science is conditioned by the determination of personality development by activity. Without aiming to conduct a detailed terminological analysis of the concepts of "self-development", "professional self-development", we will take as a basis a generalized understanding of self-development of an individual as an active, conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of one's professional competence. It should be noted that researchers consider the professional self-development of a teacher in various aspects.

Narikbaeva (2016) substantiates the importance of self-development of non-academic forms of intelligence in future teachers. She refers to them as social, emotional and practical forms that are responsible for the development of professionally important qualities of a teacher (speed, flexibility, creativity, and others). Bezmaternyh and Tereshchenko (2018) include self-development (as a synonym for self-education) in the model of the individual trajectory of the teacher's professional and creative realization. Ushakov (2016) also, based on the principle of variability, determines the need to design individual vocational and developmental trajectories. The basis for them is the model of the process of personal and professional self-development of a teacher developed by the author in an integrative educational environment. An environment such as an open macrosystem is formed as a result of combining information environments of various level and functional affiliation. The ambiguity of understanding the conditions of the self-development process shows the complexity and ambiguity of this phenomenon.

Today, in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, there is an acceleration in all areas of the economy and types of professional activity. The processes of digitalization and globalization of education complicate the professional activity of a teacher. Kuanysheva et al. (2019) empirically prove, using the example of preschool education, that the technologization of the educational process, the introduction of new pedagogical practices contributes to the professional self-development of teachers. The periods of vocational training, retraining, advanced training are shortened, they run in parallel with each other and with the process of professional activity. The Future of Jobs 2020 (2020) notes that the window of opportunity for retraining and advanced training of workers has become shorter in the face of a new limited labour market. Professional self-development of a teacher today is an ongoing process. The atlas of new professions (Ramzaeva, 2020), developed in Skolkovo (Russia), shows the constant emergence of new professions, including in the field of education: coordinator of the educational platform, mentor of startups, developer of educational trajectories, organizer of project training, and others. All this speaks of the tendency, which is designated as a call to learn, unlearn and relearn. The requirements for the quality and speed of the teacher's self-development are also increasing due to the fact that modern students are often more flexible and learn innovations faster than their teachers. And also, the teacher needs to prepare his students for life in a complex changing world, to show the value and teach the technologies of self-development.

Our research is based on the ideas of competence-based and personality-activity approaches in education, therefore, for a refined definition, we will take a generalized formulation from undergraduate and graduate programs. This is a group of universal (key) competencies "Self-organization and self-development": "Able to manage your time, build and implement a trajectory of self-development based on the principles of education throughout life, determine and implement the priorities of your own activities and ways to improve it based on self-assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, 2018, from. 7.

Yoo (2016) based on the analysis of teacher education programs for sustainable development, makes an important conclusion: "Therefore, reflecting and carefully examining one ís own teacher efficacy is essential, especially in the global context for sustainability" ( p. 92). Agreeing with this statement, as well as with the opinion of Ganieva et al. (2000) about the knowledge of the values ​​of vocational training for students in eliminating the problems of the educational process of the university, we organized and conducted an empirical study of students.

Sample and methods of empirical research

The empirical study was conducted in 2018-2020. The subjects were 80 teachers of preschool educational organizations (preschool educational institutions) in Omsk and the Omsk region. At the time of the study, they were receiving higher education at the Omsk State Pedagogical University at the faculty of primary, preschool and special education (correspondence course). Education and professional activity allow to combine theory and practice, which is an important condition for professional development. Such students treat theoretical knowledge more meaningfully, considering it through the prism of their own professional experience, taking into account the possibilities of their application in professional activity. And also the problems that arise in the process of work motivate a person to search for their solution. Our experience with this category of students allows us to note that they are actively and interested in everything, which allows them to better understand the issues that arise in the process of professional activity. The average age for the sample is 33.4 years, the average value of teaching experience for the sample is 5.8 years.

To collect empirical data, the following research methods were used:

1) self-test "Professional skill of a teacher" (Ganieva et al., 2000). The test is compiled according to the type of self-report (introspection) of the main professional characteristics, which are conditionally divided into 3 blocks.

  • Block I allows you to identify the natural preconditions for the choice and successful implementation of professional activities.
  • Block II - pedagogical abilities and behavioural tendencies are studied, which constitutes the socio-psychological basis for improving pedagogical activity.
  • Block III is aimed at determining the professionally important qualities of the teacher's personality.

