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Economical Analysis Of Preventive Measures For Decreasing Absenteeism And Presenteeism In Organizations

Table 1:

No. Causes of absence from work Specific description of the cause
1. Low involvement with work Involvement with work can decrease due to the conditions in production that cause emotional and moral burnout and stress. As a result, employees lack motivation and confidence in the performance of their work (Tourigny et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2016).
2. Mobbing in the workplace First of all, cases of bossing, when an employee is bullied by their manager, can be found in the working environment. Managers undermine the competence of lower managers or their subordinates, criticise their appearance or age, discredit their relatives, pay too much attention to their background, and shift the responsibility for emerging problems with suppliers, clients, etc. Second, there are cases of staffing (mobbing “from below”) which prevent a manager from performing their direct responsibilities and discredit their activity (including provocative behaviour of employees, sabotage, rumours, intrigues, etc.). Third, there are cases of bullying when one employee or a group of employees are intentionally bullied by a certain person through ill-intentioned punishment and humiliating actions. If an employee is not provided with the required materials and tools to perform their job, if they are placed in an open plan office, isolated from information, distracted from important matters, and threatened with unemployment, etc., it also causes absenteeism.
3. Looking for a job The period of an employee’s presence in an organisation prior to their dismissal can hardly be called productive. Such physical presence can be considered as absenteeism. Without revealing their intentions, an employee spends their working time talking on the phone with their future employers or acquaintances who might know about some job offers, sending out their CV, or checking their e-mail for responses. The employee also becomes less disciplined in some aspects, for example, spends too much time on lunch breaks or going for a smoke.
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