Methods And Tools For Promoting Content Personalities In New Media


The article examines, in a new vein, the functioning of various methods and tools for promoting a person using new media, which include: podcasts; video sharing services (YouTube); photo-sharing services (Instagram); social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, MySpace and others); video conferencing; microblogging (Twitter); instant messaging systems (ICQ, Whatts Up, Messanger); event publishing systems (Lenta Roux, EventFul); Intratens (Redmine), the toolkit that is used to implement the promotion process may be hashtags; links; likes; reposts; stories; memes and others. With the help of modern Internet communication, ways to promote a person provide the opportunity for regular communication with the target audience and attract new ones in the shortest possible time. Not only visual components are important, but also competently built high-quality content. A set of directions in design, technology, on the principles of building Internet applications Web 2.0 contributes to more optimal promotion and consists in the fact that the creation of content and the promotion of personality in Internet resources occurs with the help of the audience itself using interactive tools, and not with the help of publications, as taken in traditional media. Therefore, the main platforms for promoting a person through new media are: electronic magazines; blogosphere; Email; instant messengers; information exchange and search sites, Internet communities; Internet radio other Web 2.0 system resources. The word, statement, personality text, and personality itself in new media plays a crucial role, but only with the use of competent means the result of the promotion process will become truly successful.

Keywords: Audiencemedia communicationsmethods and toolspromotion process


The evolution of contradictions in the promotion of personality

The relevance of the research in the field of solving problems and issues of personal advancement is to identify and disclose the contradictions between the traditional well-established methods of personal advancement (implementation of training skills, job placement, high salary, family well-being, respect in a particular field of activity) both within themselves so with the new complex of tools, which is associated with the promotion of their individuality through social networks, the transformation of their lives into media content, the promotion of their personality through n marketing media.

The formation of a new reality in the promotion of personality

New media serve not only for entertainment and informing users, but also form an active readership, promoting themselves and their ideas. The new Internet reality not only uses information for its own purposes, but is also an active accomplice in creating content to promote a person in the Internet space. Social networks are a separate layer, since today life without information from there does not seem to be. Their authors are divided into several categories: Social networks for communication. Designed primarily for communication between friends, relatives and colleagues. In them you can find amateur videos, music, dialogs and much more. The most famous social networks in Russia are VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Here it is possible not only communication, but also active promotion of the personality with the help of those with whom he studied, interacted, etc. In Western countries, the most popular social networks are Facebook and Bebo. Professional social networks. Designed for communication and promotion of people of the same profession (Anokhov, 2017). They allow you to establish business contacts, post resumes and recommendations for work, exchange business news, press releases, and also use other necessary opportunities for promotion. The most used professional networks in Russia are, Professionals and My Circle. LinkedIn and XING are popular in Europe. Niche social networks. With their help, users are united in interest groups. The most famous in the whole world: Instagram, Facebook, Tik-tok. Thanks to photo platforms, information is perceived more comfortable and more interesting. Thus, the success of promotion on the social network “Instagram” is due to the fact that many people are easier to perceive information with the help of colorful photos and video content with metered print information under them. In recent years, the situation has changed, people are beginning to perceive Instagram not only as a platform where you can share photos, but also create interesting content (Kotov & Zinina, 2015). Now, to achieve success in promoting a person, you need to not only post a photo, but also write informative posts in order to maintain and expand your audience. Along with social networks, blogs (from the English. Log-network event log) or network magazines are an important component in the complex of personality promotion in new media. They are websites through which their authors, bloggers, can publish photo video materials, posts (posts), articles, create interesting content for them, and receive comments under posts. Out of the totality of blogs, the blogosphere, a worldwide association of bloggers, has formed. Popular bloggers with an audience of more than ten thousand users enjoy tremendous respect and authority. Many try to imitate them, are interested in their life, copy habits, follow their advice (Zhestkov, 2018). Thus, advanced bloggers become leaders of public opinion, and their posts on sharp political, everyday or social topics can cause a public outcry. Today it is not just information resources, but influential media platforms that can compete with traditional media (Kotov et al., 2019).

Problem Statement

The essence of the research component of this article is associated with the lack of a clear mechanism for a comprehensive description and study of methods for promoting a person in new media, primarily through social networks and blogs.

Research Questions

The technical capabilities of modern information and communication technologies in the development of a new reality make it possible to actualize the study of the following issues:

1) a comparative analysis of ways to promote a person in new media using social networks and blogs as an example;

2) a comprehensive analysis of examples of personality advancement in new media on the example of social networks and blogs; which will expand the research potential of the formation of relevant tools of the process of promoting a person in new media.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to study a set of modern methods and tools for promoting a person in new media using social networks and blogs as examples.

