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Rural Birthrate In The Altai Territory: Objective Factors And Territorial Loyalty

Table 2: Analysis of the relationship between the birth rate and socio-economic indicators of the Altai Territorydistricts, 2017

Indicator Relationship with fertility rates: Pearson's correlation coefficient
Working-age population, people -0.156
Average salary, rubles -0.025
Unemployment rate, % 0.125
Dearth rate, ‰ 0.083
Migration rate, ‰ -0.076
Volume of goods (work, services) produced in the district, rubles per one working-age resident 0.224*
Working-age population, people -0.209
Average salary, rubles -0.169
Unemployment rate, % -0.121
Dearth rate, ‰ -0.056
Migration rate, ‰ 0.020
Volume of goods (work, services) produced in the district, rubles per one working-age resident 0.268*
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
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