Physical Culture: Regulator Of The Population Life’s Quality


The development of physical culture and sports is one of the most important tasks that the state solves in the course of its regulatory and financing activities. This is facilitated by increasing the sports authority of the state on the world stage, increasing the life expectancy and physical health of a person. However, this task is also directly related to the dependence of the population's quality of life on physical activity and human health. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the problem of physical and moral health of the population has worsened in many countries. This was due to an increase in various adverse economic, environmental and social factors. This article discusses the development of physical culture and sports as a method of measuring and improving the quality of life of the population, solving the problem of human life expectancy. Analyzing and comparing the experience of different countries, we will find a direct and indirect relationship between the physical health of the population and their quality of life. The study is based on official documents of the Russian Federation and news sources that will allow you to track the financing of the physical culture sector, its results and impact on the lives of the population of certain countries.

Keywords: Approaches to measuring quality of lifefinancingphysical activityquality of life


In the modern post-information society, where digital technologies and innovative discoveries in medicine, computer science, economics, physics, chemistry and a number of other sciences function, there is still a problem of improving the quality of life of the population. The decrease in life expectancy, social and economic crises have led experts to consider the problem of the quality of life of the population (Wu et al., 2017). This category should be considered in the context of a number of scientific disciplines (economics, gerontology, medicine, etc.). The categorical affiliation of the concept of quality of life is not clearly defined. The generally accepted definition of this category states that the quality of life is the degree of satisfaction of the material, physical, spiritual, social and other needs of individuals.

Meeting the material needs of people is directly related to the economy of the country and each individual. In economic theory, the quality of life and the related concepts of well-being and standard of living began to be discussed in the 60s of the 20th century at the turn of industrial and post-industrial society. In the 60s of the last century the quality of life is associated with all kinds of social benefits that individuals receive in the process of their personal growth and improvement of mental abilities.

A person's physical needs are directly related to their health. From the point of view of medicine, the quality of life of the population is defined as an integral characteristic of the physical, social, psychological, and emotional well-being of an individual in his subjective perception. This means that the quality of human life is a subjective concept for everyone, which depends on the individual's own perception of their needs. It is worth noting that the life expectancy of the population depends on the physical health of the population. This indicates a direct relationship between physical culture and the quality of life of the population (Akramov, 2020).

Problem Statement

Improving the physical health of the population is one of the main activities of the state to improve the quality of life and working capacity of the population. These indicators are directly related to improving the efficiency of the stuff work, increasing the life expectancy of the country's population, and maintaining the physical, mental, and intellectual health of the individual (Andryushchenko & Filimonova, 2018). The key issues of physical culture and sports development at the present stage of society development are: implementation of strategic and program documents in the field of physical culture and sports in accordance with the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation (Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030, 2020). One of the ways to maintain the physical health of the population is to develop the Institute of physical culture, through state funding. In this study, it is necessary to determine the main types and methods of state financing of physical culture and sports in Russia and in foreign countries. The study of special literature sources, the size and methods of financing the physical culture sector in the Russian Federation and the United States allowed us to conduct a comparative analysis. The above allowed us to identify the positive and negative aspects in the development of physical culture and sports in these countries.

Research Questions

The study made it possible to identify the components of similarity and differences in approaches to the development of physical culture and sports in different countries and the relationship of physical culture and sports with the quality of life of the population. This work uses a systematic approach to the study of the material. The analysis and research questions for this study were formulated on the basis of the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. There are several research questions that this research includes: 1. What are the main reasons for government investment in the field of physical culture? 2. What are the sources of funding for physical education? 3.What are the main areas of physical culture funding in the Russian Federation? 4. What are the main areas of physical culture funded by foreign states?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to study the issues of state funding and the development of physical culture in the Russian Federation and in countries with developed economies (on the example of the United States) on the basis of strategies and state plans for the development of physical culture and to reveal the influence of the population's involvement in health-improving and physical culture activities on the quality of life of the population. In this work, the direct dependence of the category of the quality of life of the population of the Russian Federation and the United States on the physical health of an individual is shown. To achieve the goal of the study, we: a) studied the main state sources of funding for physical culture in different countries; b) have identified the main areas of physical culture and sports that the state strives to develop; c) have established the elements of the relationship between strategies for the development of physical culture and the quality of life of the population.

Research Methods

Generalization and systematization of known data includes the study, theoretical analysis and generalization of special scientific literature on the research problem. Other research methods are based on the materials obtained during the use of this method. The use of the comparative method will allow us to conduct a comparative analysis of the financing of sports and the sphere of physical life in different countries. Generalization and systematization of data, as well as their consistent comparison, were chosen as research methods for a number of reasons: firstly, no research can do without studying, processing and systematization of information about the object under study. Secondly, the comparison method will help us to build a comparative analysis of the results of generalization and draw conclusions about the similarities and differences in the financing of this branch of culture in economically developed countries.

The data of this study are based on the study of the following information sources: strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation (Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030; Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 "Оn physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, 2007), as well as analysis of international experience in financing physical culture and sports.


