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Preferences Of Modern High School Graduates: Evaluating Factors Influencing The University Choice

Table 2:

Groups of Factors Initial Factors Importance of Factors
Extremely important Existence of a specialty applicant is interested in 10
Important Demand for graduates on the labor market 9
State license and accreditation existence 8
More exactly important Training cost (on the tuition-fee basis) 6
Living arrangements (on-campus dormitory) 6
Opportunity to obtain additional knowledge and skills 5
Highly qualified teaching staff 4
More exactly unimportant Budget availability 3
University participation in international ratings 3
The desire to move to a new city 3
Conditions provided for extracurricular activities 3
Providing international internships and programs 3
Opportunity to combine work and studies 3
Scientific and methodological support of the educational process 3
Availability of material and technical base 3
Prestige of the institution 3
Extremely unimportant University activity in social networks 2
Close location of the institution to the place of residence 2
University studying difficulties 2
Opportunity to do research 1
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