Research Methods

The methodology and research methods are a set of research tools, including structural-functional analysis, comparative analysis. The main platforms for promoting a person through new media are: social networks; electronic magazines; the blogosphere; Email; instant messengers; information exchange and search sites, etc.


Further, the authors analyze ways to promote personality (personality content) on the Internet. A website is presented as the most common form of advertising and self-promotion on the Internet. All methods of promotion on the Internet are mainly aimed at attracting a visitor to the site. The most popular forms of promotion on the Internet (Rozina, 2017). 1. Publication on news Internet resources, specialized and thematic sites. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that on the most popular servers where news, articles and other materials are published that are similar to the theme of the site. There was information about the site and a link to it. For example, a site reviews new car brands and provides a list of sites (with links) that sell cars. 2. Link exchange. This method of promotion consists in the fact that the owner places links on his site to a “friendly” site (as a rule, similar in theme) and also puts a link to his resource. There are several options for using this form of advertising: creating a separate page where recommended links are grouped (necessary so as not to overwhelm the content pages with additional information); placement of links in the context of a page that is suitable for thematic content; placing links directly on the main page; ratings determine the popularity of a website compared to others of the same thematic category. A high rating indicates high traffic to the site, therefore, and its quality. It is believed that sites become highly visited precisely with high-quality content or service, so the rating is getting higher and higher. Advertisers see these sites as attractive for placing their ads. 3. E-mail (email) marketing. Using email for marketing purposes is currently a fairly common practice. There are effective forms of using e-mail as an element of personal promotion. 4. Discussion lists are intended for the exchange of information. They are sent to all participants, each of which adds his own opinion on the issue under discussion (Leontiev, 2018). For the purposes of self-promotion, you can become one of the participants in discussion lists that directly or indirectly relate to a particular event. Among other participants, you can find potential customers or partners, however, you must follow certain rules for conducting conversations, otherwise you can lose credibility and trust for excessive advertising obsession, which will bring only a negative effect; Newsletter from the server (Leontiev, 2018). Regular visitors of the site can be offered a special newsletter informing about updates and the placement of new material on it; mailing lists. On the Internet there is the opportunity to receive e-mail materials on a particular topic by subscribing to a list; individual messages. Currently, there are ways of automated mailing of letters with advertising information directly to the user's e-mail. For example, you can thus inform about changes in product prices, about new products, congratulate on holidays, etc. In this case, individual letters will serve as a means of forming and strengthening consumer loyalty. Currently, the term “civilized e-mail marketing” has become relevant, implying the correct distribution of advertising information to users' emails (Karpikova & Artamonova, 2018). 5. Viral advertising. Unlike spam, this type of advertising message is sent by the users themselves. It can be a joke, article, graphic image, photograph or video. At the same time, the speed of distribution of this advertising product increases exponentially. The most effective tool for viral advertising is video advertising, as it has more opportunities to influence the audience. Viral marketing is one of the most advanced technologies. As an example, we can mention the popular interactive viral videos, where viewers can take part as an actor and shoot their peculiar continuation. 6. Separately, it is worth highlighting ways of promotion in social networks. This type of new media is one of the most popular and in demand today. Many bloggers have earned thousands and millions of fans - subscribers to the platform of these particular resources (Weber, 2017).

Currently, new ways of promotion are appearing and appearing; studying them has allowed us to focus on the most effective ones (Trubetskaya, 2019).

1. Distribution of links to social profiles is necessary in all conceivable and inconceivable places, in press releases, in letters, on business cards, on products, in signatures, etc.

2. Supporting activity in social media through campaigns, surveys, discounts, etc.

3. The ability to track the ROI of your pages on social networks. Constant monitoring of your social page will help to make management decisions on its maintenance, applied tactics and strategies.

4. The study of potential consumers of content using geolocation services - For example, Foursquare, will help determine the location of new content.

5. Active interaction with employees and active participation in promoting a brand account in social networks - linking pages to an account of a personal brand, increases the ownership and motivation of participants.

6. Creating a mobile version of your site. Today, the use of mobile devices to visit web pages is becoming increasingly popular. Adjusting pages for any screens of mobile phones and tablets will help expand the circle of visitors.

7. Interviews with influential and famous members of a community that includes someone who wants to advance in new media. Celebrity interviews can be used as viral ads on social networks and on your page.

