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Optimal Research Methods Of Social-Economic Systems Used For Making Management Decision

Table 3:

General management cut1. The main goals of the organization2. Long-term goals3. Short term goals4. The most acute external problems5. The most acute internal problems6. "Bottleneck" in management7. Challenges in the future8. Strengths9. Workplace problems10. Tips for management to improve management11. Objectives of the workplace12. Quantitative results of work13. Qualitative results of work Structural and functional subsystem1. How to define the goals of your work. Who defines them, where they are recorded2. Indicators for evaluating your performance3. Tasks for which you are responsible to the firm4. The role of subcontractors5. Job descriptions - relevant, useful?6. How does the management explain the purpose of your work?7. Organizational and informational interaction Personnel management subsystem1. Criteria for recruiting2. Strengths of the team3. Problems with staff4. What is needed for effective leadership of people5. Your credo in working with the team, subordinates, bosses6. Is the staff staffed7. Staff incentives8. Intercompany activities9. Employee career10. Training and professional development programs11. Satisfaction with the work of the staff
Marketing and commerce subsystem1. Image of the organization from the buyers’ point of view2. How the clientele is structured. Why?3. Advertising media4. The work of marketers5. Market research6.What is the reason for the growth / decline in sales7. Methods of product promotion8. Marketing plan9. Change in marketing budget compared to the past Communication-behavioral cut1. General mood2.Conflictness, aggressiveness, antipathy3. Attitude towards joint activities4. Tolerance of opinions5. Response in the team to the achievements and failures of the team6. Fairness in the attitude of management to subordinates7. Team activity8. Attitude towards new members Evaluation of the work of various subsystems of the organization1. Management at all levels2. Financial management3. Production planning4. Sales planning5. Information security of divisions6. Personnel qualification
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