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Strategy Types Of Biggest Russian Companies As They Declare It

Table 1:

Strategy type Strategy origin Grade of deliberation/ emergence of strategy Strategy rod Flexibility based on
Planned Formal plans from the central leadership Most deliberate Common formal plans -
Entrepreneurial The central vision of a single leader Relatively deliberate but can emerge Entrepreneur’s vision Emerging new opportunities
Ideological Shared beliefs Rather deliberate The collective vision of all actors Misunderstandings of a collective vision
Umbrella Partial control of actions by leaders Partly deliberate, partly emergent and deliberately emergent Strategic boundaries defined by leaders Initiatives of actors
Process Process Partly deliberate, partly emergent, and deliberately emergent Key processes in the organization Freedom of actors to fill the process content
Unconnected Enclaves in organization Organizationally emergent Patterns shared by most actors Important actors out-of-control
Consensus Consensus Rather emergent Mutual adjustment of common patterns without common intentions Freedom of personal or group actions that follow the consensus
Imposed Environment Most emergent - Uncertainty of environment
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