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Intercultural Sensitivity And Communicative-Cultural Memory In The Media-Communications Development

Table 1:

Russian media texts Non-Russian media texts
Political (discourse)
State leaders’ characteristics “Ambitious Prince Vladimir”, “ordered to destroy the statues of the old gods”, “sent his military leaders and their army to baptize people”. People “would never have tried to change their ancient faith if it had not been for the influence of the elite”. “Stalin <...> is both a cruel tyrant and a wise statesman...”. “Many consider Stalin the central figure of Russian history of the 20th century”. Yeltsin - “high level of corruption, chaos and political instability”, “defaulted”, “conducted a catastrophic “shock therapy”.International activities“The period of Peter the Great's Russian expansion.” “Emperor Alexander I made great efforts to create a “European Concert”. “Victory over Nazi Germany” – “liberation of all peoples of Europe, including Russia” “from plague and pestilence”. “Western countries applaud Gorbachev for dismantling the Soviet threat.” State leaders characteristics “A very disciplined, iron-willed, fanatical and non-sentimental man” (about Lenin), “a KGB officer who has reached the top of power in the midst of chaos and reestablished the order” (about Putin). Activity on the Russian level:“We must stick together, follow Putin, ban any opposition, even sacrifice our civil rights. (Karl OveKnausgaard «A Literary Road Trip Into the Heart of Russia. In the land of Tolstoy, Turgenev and now Putin, what are the stories Russians are telling themselves?» (New York, USA), activities)“ideology of military might and patriotism”, “a rattling parade of tanks and soldiers' stomping.”“Russia deserves to be a worldwide power”. («A River of Pictures of the Dead From Russia’s Sacred War» (USA, New York),
Discoursive meanings
Political processes in Russia's history are predetermined by the historical "absolute centralization" of power and the scale of the tasks to be solved. The features of most of Russia's major leaders are pragmatism, willingness, authoritarianism, the scale of plans, and indifference to the "cost of living" of the individual. People's traits: obedience, patience, distrust in power and reforms. Russia's international activity is most often based on a "defensive" ideology of "countermove"; it has a significant, sometimes key impact on world politics. Political leaders of the country are strong authoritarian personalities who promote artificial "homogeneity" in the society, priority of "state" obligations over personal rights. The internal policy demonstrates the gap between the interests of the authorities and those of the people. Opinions that go beyond the official ones are persecuted. Foreign policy is defined as forceful, aggressive towards countries with different political orientation, countries of Western democracy.
Text-generating practices: conceptual codes
The dynamics of assessments of the political situation both inside and outside the country periodically shift from the relative and short-lived “norm” to long periods of “decline”. Codes: “Absolute centralization”; “totalitarianism”, “authoritarianism”. Situations are assessed as going beyond the “norm” with a clear “madness”. The declared goals of the Russian “elite” in the Russian and non-Russian policy of the country are identified as “false”, “malicious”, “insidious”.Codes: the country's leaders are authoritarian and aggressive. The society is given artificial “homogeneity” under the strict supervision of the “towering towers of the Kremlin”.
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