There is no doubt that the task of state policy, which is of paramount importance in the sphere of social and economic life, is to create and ensure a high level of well-being of the population and improve the quality of life of people. Forming the basis for preserving and improving the physical and spiritual health of citizens contributes significantly to the achievement of this goal. Also, it is worth remembering that maintaining optimal physical fitness and physical activity throughout a person's life can be an effective method of stabilizing the health of the population. It should be noted that the physical and spiritual health of an individual is the basis of human life in modern society, determines the quality of his life. State support for physical culture and sports — in a broad sense is a system of financial, economic, organizational, legal and social support for the effective functioning and development of the sphere of physical culture and sports. Considering the international legal acts that define and regulate sports, it can be noted that the term "physical culture" is not used. This category is a feature of the Russian perception of relations in the field of sports. There are two main models in the global sports finance system — the American and European ones, which many Asian and Latin American countries also gravitate to.

It is typical for the American system that the state budget is not a direct source of funding for physical culture, but the state introduces and provides a huge number of tax incentives for the private sector that invests in the physical culture and sports movement. The European system is characterized by mixed funding with a predominance of funds from the state budget. What both models have in common is that mass sports, youth sports, and recreational activities that are largely financed from local budgets.

In this study, we will compare two models of financing and their effectiveness in the field of quality of life on the example of the following states: the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Let's present the issues of sports financing in Russia. The Russian Federation is characterized by the European model of sports financing. State policy in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia is implemented in accordance with the "Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030". This document provides for the comprehensive development of physical culture, mass sports, achievement systems, and professional sports and is aimed at involving all categories and groups of the population in physical culture and sports and ensuring the competitiveness of Russian sports on the international arena (Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030, 2020).

In accordance with article 38 "The Financing of physical culture and sport" of the Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 "Оn physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation" funding sources are: Federal budget, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation (regional budgets), the budgets of municipalities of the Russian Federation (municipal budgets) and other not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation sources. These include sponsorship activities, the grant system, income of sports organizations from business activities, income from various extra-budgetary funds to promote the development of physical culture and sports, sports lotteries (Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 "Оn physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, 2007). Analysis of statistical data shows that the targets of the strategy 2020 are mostly achieved. More than 40% of citizens regularly engage in physical culture and sports. The level of provision of the population with sports facilities of all types has reached 55.5% (the planned value is 48%).

In 2008-2019, as part of the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the implementation of strategy 2020: the number of citizens engaged in regular physical culture and sports increased from 22 million to 58.6 million people, including people with disabilities – from 0.2 million to 1.4 million people; more than 84 thousand capital sports facilities were created. The total number of sports facilities has reached 322 thousand units, including about 73 thousand units adapted to the needs of people with disabilities; more than 5.5 thousand sports facilities are included in the all-Russian register of sports facilities to take into account infrastructure opportunities for holding official sports events. There is an absolutely direct link between an increase in the number of people involved in sports and an increase in the quality and, most importantly, life expectancy. This is known not only by experts, it is obvious to everyone. Objective data just show this. The increase in life expectancy in Russia from 2009 to 2019 is more than four and a half years. This is a good indicator that indicates the relationship between physical culture and human life expectancy (Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030, 2020).

Let’s consider the issues of sports funding in the United States. The United States of America is dominated by the American model of sports funding. This means that the United States does not have a Ministry of sports, as in Russia, and the main support for sports is provided through the involvement of local communities, patrons, schools and universities. In other words, in the United States, school, student, and mass sports are entirely the prerogative of local authorities.

The implementation of healthy lifestyle support in the United States has a direct and coordinated connection with a large number of sports infrastructure facilities – whether it is street football squares or upgraded sports complexes. The peculiarity of this country is that professional sports education of children begins at school and continues in colleges and universities. Every major educational institution in the United States has at its disposal a sports complex with a swimming pool, fields, indoor arena, etc. School competitions at the state level are supervised by the national federation of school associations (NFHS), which unites more than 18 thousand educational institutions. And student competitions are handled by the national College Athletic Association (NCAA), which includes more than 1,200 high schools (Solntsev et al., 2019).

The United States National Olympic Committee (USOC) is responsible for Olympic sports in the United States, which is a public organization that does not have government funding. The NOC receives funds from sponsors (individual and corporate) and from the sale of media rights. But do not think that without state funding, the committee has no money. There is plenty of money for the maintenance of the Olympic Committee and Olympic complexes.

As noted earlier, the American model of financing physical culture and sports is typical of the lack of direct support for sports from the country's budget and the presence of a large number of tax incentives for the private sector. At the same time, professional sports in the United States are understood as a specific business area. Therefore, sports and its performance are a good way to achieve and increase profits. Recalling the national championships, it should be noted that the composition of the teams participating in the competition does not change for many years. If a team is ranked last, it does not qualify for the lower league. A change in the league's composition occurs either through the sale or purchase of a club, or through a new club that must make a large entry fee to the league, distributed among all teams.

