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Manufacturing Industry Modernization As The Basis For Digitalization Of The Economy

Table 4:

Variable Coef. Std. Err. z p-value
Costs for technological innovation inn 0.00004 0.00001 3.48 0.001
Organizations that carried out scientific research, per 100,000 population org 0.11829 0.20124 0.59 0.557
Average per capita income, adjusted for the value of the consumer basket inc 1.03373 0.68338 1.51 0.130
Share of people employed in high-tech economic activities high 0.20690 0.10107 2.05 0.041
Share of employed in medium-tech high-level economic activities middle high 0.09786 0.05140 1.90 0.057
Share of employed in medium-tech low-level types of economic activity middle low 0.12000 0.05071 2.37 0.018
Share of people employed in low-tech economic activities low 0.04088 0.04734 0.86 0.388
Number of obs 85
Log likelihood -85.58906
Pseudo R2 0.2444
LR chi2(7) 55.37
Prob > chi2 0.0000
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