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Attitude To The Family: Generational Aspect

Table 3:

What more or less positive properties are most characteristic, in Your opinion, of the behavior of people of Your generation? (several options) What more or less negative properties are most characteristic, in Your opinion, of the behavior of people of Your generation? (several options)
Place (rank) Possible answers Percent-ages Place (rank) Possible answers Percent-ages
1 1. A large circle of communication 42,1 1 5. Passion for alcoholic beverages 41,3
2 5. Orientation on a healthy lifestyle 41,6 2 2. Indifference to people around you 33,9
3 4. Focusing on career growth 39,8 3 1. Frivolity, careless attitude to life 32,7
4 8. Serious attitude to family 39,7 4 4. Lack of interest in events taking place in the country, the world 27,6
5 9. The desire to be diversified 37,3 5 3. Unwillingness to work 26,1
6 2. The desire to help people in need 25,8 6 6. The use of dishonest methods to achieve the objectives 21,5
7 11. The desire to honestly earn money 24,2 7 7. The desire to earn a lot of money at any price 18,9
8 10. The desire to get an education 22,9 8 9. Frivolous attitude to family 16,8
9 7. Patriotism 18,5 9 10. A large number of sexual relations 13,9
10 3. The desire to participate in the life of the country, to benefit Homeland 17,7 10 8. Drug craze 12,9
11 6. Responsibility to society 17,3 11 11. Careerism 8,1
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