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Evaluation Of Public-Private Partnership Models: Methodological Aspects And International Features

Table 3: Choosing a model for a PPP project (Reznichenko, 2010)

Interaction indicator PPP model
Management contract BOT BOOT DBFO DBOO
1 2 3 4 5 6
Provision of services None Provision possible Provision possible Provision possible Provision possible
Duration of the contract (in years) 3-5 10-30 10–30 10–35 Not limited
Priority industry Industry Social Culture and cultural heritage IT Tourism
Private partner risks Object operation risks Risks of object creation, risks of object operation Design and preparatory risks, facility creation risks Risks of object creation, risks of object operation Object creation risks, object operation risks, income generation risks
Public partner risks Income risks Income risks Object operation risks, income generation risks Design and preparatory risks, income generation risks Design and preparatory risks
Role of the state Ownership Ownership Retention of ownership Ownership
Federal Law "On Concession Agreements" Possibly as part of a concession agreement Possible Possible Possible Possible
Law of the Republic of Abkhazia "On Investment Activity" Possibly as part of a PPP contract Possible Possible Possible Impossible
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