From all of the above, we can conclude that sports in the United States is a powerful social elevator that attracts people from socially disadvantaged environments and low-income families. Examples of sports stars inspire new generations of young Americans to storm the heights of sports. Also, a large flow of young athletes, and just people who lead a healthy lifestyle, is associated with a high availability of sports, the availability of public exercise areas, etc.

In conclusion, we will conduct a comparative analysis of sports financing in Russia and the United States and its impact on the quality of life of the population; Comparative analysis of sports financing in Russia and the United States and its impact on the quality of life of the population The main criteria for comparing the financing of physical culture and sports in Russia and the United States are the following: 1) main sources of funding; 2) availability of extra-budgetary funding for sports; 3) mass availability and accessibility of sports; 4) sports education. The results of the analysis and comparison are presented in Table 1 .

Table 1 -
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Thus, we can conclude that the systems of physical culture and sports in Russia and in the United States have significant differences: 1) in the Russian Federation the main source of financing is the state budget of the country and in the United States, local budgets and extrabudgetary sources of financing; 2) in USA school and University sport is given more attention than in Russia's – there are sports leagues, schools interested in career of their students; 3) in Russia, the field of physical culture and sports is not as commercial as in the United States, where sports organizations and events are good ways to make a profit.

However, in addition to the above differences, there are also similarities in the financing systems in these countries and between them: 1) focus on the development of mass sports; 2) implementation of measures to increase the availability of physical education among the population; 3) development of the sports sphere as a way to improve the quality of life of the population.

The development of physical culture and sports has a direct impact on the life of the country's population (Ivanova & Shikhovtsov, 2017). There are several ways to consider this impact: physical health, social and economic aspects.

The direct impact of physical activity has a positive effect on human health: a) increasing the life expectancy of the population; b) strengthening human immunity; C) fighting overweight and obesity; d) increasing resilience to adverse living conditions. The physical health of an individual is directly related to the social and economic aspects of his life: a) a good physical shape of both men and women, makes the individual potentially more beautiful in the eyes of society; b) the presence of sports achievements can lead to an increase in the authority of the individual and its influence on other individuals (for example, you can recall Khabib Nurmagomedov, the UFS lightweight champion, with the largest Instagram audience in Russia – over 24 million subscribers); C) sports events, such as the Olympics, attract a large audience of people who empathize with their country, support its sport achievements, and sometimes even are elements of international politics. Also do not forget about the direct relationship between economic welfare from the development of physical culture and sports in the country: a) physical and moral health of the individual is a factor of its efficiency, which is directly connected with the welfare of that person; b) physical education and sport is the best relax after a mental activity, which is also linked to the health of the individual; d) in many states, the sport is a commercial activity that can generate large profits.


A comparative analysis of the financing of sports in Russia and the United States and its impact on the quality of life of the population indicates that the following should be considered as the main criteria for comparing the financing of physical culture and sports in Russia and the United States: 1) the main sources of financing; 2) the availability of off-budget funding for sports; 3) mass character and accessibility of sports; 4) sports education.

The systems of physical culture and sports in Russia and in the United States have significant differences: 1) in the Russian Federation, the main source of funding is the state budget of the country, and in the United States - local budgets and extra-budgetary sources of funding; 2) in the USA, school and university sports are given more attention than in Russia - there are corresponding sports leagues, schools are interested in the sports career of their students; 3) in Russia, the sphere of physical culture and sports is not as commercial sphere as in the USA, where sports organizations and events are good ways of making a profit (Levchenko et al., 2021). However, in addition to the above differences, there are also similarities in funding systems in these countries: 1) focus on the development of mass sports; 2) implementation of measures to increase the availability of physical education among the population; 3) development of the sports sphere as a way to improve the quality of life of the population. Physical culture and sports have a direct impact on the quality of life of the country's population. This influence can be considered from several angles: physical health, social and economic aspects. The direct effect of physical activity has a positive effect on human health: a) increasing the life expectancy of the population; b) strengthening human immunity; c) the fight against excess weight and obesity; d) increasing the resilience to unfavorable living conditions, etc.

The physical health of an individual is directly related to the social and economic aspects of his life: a) good physical shape of both men and women makes the individual potentially more beautiful in the eyes of society; b) the presence of high sport achievements can lead to an increase in the authority of the individual and its influence on other individuals. c) sports events, such as the Olympic Games, World Championships, Europe, gather a large audience of people who empathize with their country, "root" for its sporting achievements, and sometimes even are elements of international politics.


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30 April 2021

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Socio-economic development, digital economy, management, public administration

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Shikhovtsov, Y. V., Glotova, A., & Antipov, A. (2021). Physical Culture: Regulator Of The Population Life’s Quality. In S. I. Ashmarina, V. V. Mantulenko, M. I. Inozemtsev, & E. L. Sidorenko (Eds.), Global Challenges and Prospects of The Modern Economic Development, vol 106. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 210-217). European Publisher.