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The Category Of “Continuity”: General And Special In Its Study And Understanding

Table 1:

Signs of the concept tages of dialectical cognition Questions of the programmed exercise on the formation of the concept of "continuity"
generalization irreversibility coagulation phasing system reflexivity
+ + I. Concept basis 1. What is the total generic interpretation of continuity?
* + 2. What kind of continuity or its manifestations most likely determines the synergy of matter, society and man?
+ + 3. Which of the following statements, in Your opinion, refers to both nature-like and culture-like continuity – their complementary relationship?
+ II. Сoncept core 4. Understanding of the concrete is possible through the awareness of its generic ties and unity with the general, special and separate. Which of the following interpretations of continuity is the most general and more informative?
* * + + 5. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the successful implementation of sociocultural continuity in the modern system of national education?
* * + + 6. A personality is a socially significant sustainable image of a person, showing his universal, national and individual qualities, signs or properties. What is the meaning and need for continuing education of an individual?
+ 7. Which of the following types of continuity and their manifestations is historically the most stable and practically does not change over time?
+ * + 8. What is the psychological and pedagogical readiness of a teacher to implement continuity in the development of cognitive abilities of students?
+ + * * 9. What mainly determines the system of leading motives and beliefs of the teacher's personality, which effectively implements continuity in the development of students' cognitive abilities?
+ * + + 10. Cognition is always aimed at comprehending the essence of a system of properties, attributes of studied objects in their natural organic connection. What can be the main basis and criterion for the development of cognitive abilities of a person?
+ + * 11. What are the sources and driving forces of the continuous development of cognitive abilities of students?
* + + * III. Consequences 12. In Your opinion, what specific parameters should be used to ensure continuity in the development of students ' cognitive abilities at different levels of education?
+ * + 13. What knowledge is necessary for the teacher to implement continuity in the development of cognitive abilities of students?
* + + + 14 Distribute the following professional skills of the teacher in the aspect of the implementation of continuity in the development of cognitive abilities of students in the following four groups of skills: I. Gnostic (cognitive). II. Constructive and diagnostic. III. Organizational. IV. Communicative. V. Design.
* + * + * * IV. General interpretation 15. In what interpretation of the idea of complementarity, its real connection with the ideas of conservation and continuity is more clearly seen?
* + * + * * 16. Relate the questions of this exercise to the basic stages of dialectical knowledge (I – Foundation; II – Core; III – Consequences; IV – General critical interpretation)
* * * * * * 17 The idea of continuity, having gone from a particular scientific principle (correspondence) to a general scientific criterion for the truth of new scientific theories, has transformed in science the form of a mature general scientific concept (category). This concept has all its features – necessary attributes: I. Generalization. II. Irreversibility. III. Coagulation. IV. Fhasing. V. System. VI. Reflexivity. Which of the signs of the concept dominate in each question of the exercise?
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