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Digitalization As A Factor In Increasing The Profitability Of Agricultural Production

Table 2: Profitability indicators, their calculation formulas and economic essence

Indicators Calculation formula Function
Profitability of certain types of products P r o f i t p e r u n i t o f p r o d u c t i o n U n i t c o s t * 100% Characterizes the profitability of certain types of products; it is used as a basis for calculating profit when determining prices
Profitability of sales P r o f i t f r o m s a l e s o f p r o d u c t s S a l e s p r o c e e d s * 100% Shows what percentage of profit the organization receives from each ruble of product sales
Profitability of assets P r o f i t T o t a l a s s e t s * 100% Characterize the return attributable to the ruble of the corresponding assets
Profitability of circulating assets P r o f i t C u r r e n t a s s e t s * 100%
Profitability of net assets P r o f i t N e t a s s e t s * 100%
Profitability of equity capital P r o f i t E q u i t y c a p i t a l * 100% Describes the profit that is accounted for by the ruble of equity after paying interest on loans and taxes
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