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Digital Product Pricing Algorithm Development

Table 3:

Environmental Factors Factors Determining Product Demand Consumer Choice Factors Supply Factors Alternative Manufacturing Opportunities
the influence of the state the level of buyer’s savings on the purchase of the product the possibility of replacing the manufacturer’s product with a competitor’s product the ratio of the volumes of the product, which is supposed to be brought to the market by the manufacturer and other suppliers the volume of products produced on the additional production line in relation to the main activity
stakeholder influence product quality characteristics, for example, accessibility, brand reputation structure of prospective consumers needs costs of production and circulation when selling the product on the market other factors
promoting channels for a product solvent customer demand for a particular product possibility of comparing producer and competitor products cost of production factors and human resources, which are necessary for the product release
general state of the country's economy useful properties of the product (product's ability to satisfy needs) comparison of markets for similar products, for example, markets for printed and electronic books various taxes, duties, excise stamps and other payments deducted to state funds
Source: developed by authors based on (Curlo, 1999; Pfouts, 1961; Piryazev, 2005)
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