8. Personal / name URL for brand page. Using a personalized URL, you can actively promote your Facebook page.

9. Create a creative cover based on the target audience.

10. Using Timeline brand page. Using this option, you can increase user awareness of various events and events, this helps to increase trust and loyalty to the author.

11. Publication of various issues as statuses. Stimulating the activity of subscribers on the brand page using questions from contests.

12. Distribution of codes in exchange for likes of the brand page.

13. The use of contests with prizes on branded pages.

14. Organization of shares and contests for activity in the news feed. To do this, you can configure the "Reviews" in the news feed, so as to take into account each comment.

15. Search for the most popular Twitter users in your region.

16. Finding brand hashtags.

17. The study of competitors.

18. Creating an offline event.

19. Optimal activity - do not flood - do not flood your followers with a large number of updates per unit of time.

20. Using only important news to post them on the pages of the author.

21. Search for suitable partners whose interests coincide with the copyright ones. And then inviting them to follow the identity of the blogger, thus expanding the network (Ermolaev et al., 2019).

In order for media content to be successful, and the author to collect as many views as possible, components of high-quality content are necessary. 1. Uniqueness - the information should be relevant and fascinating. Information cannot be copied from other resources, as this is prohibited by law. An exception is cross-sharing between a company’s blog and its social page. network. 2. Regularity - posts should go out systematically. Several times a week, and preferably at least twice a day. This will help maintain interest in the blog. Updating content is the key to a blogger’s success. 3. Virality - information must be lively, evoking an emotional response. Interest should always be fueled by unusual facts, contests and surveys. Active viral videos should be avoided (Kazyaba & Barmina, 2020).

An analysis of the characteristics of ways to promote a person using new media revealed such stages as: 1) creating ideas for content; 2) analysis of the situation; 3) selection of unique content; 4) promotion using paid likes, views, hashtags; 5) cooperation with other bloggers and media personalities; 6) holding contests, draws to maintain interest in the content; 7) content monitoring; 8) direct and indirect communication with the audience (Koryagina & Kravchenko, 2019). It is worth noting the generation of unique ideas as an integral part of creating successful content. You should not forget that quality content is obtained only when the blogger is ready to put maximum effort into it. You should not forget that people are interested in reading not just beautiful articles and watching vivid photos, this should be followed by a strong personality of the creator of the content. It is necessary to make the resource as unique and free from stereotypes as possible (Grigorenko, 2016).

When analyzing ways to promote a person in new media, the features of promotion in social networks and blogs were revealed: originality; sensitivity; the ability to choose the latest trends; uniqueness of content; collaboration with advertisers; promotion due to; public placement. In order to successfully promote a person with the help of new media, it is necessary to use the basic technologies for promotion - uniqueness; virality; regularity. For a blog or information resource to be successful, bloggers must adhere to strict rules: monitoring content; analysis of the situation; identification of positive and negative factors (Beinenson, 2017).


Based on the analysis, the authors argue that at this stage of the development of new media, ways to promote a person are multifaceted and act more optimally, the more complex their interaction. The promotion toolkit includes the following characteristics.

1. Multimedia - information can be transmitted using audio, video materials, graphic images, test and other forms derived from them, which in combination gives a synergistic effect.

2. Convergence - the synthesis of various types of media content and its movement from one media platform to another, which leads to its integration and increased influence on the audience.

3. Hypertextuality - the text is an infinite number of texts, united by a system of internal and external links. This implies that information can be infinitely supplemented and expanded with the help of different authors, which contributes to a manifold increase in the opportunities for personal advancement. The term itself refers to the ability of new media to create an unfixed volume of content based not only on information from professional journalists, but also on information from active Internet users. Thus, on the basis of one author’s test, a new media text with an expanded volume of content may appear, which is important for the process of promoting the personality and expanding the impact on the audience.

4. Interactivity - the active participation of the audience in the creative process and the constant interaction of media users with professional creators of media content.


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27 May 2021

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Culture, communication, history, mediasphere, education, law

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Karpov, E., & Karpova, E. (2021). Methods And Tools For Promoting Content Personalities In New Media. In E. V. Toropova, E. F. Zhukova, S. A. Malenko, T. L. Kaminskaya, N. V. Salonikov, V. I. Makarov, A. V. Batulina, M. V. Zvyaglova, O. A. Fikhtner, & A. M. Grinev (Eds.), Man, Society, Communication, vol 108. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 163-169). European Publisher.