2) Study of reporting documentation on practice (analysis of the assignment - "Final self-analysis of the results of practice"). Quantitative and qualitative processing was carried out using the method of content analysis, the essence of which is the calculation of semantic units in accordance with the selected criteria. When determining the criteria for content analysis, we relied on the content of some universal competencies and professional competencies of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (2018), reflecting the main characteristics of pedagogical activity.

Empirical Research on Teachers' Ideas of Professional Excellence

At the first stage of the research, we turned to the study of the main professional characteristics of pedagogical activity, identified using the test "Professional skill of a teacher." The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Severity levels of the main professional characteristics of teachers' activities
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The data in the table clearly show that in block I, a high and medium level of expression of professionally important personal characteristics prevails. In the opinion of the subjects, natural preconditions for the development of professionalism were formed at the middle and high levels for successful professional development. Such important temperamental and psychophysiological characteristics, such as: strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes. Bright manifestations of these properties and characteristics can be considered: the optimal level of working capacity throughout the working day, the rate of performance of work actions per unit of time, stability, concentration and switching of attention in the process of performing professional and pedagogical tasks, a positive emotional background, a sufficient degree of expressiveness (gestural thesaurus , extralinguistic and paralinguistic components of pedagogical communication, etc.), decisiveness, adaptability, flexibility, especially in the context of solving non-typical professional situations. Undoubtedly, the presented biologically determined properties create a favourable basis for the development of professionalism in the complex modern conditions of multitasking, the intensification of the teacher's labour activity and the constantly increasing requirements for the personal qualities and professional skills of the teacher.

Block II is also dominated by high (43.7%) and medium (41.3%) severity. The content of this block is the main socio-psychological characteristics (pedagogical abilities, socio-behavioural traits), which reflect different degrees of predisposing or hindering characteristics for the development of the teacher's professionalism. So, the tested teachers have formed the necessary pedagogical abilities:

  • perceptual pedagogical abilities are manifested in observation and the ability to feel the state of another person, to penetrate into his inner world;
  • constructive abilities imply sensitivity in the choice of content, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity;
  • organizational abilities are expressed in a clear planning of their activities, the selection of effective methods of organizing a children's team and self-organization.

Along with the study of the main pedagogical abilities, it is possible to note the combination of positive socio-behavioural qualities in the subjects: sociability, patience and endurance in relation to subjects of labour (children, parents, colleagues), attention and respect for other people.

In general, the results obtained indicate a favourable combination of individual, personal and professional characteristics, which are factors in the successful implementation of professional and pedagogical activities.

Block III included questions for introspection of the professionally important qualities of the teacher's personality. The following results were obtained: a high level of severity of 50%, an average level of 30% and a low level of 20%.

It can be noted, that such qualities as love for children, decency, responsibility, self-criticism, tact, pedagogical erudition, broad outlook, pedagogical resourcefulness, optimism, etc.

Despite the fact that most of the subjects are dominated by values of a high level of severity, every fifth teacher has a critical level of development of professionally important personality traits, which indicates a serious obstacle in the development of their professionalism and skill.

Next, we will present the results of studying the ideas about the main characteristics of the teacher's professional activity. The reporting documentation on pedagogical practice was analysed. The obtained quantitative data are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Semantic units of ideas about the main characteristics of the teacher's professional activity
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Analysis of tabular data allows us to note that according to criteria 1,3,4 and 6, the ascertaining type of professional ideas prevails, according to criteria 2 and 5, the fragmentary type. Let's briefly dwell on each criterion.

According to the first criterion, the subjects do not have a meaningful analytical idea of the main goals and objectives of professional activity, which are solved in the process of pedagogical practice. Basically, the subjects designated (stated) the goals and objectives of the practice without connection with the teacher's professional activity.

According to the second criterion, a fragmentary, mosaic and superficial understanding of the means and methods of solving professional problems prevails. The nature of the reflexive production indicates difficulties in differentiating the understanding of the means and methods of the teacher's professional activity. The obtained theoretical knowledge of the subjects, the already existing experience of pedagogical work, on the basis of which the process of upbringing, teaching and development of children is built, is not associated with the choice of methods and forms that the subjects use to solve pedagogical problems. Basically, the surveyed teachers focused on specific pedagogical tasks, within the framework of which the pedagogical methods and techniques corresponding to the given task were applied.

According to the third criterion, the ascertaining type dominates. The subjects noted their successes in carrying out activities with children (psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of various psychological characteristics, implementation of developmental classes, performing professional tests) and other subjects of the educational process (carrying out preventive measures with preschool teachers and educational work with parents).

According to the fourth criterion, the ascertaining type of professional ideas also prevails. The subjects pointed to the nature of their difficulties, which they associated with: designing the content of GCD classes, organizing the pedagogical process, as well as an insufficient level of development of professional skills.

