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Innovation Management In The Region-Foreign Practice

Table 2:

Factor Description
Humanfactor The Research Triangle has created a localized market of highly qualified personnel who are potential carriers of new ideas and knowledge.
Organizationalandlegalform The status of a non-profit organization eliminated the binding of the Research Triangle's activities to personal interests, and elicited a positive response from the state, private investors, and the public. In addition, the lack of competition between individual entities has encouraged close collaboration between business, government, and educational institutions to strengthen North Carolina's economic and scientific development.
The profiling state for prospective industries At the initial stage, the following promising areas were identified: pharmaceuticals, electronics and chemistry, which is explained by the specifics of the region.
High-qualityadministration At all stages of the Research triangle's activity organizational structures were created aimed at high-quality interaction of subjects of innovative activity, namely representatives of government, business and science. (Commission on science and technology; Department of science and technology of the Ministry of Commerce; Center for technology and small business development; Association of business incubators; Technology Association; innovation Council).
A certain role of the state - creation of the Research Triangle infrastructure, which in turn allows to increase the technological and economic potential, as well as to carry out the necessary reforms and transformations without losing efficiency and reducing economic indicators;- partial funding of education and science (discounts for students, grants for research);- tax benefits for business representatives.
Geographicalfactor The space within which the coordination of the main agents of the innovation process (companies and universities) is established, thereby reducing transaction costs associated with the search for information, forming an area of knowledge concentration and as a result achieving a low time lag between the development of innovation and its commercial implementation.
An informal institution with a high level of social responsibility The contribution of specific individuals who have a high level of social responsibility has become key factor in determining the success of the entire project.
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