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Cognitive And Rhetorical Forms Of Persuasion In Army Recruiting Posters

Table 1:

Parameters Comment
1. Feature the situation of communication The slogan used to advertise contract service in the army
1.1. The theme Contract service in the army
1.2. Conditions of Mediated communication Distant. Sender and the recipient
1.3. Communication (roles of participants) Addressor, addressee
1.4. Social roles Equal communication
1.5. The type of communicative coordination Sender relies on cooperative communication; decision making on professional choices and social status
2. Linguistic aspect
2.1. Monologue / Dialogic text Monologic text, call
2.2. Functional (semantic types of speech) Description (advantages, benefits offered military)
2.3. Composition and semantics Two slogans: 1) words of General of the army V.F. Margelov; 2) recipient encouragement to a conscious action; 3) information about allowances, extra payments and social safeguards.
3. Language design
3.1. Lexical features In text-based verbs and constructions in the imperative fight, step. Used you-communication, a friendly call, involving the communication of with like-minded people (your choice). Material and social incentives.
3.2. Grammar features The text is built on verbs of imperfective aspect in the imperative mood, underscoring the mandatory nature of the text, encouraging to make a conscious action.
4. The pragmatic aspect
4.1. Discursive features Text intentions: 1) new volunteers recruiting; 2) a call to action; 3) declarative; 4) a patriotic purpose; 5) benefits. Texts not only convey information about existing opportunities (informative aspect), but also try to affect the addressee (the pragmatic aspect).
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