According to the fifth criterion, fragmentary presentation dominates. Few of the subjects' reports included information on resources and time spent on professional tasks. The instructions were of a private nature and related to individual tasks, labour operations within the framework of pedagogical practice.

And, finally, according to the sixth criterion, the ascertaining type of professional representations also surpasses other types, as in the analysis of the above criteria. It is important to emphasize that, despite all the difficulties that the subjects faced, their impressions, on the whole, were of a positive emotional and personal character.

Teachers most often noted their impressions in the form of a general emotional assessment and indicated that they "liked the process of passing the practice", "some of the tasks were useful and very interesting", etc. Analytical representations included inferences about the correct choice of a professional path, the desire to devote themselves children and contained optimistic reflections about their professional future. The data obtained through the conversation confirm the revealed trends. In general, we can state a contradiction between teachers' rather high self-esteem of their professionally important qualities and their lack of a holistic, detailed idea of ​​their pedagogical activity and of themselves as a person in the profession.


Theoretical part

The theoretical analysis made it possible to conclude that the professional skill of a teacher is today regarded as a synonym for pedagogical competence. In general terms they are integral formation, including personal and activity-related components that enable the teacher to perform the work in accordance with specified parameters in a particular situation. Various conditions and factors influence the development of professional skills and competence of a teacher.

The competence-based approach in vocational education aims at the formation and development of universal and professional competencies. Among the universal (key) competencies in the Federal State Educational Standard of the Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the group of competencies "Self-education and self-development" occupies a special place. Personal self-development is understood as an active, conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of one's professional competence. In today's changing labour market conditions, self-development becomes crucial for the development of professional skills (competence). The ideas of teachers about their own level of professional skill (competence) will determine the ways of professional self-development.

Empirical part

Empirical studies on the formation of representations of teachers they constitute professional skills to the following conclusions.

First, the subjects showed a high and sufficient level of professionalism in the main aspects of professional and personal development:

  • psychophysiological prerequisites (properties of the nervous system and characteristics of working capacity) for the choice and successful implementation of professional and pedagogical activities;
  • pedagogical abilities and behavioral characteristics (provide a socio-psychological basis for improving professional skills);
  • the main professionally important personality traits.

Secondly, the level of the prevailing ideas about the goal, main tasks, means and methods of carrying out pedagogical activities, as well as professional successes and difficulties, were of an ascertaining and fragmentary nature, which indicates the absence of a holistic, detailed and meaningful idea of ​​one's pedagogical activity and of oneself as personality in the profession. The data obtained by analysing the products of activity, and our expert assessment of its results, differ significantly from the individual perceptions of the respondents about their professionalism, revealed through testing, which, in our opinion, requires additional study.


The results of a theoretical study of the role of self-development in the formation of professional skills of a teacher

Being one of the universal (key) competencies in the general structure of the teacher's professional competence, self-development is also the main factor in the formation of professional skill or teacher competence. Professional training at the university orients the future teacher to work in the current conditions and in the near future. However, the life and work of a person in a changing world requires constant self-improvement in order to reach the level of professional skill (competence), which is constantly increasing. Therefore, the formation and development of the competence of self-development should be given considerable attention both at the stage of training a future teacher at a university and in postgraduate education. The idea of ​​students about their own level of development of professional skills helps to determine the deficiencies to which the process of self-development should be oriented.

Results of an empirical study of teachers' ideas about professional skills

The revealed ideas of teachers about professional skills, both from the side of personal qualities and from the side of the characteristics of activity, showed that there are some deficiencies in the formation of the personal component of professional skill, but especially the ideas of teachers about the characteristics of professional activity are insufficiently formed. If the personality components are insufficiently developed in every fifth respondent, then deficiencies in terms of professional activity were found in all subjects. The problems identified as a result of the study indicate the need for teachers to work towards the development of a meaningful, adequate understanding of their pedagogical activities, their own professionalism and the possibilities of professional self-development. Hence, we can answer the problematic question posed at the beginning of the study: the professional self-development of teachers should be aimed at the formation of a conscious understanding of pedagogical activity, given its complication in the modern changing conditions of the development of society and the economy.


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Economics, social trends, sustainability, modern society, behavioural sciences, education

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Ozhegova, E., Rasskazova, I., & Savina, N. V. (2021). Personal Development As A Key Competence In Formation Of Professional Skill Teacher. In I. V. Kovalev, A. A. Voroshilova, & A. S. Budagov (Eds.), Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society (ICEST-II 2021), vol 116. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1493-1505). European Publisher.