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Approaches To Solving Economic Problems In The Governance Of Metropolitan Area

Table 1:

Spheres Problems
Economy 1. Deficit of municipal budgets2. Difference between municipalities by budget3. Negative externalities: personal income tax4. Different tariffs for services5. Deteriorating investment climate6. Decrease in labor productivity in the agglomeration7. Provision of services to non-residents of the municipality8. Autonomous development in the tourism sector9. Growth in infrastructure maintenance costs10. Developers-builders' unfair practices11. Duplication of functions12. Territorial disproportions in development (anthro-semi-desert)13. Transport collapse
Politics 1. High fragmentation of public authority2. Decline in democracy3. The process of reducing the powers of municipalities4. Lack of regulatory and legal support5. Low ability to make compromises among the leadership of municipalities6. Problems of inter-municipal cooperation7. Competition among municipalities8. Not knowing the best practices9. City Sprawl10. Difficulties of taking part in state programs
Society 1. Waste management, ecology2. Organization of cemeteries3. Difficulties in obtaining social services throughout the agglomeration4. Formation of a weak population structure5. Growth of immigration and crime6. Lack of personnel and their low qualifications7. Low availability of housing
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