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Current Problems Of Modern Digital Education In Russia

Table 2:

Year 2017 2018 On average, %
Thousand people % thousand people %
School teachers in total, thousand of them: 1079.9 100 1082.8 100 100
Persons under 35 years of age, thousand people. 244.3 22.62 246.1 22.73 22.68
Persons aged 36 to 59 years, thousand people. 574.0 53.15 565.6 52.23 52.69
Persons aged 60 years and older, thousand people. 261.6 24.22 271.1 25.04 24.63
Teachers of secondary vocational education in total, thousand of them: 137.0 100 139 100 100
Persons under 35 years of age, thousand people. 30.9 22.55 30.9 22.23 22.39
Persons aged 36 to 59 years, thousand people. 77.2 56.35 78.6 56.55 56.45
Persons aged 60 years and older, thousand people. 28.9 21.09 29.5 21.22 21.16
Teachers of higher educational institutions in total, thousand of them: 245.1 100 236.1 100 100
Persons under 35 years of age, thousand people. 14.8 6.04 13.1 5.55 5.79
Persons aged 36 to 59 years, thousand people. 160.8 65.61 155.2 65,73 65.67
Persons aged 60 years and older, thousand people. 69.5 28.36 67.8 28.72 28.54
*Calculated and built by (Kratkiy statisticheskiy sbornik “Obrazovaniye v tsifrakh: 2019”)
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