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Development Of Transportation And Logistics Systems In Digitalization And Intellectualization

Table 1:

Model Implementation Terms
Minimum (a0,1) Urban platforms and services, broadband optical network For any city
Optimum (a2) Intelligent transport system, development of the chain ‘‘training - R & D - high-tech production’’, warehouse Population from 500 thousand, integration into the chain of at least one position, development of transport and logistics centers
Modern (a3) Big Data, IoT, warehouse Population from 1 million people, development of the chain of transport and logistics centers, widespread calculation of collected data, introduction of control microprocessors in various types of domestic and industrial equipment
Perspective (a4) 5G, cooperative intelligent transport and logistics system, urban transport and communication technologies Population from 1.5 million people, development of transport and communication corridors, high-tech production, wireless networks, automation of cycle streaming processes
Innovation (a5) Smart city autonomous intelligent transport and logistics system Development of the chain ‘‘training – R & D - high-tech production’’, service
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