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Effective Public-Private Partnership In Regional Healthcare

Table 3:

Indicators 2017 2018 2019 %2019/2017
Incidence of malignant tumours (MT) in the region (per 100,000 population.) 426.5 431.1 444.1 103.4%
Patients with suspected MT sent in the SROC, total 19441 20794 23269 1149.7%
Deaths of working age people 1755 1797 1701 97%
Gross regional product per worker, rub 928 800 1 035 932 1 051 283
Actual damage, rub 1630044000 1861569804 1788232383
Possible damage, rub 1818060660 1889155551
Economic effect from reducing mortality of the working age population, rub -43509144 100 923 168
Total economic effect from reducing mortality of the working age population, rub 57 414 024
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